
My Sea, My Home ( BL )

An LGBTQ+ boys' love story revolving around Teo and Josh, who not only belong to different worlds, in addition they have to find their call in life to find out who they truly are. Teodoro Robbins, also known as Teo, a young man passionate about cooking joined his brother's crew to support him, in his new adventure on board of Victoria, Ramon's small cruise ship, where he even made friends he considers family. After a fortuitous incident he met a stunning man in uniform, Captain Joseph Johnson (Josh), who -to his luck- turned out to be the son of one of the toughest guests the embarkation have had ever since it sailed the first time. Fate brought them together so they could discover there is always hopes to find a brighter future even if the waters are turbulent. Survival is key, but could their hearts be strong enough to bear what's coming? Besides, some it contains some side stories within Get on board to find out more as a wonderful love story born deep in the sea anchors at home inland. Trigger warning: Male pregnancy. Use of harsh language in some parts. Adult scenes/Sexual tension, not the whole story just certain episodes. Disclaimer: It's a work of art portraying fictional characters created by the author, myself, so don't take them personal, if some words offend you they are part of the plot as certain scenes are taken from real life events the aithor has witnessed or experienced before, henceforth the use of certain expressions within the story. A/N: If you love messy boy love stories then give it a try, the ride will be fun at the end.

AdriLieben · ファンタジー
68 Chs

Episode 32: ... yeah

The short male's jaw dropped to the floor as he couldn't believe what happened in such a short amount of time, his eyes widened considering how far they went, now getting an insight of Teo's behavior.

"So he talked with his lawyer when he was there"

"Yup…" Teo replied.

"Then we just gotta make sure the old lady doesn't stick her nose in. You could straight up asking him about this matter"

"I don't want him to think I'm pressuring him into anything" Teo let out a sigh right after.

"You two gotta talk about it at some point, better sooner than later" the shorter male state as matter of fact.

"Not today. I don't wanna talk about that. What if he gets mad?" Teo pouted as he spoke, not really wanting to ruin the mood.

Jimeno crossed his arms, his eyes narrowing into slits as he observed his friend's childish behavior.

"If he gets mad then so be it. That'd give you an idea of how he reacts when tough matters rose up."

Teo scowled, his lips pursuing further, his tone defeated, "Fine… I will ask him" he just said that to silence his friend not like he was really going to ask Josh about that now.

Maybe it was his fear to know how far his mom would go to get his goal what stopped him to do so.

Jimeno noticed how quiet his friend became after he, somewhat, agreed with his suggestion, worrying him a little.

He patted Teo's back getting him out of his thoughts causing him to jump a little, eyes widening.

"How much do you miss him?" He tried to find out if it was deeper than simply liking someone or just an illusion.

Teo avoided looking at his friend, mumbling some gibberish under his friend's kind gaze which he knew were analyzing him.

"Gotchu, man. Just try to not fall for him" he warned his friend, afraid he might get hurt if he were to fall for the wrong person.

This got Teo's attention as he lifted his head to stare at his friend, absolutely confused, "Hold up, why can't I?"

The shorter male grinned, "I don't mean you can't, just not yet, you two just met and you don't know him very well. Take your time getting to know him first. I get it's attraction, but keep your heart safe until you know how serious he is about you"

Teo's eyebrows knitted together as his lips formed a thin line, not knowing why his friend's words got onto his wrong side.

"Sure. I won't" his short reply came out colder than he expected yet he didn't try to correct it either.

"Don't get mad. I'm just trying to look after you" Jimeno's voice softened even more smiling softly, "But if you fell already just try to not fall even more, long distance whatever-it-is can be heartbreaking and I don't want my bestie suffering or crying because he didn't call you or texted you"

"He promised he'd keep me updated on his whereabouts and he would call me everyday, even twice a day" he defended, not wishing to think on the downside of the implications behind their current situation.

"I hope he keeps his promise or I'll break his bones" the shorter male smiled when he spoke, giving him finger guns as he was not joking about it.

"The only thing you're breaking is the silence. Now tell me, why didn't you tell me you had a crush on Jack?" Teo crossed his arms observing his best friend carefully as he gasped as he was taken off guard.

"Don't look at me like that. Nothing had happened yet. I don't really think he has noticed either" the shorter let out a sigh in disappointment.

"So you're giving me love advice when your own love life haven't even sprung"

Teo enounced as Jimeno smacked his arm trying to defend himself.

"It's different. I've known the man over years. I've given him hints in any way possible yet he can't see what I mean" the shorter male held his head dramatically as if pulling out his hair.

"Whadya mean? Hints? If by hints you mean your terrible flirting, bad jokes, stare at him and following him as a lost puppy then you won't progress ever" Teo stated as he really thought his friend only admired the man as he did everything Jack wanted without questioning him ever.

"What do you want me to do? To tackle him down and kiss him?" He laughed sarcastically whilst Teo nodded.

"You can't be serious, bro! He's gon' think I'm mad" Jimeno gasped in horror, not really prepared to do such a bold action.

"I don't mean literally but why don't you confess your feelings? Nobody is going to notice if you don't straight up tell him" Teo's intentions were helping his friend, although now finding himself in this position he never thought he would be giving someone advice to win his former crush heart.

"He would turn me down or mock at me" the short male looked even shorter when he huddled up his legs up to his chest on the cushion making him look tiny.

"Why are you so sure?" Teo came to sit closer to his friend pulling him closer.

"I once said: 'We should adopt a kitty and get a house on the country side' I said that when Angello was babysitting his brother's cat, you wanna know what was his answer?"

Jimeno chuckled at himself to not let the bittersweet memory pass by as Teo hummed really curious to know why his friend sounded so heartbroken, "He said: 'Sounds like a great idea. We'll get parties and bring our wives along, even our children will be besties'"

Jimeno couldn't speak anymore as he choked on his tears clinging onto his friend, sobbing like a lost child, Teo patted his back, he really couldn't fathom the thought if Josh would have cut off his advances, however now he's pondering within himself who took the initiative.

Once the shoter male calmed down he spoke again, "Do you have any idea how much it hurt to even picture him with someone else? Like I know he had dated a bunch of people but I want to be the one he grows older with. I want to be the one he sees when he wakes up every morning and every night, I wanna be the one in his mind, his biggest supporter. I wanna be the one he builds a family with, not just his 'friend' that freaking hurts" he said in a single breath as his heart beat painfully within his chest.

"I bet if I were to be honest he would just laugh like he always does" clutching Teo's shirt.

The latter's eyes watered as every word came out at heart making him feel how much his friend had endured as he always saw him laughing, keeping his pain to himself, God not even he knew both of them had a crush on the same man.

To know he was going to confess said man the night of the incident happened breaks his heart as he almost takes the most precious being from his friend's life selfishly.

"I'm sorry" he muttered, pecking his friend's head.

Jimeno pulled away from his friend's hold shaking his head, smiling even though it didn't reach his eyes, "Why are you sorry now? Don't pity me. I know my love life sucks but that's why I don't want you to suffer because you fell for the wrong person or someone who only sees you as a friend. It's too late for me to keep me from it, but I think we can still help you to not dive in further." He wiped off his tears as he tried to sound cheerful.

"What makes you think it's not too late?" Even Teo amused himself with his own answer scowling to himself.

Jimeno's eyes widened, covering his mouth as he let out a low squeaky screech.

"Are you for real? Just on a day?"

Teo coughed a little as he just said the words not even knowing why he did it, "I don't know. I mean, the only person I thought I was in love with was Jack, those were years going on circles." This statement made his friend frown a little.

"Save me the detail, I beg" the shorter expressed his discomfort not really wishing to know how his friend fantasized about his man.

"O-ok… I don't know how I feel about Josh, but now I know how I feel about Jack, he doesn't interest me in that way anymore. I still admire him but just there. However Josh… I don't even know how to put this into words" he let out an audible sigh in frustration as everything was a whirlpool within his head.

"We could tell you like him. Assuming more than that would be rushing into things. Let's say you kinda miss spending time with him because you wanted to get to know him" he rubbed Teo's arm as the boy seemed confused.

"I guess that's why" he nodded trying to convince himself that was the reason ignoring all the voices screaming in his head.

"Just make sure it doesn't escalate at least no yet until you have him face to face."

He got up from his seat leaving a lost Teo sitting on the cushion.

"Mhmm. I promise" he smiled.

"I'll go to see if dinner is ready and call for you if it is" Jimeno enounced as he made his way to the door with Teo's eyes on his back.

"Thank, buddy!"

"Take a nap in the meantime, you might need one" he smiled smugly before closing the door before a pillow crushed with the now closed door.