
My Skill Says It's Empty

Mana came to the world and made it evolve, and with it, people evolved too. All around the world people gained access to the Life Record, an unknown force that showed them skills they gained in life: each gained one Active and one Passive skill that reflects themselves. With these skills, they can evolve alongside the world they live in, but it’s not just their world that’s evolving… Fable a young man who was tired of his life of being worthless was wandering the mountains looking for a new beginning or an end. He gained access to the Life record, and a couple of useless skills… but it was enough for him who was given a new chance, now he has to fight mutant beasts roaming the mountains with him. If he survives he’ll become more powerful, but if he dies it’s the end. Not that he cares though, or at least he didn’t care…

Dread_Sovereign · ファンタジー
7 Chs


[You have advanced to the class Mutant]

[You have obtained the Trait: Evolution]

[You're skills have reached the requirement to evolve]

Fable suddenly felt a surge of strength throughout his body which surprised him.

'Is this the benefit of advancing to a job class?' he thought to himself surprised

Fable quickly opened his status to check the changes


Name: Fable

Level: 10

Rank: Unclassified

Job: Mutant

Active Skill: Empty (Unclassified)

Passive Skill: Punching Bag (Unclassified)


- Evolution

[Allows the user to evolve, and to check evolutionary requirements]

While checking his status Fable noticed that both of his skills were glowing blue so he decided to click on them.

[Your skills have reached the requirements for evolution, would you like to evolve them?]


Fable's eyes brightened as he immediately clicked 'Yes'

[Congrats your skill 'Empty' has evolved to the Tale grade]

[Congrats your skill 'Punching Bag' has evolved to the Tale grade]

Fable could feel something within himself changing. He could feel his body become more resilient, and he felt the power of his active skill change slightly sp he checked his status.


Name: Fable

Level: 10

Rank: Tale

Job: Mutant

Active Skill: Empty (Tale grade)

[You are Empty]

Passive Skill: Punching Bag (Tale grade)

[You're a godly Punching Bag]



'The descriptions changed' He thought to himself. 

"Ooh," a small voice exclaimed next to him so he turned towards her and looked at her status.


Name: Rose

Level: 10

Rank: Tale

Job: Ice Druid

Active Skill: Freezing Gaze (Tale grade)

[A Gaze cold enough to create Frost]

Passive Skill: Fiery Heart (Tale grade)

[A moderate amount of Fire Resistance]


- Frost Sense

"I guess both our skills evolved, that's cool" Fable spoke up

Rose turned towards him smiling brightly. "Fable this is awesome! The jobs didn't give us new skills, they gave us traits!"

Fable smirked at her. "You seem excited about this" he commented

Rose raised an eyebrow at him. "Why wouldn't I be excited, both our skills evolved and we even gained new abilities which will also make fighting monsters easier!"

Fable listened to her and nodded.

"You're right, but your reaction is still funny to me," He said while chuckling.

"So... what does your frost sense do?" he asked

Rose paused for a second. "I think it lets me sense the area around me in a certain radius... I think the limit is ten meters."

Fable nodded his head. "Yeah, that'll help us a lot, my trait just says it lets me check evolutionary requirements..."

"You mean like how our skills evolved?" Rose asked

Fable nodded. "Yeah, I think it's like that, but it doesn't specify it by saying skills..."

Fable stood up and started walking towards the dead body of the bear. "I think the bear might have dropped some loot so imma go check."

Rose stood up and nodded. "Ok, then I'll go check with you."

While the two of them were picking up objects that appeared around the bear, Fable noticed that something was shining in the eye socket of the bear.

"Hm? What's this..." Fable reached his hand into the bear's eye socket and pulled out a bloody orange sphere, and he was about to put it into his pocket when a new window popped up in his eyes.

[You have obtained a Tale grade life core]

[You have unlocked the revolutionary requirements to evolve]

Fable froze. What do you mean I unlocked an evolution path?!' He yelled in his mind

[Potential Evolution]

Species: Beast Homunculi


[Danger Bear life core(1/1)]

Evolutionary trait: Beast Transformation

Fable could only just stare at the window blankly for a moment before getting excited.

"Rose! I found out what my trait does!!" He yelled excitedly

Rose stood up quickly in surprise. "Wait What! What does it do!?" She quickly spoke excitedly

Fable walked over to her quickly and showed her his status window.

Rose read through the new window quickly and as she did her smile quickly grew along with her surprise. "You can use these... life cores to evolve and gain new traits?... Fable, that's amazing!"

Fable couldn't help but smile back at her. "Yeah, but I don't know if I can only do this once so I don't think I should evolve right now... If only we had more of these life cores, then I'd be able to tell if I can evolve with any of them or if it's just the Danger Bear core." 

Rose's eyes dimmed for a moment before they brightened again. "Wait a moment, I think I might have picked up something similar from one of the mosquitos I killed..." She ruffled through a bag she was carrying on her back before she pulled out a small red sphere.

"I didn't think it was an item since no description popped up, but you take it and see if you can use it." she handed him the small life core.

[You have obtained a Unclassified life core]

[You have unlocked the revolutionary requirements to evolve]

Fable looked at the new notification before saying 'Show me the requirements' in his mind.

[Potential Evolution]

Species: Bug Homunculi


[Big Mosquito life core(1/1)]

Evolutionary trait: Blood Sucker

Fable and Rose saw the new screen pop in front of their eyes before they both started smiling with a slightly... crazy look in their eyes.

Fable was the first to speak. "Looks like I'm going to need to hunt some new monsters if I want a cool evolution."