
My Shy Boss

This book contains adult content. Jane is a very pretty young girl with a well-rounded body and sparkling hazel eyes. She is in her late twenties with a very beautiful height, she works at the town hall where she settles complaints and issues from people every day. Though it was not her dream job in the meantime she still went about her job with happiness while hoping desperately that she one day get a job at Jayco Limited. Jayco Limited was one of the highest companies in the center of New York with the highest salary and attractive work conditions. This has been her dream for so long. One day she woke up to an email from Jayco Limited asking her to start work immediately. This gladdened her heart so much because she was already losing hope of ever leaving the town hall. Jane finds out that she will be working as the secretary to a "mystical boss" as he is called at the company. Nobody has ever seen him not even in the meetings he either wears a mask or makes a call. "How will I work for somebody I can't see? Jane ponders while parking her bag for work on the first day. This disturbed Jane greatly but she picked up courage and faced it. "Let's see if this one disappears like a loser just like the rest," Jay thought silently to himself while looking at Jane's resume at his secret office. "Working with Mr. Jay sure is tough," Jane says with a big sigh while facing the ceiling in her room. But refuses to give up because she is finally working her dream job and whatever she may be experiencing is not even half of what she has seen at the town Hall. Meanwhile, Jay finds himself falling uncontrollably for Jane. But because he was very shy and had never shown his face to anyone, he hid his intense feelings for her. How long will Jay hide his feelings and face? Will have finally give up before he reveals himself? Let's find out together. *I will update very fast* *Male lead~ Jay Anderson the owner of Jayco Limited. *Female lead~Jane Owen the secretary of Mr. Jay *Mark~Mr. Jay's driver and friend since Childhood

Ebube_Darlington · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter 5- My First day

Grrr! Grrrr! At the sound of the alarm clock, Jane woke up immediately. Though still feeling sleepy she sat up and said a few words of prayer. 

Jumping out of bed she rushed inside the bathroom to take her bath. In a few minutes, she was done with her bath. She gently unfolds her hair which she has been wearing in her satin cap to keep it as pretty as it was. 

She fixed the parts that seemed messed up and immediately rushed her breakfast and the remaining preparations as she didn't want to be late on her first day. About 6 am she dashed out of the house to head to the bus stand. 

"What's holding the bus!" she said to herself after waiting for about ten minutes. She was supposed to be at the office at 7 am. This is why she made sure to leave at least one hour earlier. But it looked like all that effort would just go to waste now. 

Just as she was about to order an Uber that would cost her some extra bulk, the bus came and pulled over. 

She quickly jumped in and they drove off. Jayco company was a sight to behold. It was a tall building in the center of the city with the most modern technologies.

"Wow, this place is big!" she screamed silently in her head. Though it was not the first time she came to the place but today again it felt like the first time. 

As usual, the staff whispered to themselves as to the last time she came for an interview. She was getting used to that though she didn't know if it was out of jealousy or admiration for her beauty. Being a natural long-haired blonde added to her beauty. 

"Oh, you are here real early! Welcome Miss Jane I must commend your punctuality. I have seen your friend. Will she be able to come? I intended to show both of you around at the same time but never mind I will begin now! I don't want to delay you on your first day pretty". The old lady said happily to her and started showing her around. 

"This place is huge and beautiful!" Jane screamed out the words out of excitement. 

"Don't worry you won't get lost but you can always call if you do get lost. Let me show you where you will be staying and what you will be doing"! The old lady concluded and used the elevator. After a few minutes, the elevator stopped and they both walked out into a long hallway. As they were about to reach the end of the hallway the woman knocked and waited for ten minutes while looking at her wristwatch to count the time. 

She opened the door to a very large office that had about three more doors inside it. The bigger part of the office was neatly arranged with just the CEO's name written on the desk boldly but he was absent. Then the woman walked her into the first door that had a sign written boldly at the entrance. From the written sign she already knew it was her office and it was neatly arranged too but not as big as the main office. 

This is your office, Miss Jane. Please knock and wait for ten minutes every time you arrive at the main entrance. Mr Jay only calls once or twice a day at most. You attend his meetings and sign his contracts and deals. That is your duty. And the last door never enters that room unless asked to! The middle door is the restroom. Before you use it, press the alarm on your desk to notify you that you are leaving your office to use the restroom. If you need anything, always call. Don't forget to ask questions too! I hope you last up to a month here! I'm tired of all this so please make it a success"! She narrated everything strictly and left Jane all alone in the office. 

"The window is tinted. I can't see a thing! Really?! So it's true after all!". She said and settled down to start her job. 

"Why would he go into hiding? Is he a beast?! Or is he deformed? I mean he can fix himself with his money when he goes for plastic surgery! Where is the joy of working for a boss that I don't get to see?! Or maybe he is a vampire! Oh my God, I think I found out the reason why he can't mingle with people. He is afraid that he might go savage and then drink the blood of his workers! He is a vampire! And maybe also an ugly one!" Jane said all this loudly in her office. 

Just then her phone rang and it was Jay on the phone. "A vampire?! You are the worst among all! How can you think that of me?! You compare to those blood-sucking creatures! Mind what you say from now on or I will suck you dry first!" he warned her and ended the call. Meanwhile, Jane was frightened and scared that everything she said about him was heard by him actually but how?!. 

She looks around and notices that her office has been wired with tiny speakers that you can't see unless you look more closely. Jay wanted to keep that speaker secret the whole time Jane was to stay to know if she was a spy just like the former secretary but he changed his mind. Immediately he heard her calling him a vampire and all sorts of names.

He burst out laughing so much that his ribs began to hurt her. 

This was the first time he had laughed heartily in years. "She is funny! Real funny but I can't let this slide!". That was when he picked up the office phone to call her. 

Jane was startled for the whole day because of what happened and she silently studied the files on her desk. 

When it was lunch time the woman that showed her around had a tray of food for her. "How is it going for you?! The lady asked Jane with a smile and placed the food to leave. 

Jane started making signs to show her the tiny speakers. 

"Oh about that I forgot to tell you! His former secretary planned to terminate him so he planted those speakers to monitor the new ones like you. He doesn't trust anybody else but himself! No cameras I assure you and he turns it on on his own will so I can't tell you when he puts it on or not"! The lady whispered to her and left after her words. 

"So first I have to understand how the speaker works! Or else he would always have to catch me lacking and don't like that at all!" she thought in her head while looking up at the ceiling to check for signs.