
My Second Chance at Forever

Cereus thought she'd found love with her high school tutor, Collin. But when he mysteriously vanishes without a word, she's left heartbroken. Years later, she moves on and begins dating Matthew, a charming guy with a dark secret that could potentially ruin their relationship. Meanwhile, Cereus's best friend gets entangled with an online dater, unaware he can change the fate of her best friend forever. The question is, Will past flame rekindle in Cereus' heart? or Will she learn to move on from the echoes of past heartbreak and find love in Matthew? ___ Note: This is my first book, so please be patient with me. ___ Hello! I am participating in the WSA 2024, please support the book! And I hope you enjoy it! ___ Note: This is a purely fictional story, and any resemblance to real life is a coincidence.

aza_0_0 · 都市
52 Chs

Chapter 9: Big Brother's Battle, Flirty Texts, and Flickering Hope

The gleaming glass doors of Wusan Conglomerate hissed open with an air of finality as Collin strode through, his tailored suit as sharp as the glint in his steely grey eyes. Secretary Wang, a man perpetually on the verge of a caffeine-induced meltdown, barely managed a harried, "Good morning, Mr. CEO."

Collin offered a curt nod, his expression as unreadable as a financial spreadsheet. The man was a walking contradiction – undeniably handsome in a brooding way, with dark hair that seemed perpetually windswept even indoors, but radiating a coldness that could curdle milk. He was young for a CEO, having taken the reins after his father's surprise retirement, but years of navigating corporate sharks had etched lines around his eyes that spoke of battles fought and won.

Collin settled into his immaculate office, the silence broken only by the whirring of the air conditioner. He reached for a file, then paused, his gaze landing on the second drawer of his desk. A ghost of a smirk played on his lips, fleeting as a summer breeze.

Just then, a notification buzzed on his phone – a picture message. It was from his younger brother, Leo, a wide-eyed teenager with a penchant for video games and questionable fashion choices. The picture showed a forlorn-looking cartoon character with the caption "Please… give controller back. Exams are evil."

Collin's smirk widened. Leo, ever the drama queen. He'd confiscated Leo's precious game console that morning before dragging the boy off to college. The exams looming on the horizon were deemed more important than virtual dragon slaying, much to Leo's vocal and also melodramatic dismay.

He tapped out a single word in reply: "Study."

The reply was immediate, a flurry of emojis depicting wailing faces and pixelated fire. Collin chuckled a low rumble that surprised even him. It wasn't often the stoic CEO allowed himself such a lapse. He pocketed his phone, the ghost of a smile lingering on his lips. Perhaps, just perhaps, a ruthless corporate titan could have a hidden soft spot for a gaming-obsessed younger brother. Just don't tell the board. The image might damage his carefully cultivated aura of cold-blooded efficiency.

A new message buzzed on Collin's phone, jolting him back to the mountain of paperwork. He wasn't expecting another missive from his melodramatic brother so soon. He unlocked the phone, bracing himself for another tantrum about controller injustice.

But the message wasn't what he anticipated. "Hey, big brother. Forget about the controller," Leo's text read. "I met a girl online, and she's asking me to meet her friends this weekend. Help your dear younger brother out? You know my fashion sense, let's just say, compared to my wardrobe, a troll under a bridge looks like a fashion icon."

Collin barked out a surprised laugh, a sound that startled Secretary Wang, who was tiptoeing past the office door with a steaming cup of what looked suspiciously like espresso. Is the CEO laughing? Now that was an anomaly that deserved a double take. 

Shaking his head, Collin tapped out a reply. "Fine. You're lucky I have a few hours free this evening. We'll go shopping after work. But don't think this buys back the controller permanently."

He hit send and a satisfied sigh escaped his lips. The game console wasn't the only distraction Leo had now, it seemed. A girl, huh? He couldn't remember the last time his brother had shown any interest in anything remotely resembling the real world, outside of pixels and power-ups.

Another sigh, this one laced with a hint of amusement. Troubles of being an older brother, he thought, a faint warmth spreading through his chest. He was about to lock his phone when a mischievous thought struck him. With a quick tap, he sent another text to Leo:

"P.S. Wear something decent. No neon green and spiked hair this time."

He could practically hear Leo's groan from across town. A small smile played on Collin's lips as he turned back to his work. The day suddenly seemed less daunting, the board meeting less of a dragon to be slain, replaced by the unexpected challenge of fashion consultant to his unpredictable brother. It was a far cry from the usual boardroom battles, but maybe, it was a battle he wouldn't mind winning.

__ __ __

Leo starts typing, "Sounds awesome! Can't wait to meet your friends.", and sends the message to Molly. Seeing this, Molly replies "OK" to Leo, then takes her head out of her phone, and informs Cereus and Matthew. "So, it's on! We're meeting Leo and his friends this Sunday, 10 am, at Central Perk."

Hearing this, Cereus smiled as she said, "Central Perk, huh? Sounds like a fun crowd." Matthew simply nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face.

Meanwhile, Molly's phone beeps for another time, indicating a message from Leo.

Leo: "Actually, how about we meet virtually a little sooner? Maybe a video call tomorrow morning? Just wanna see that beautiful face before the weekend brightens up mine even more."

Molly was giggling at the sight of the message and was busy composing a reply to Leo, her fingers flying across the keyboard.

Molly: "Early morning, huh? I wouldn't want to leave you breathless before we even meet my friends! See you tomorrow morning then! Sleep well (and maybe set an extra alarm ;)) "

Cereus watched Molly exchange flirty texts with Leo, a genuine smile gracing her lips. Seeing Molly so invested and happy with this newfound connection with Leo brought warmth to Cereus' chest.

"You seem happy," Matthew's voice cut through Cereus' thoughts.

Cereus glanced at him, surprised by the perceptive glint in his eyes. "Just happy for Molly," she admitted easily. "It's good to see her so excited about something."

Matthew nodded, a flicker of something unreadable crossing his features before he offered a small smile. "Yeah, she deserves it."

The conversation trailed off, leaving a comfortable silence in its wake. 

__ __ __


Cereus was on the way back home from college, humming happily when she started contemplating the past few days. Cereus couldn't help but think of Matthew. " His presence is undeniable, a constant hum beneath the surface of their lives. Molly's practically glowing with this new guy, Leo. And seeing her so happy...well, it makes me happy too. Maybe, just maybe, things are finally looking up for all of us." She wasn't sure what the future held, but right now, Cereus couldn't help but feel a flicker of hope.

Hi, whoever is reading.

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This book is participating in WSA, hope you support it!

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