
Chapter 2: Queen Amanda

“Queen Amanda!” Violeta’s voice makes my brain tell my legs to run, I fight the urge though. “Will you please pay attention?” Violeta phrases it as a question but I know that coming from her, it’s an order.

Although I now have the title of Queen, Violeta hasn’t started to treat me differently. I find myself appreciating it. There are a couple of people who don’t treat me differently, most of them are the royal family, and my best friends, but even Lucas’ entourage has begun to act differently around me. Liam still will on the occasion offer me a sympathetic glance or a gentle ribbing but Alfonso and Cadence have both taken a more professional stance when I’m around. I usually only see them when it pertains to royal matters so that might be why they act professional, we haven’t had the opportunity to spend time with them as just friends.

“Amanda!” Violeta scolds me again and I blow my hair out of my face.

“Yes, ma’am. Sorry,” I mumble, which earns me a look from Violeta. She has already told me many times not to mumble. “Sorry,” I speak clearly now and she nods.

“Now that you are Queen, the people of Ojuelo will expect more from you,” Violeta circles me. “They will look up to you. It doesn’t matter that you are an American, not that there is anything wrong with that,” Violeta adds and I chuckle at the phrase, which earns me another sharp look.

“Not that there is anything wrong with that,” I repeat and Violeta nods.

“Yes,” Violeta stamps her cane on the ground and I flinch this time but I refrain from jumping. “Now, focus, child. We’ve spent an hour and a half together and I feel you’ve learned nothing.”

“Only an hour and a half?” I mumble under my breath and thankfully Violeta has crossed the room and is out of earshot. I catch a side eye from her and worry that she heard me but she doesn’t say anything.

I used to dread having these lessons with Violeta and yes, she continues to terrify me but it feels like everyone else walks on eggshells around me. Violeta speaks to me like I am a student, and currently a student that isn’t doing well in class. She uses my proper titles whenever Lucas or Queen Amaya is around, but she never misses the opportunity to correct me when my posture is lacking.

“Put your shoes back on before someone sees you’re barefoot in the palace,” Violeta instructs and I realize there are so many rules that I don’t know.

“I really can’t be barefoot in the palace?” I question and Violeta thinks for a second before responding.

“It is unbecoming of a Queen to be barefoot while there is business to be done,” Violeta says as an explanation. I huff but put my shoes back on. I guess it makes sense. It would be inappropriate to go barefoot while at work.

“If this were a movie, this would be like a twenty-second montage of me learning how to be a Queen,” I comment as I stare ahead at the wall and walk slowly, trying to keep my posture prim and proper.

“Princess Mia spent two movies learning how to be a Princess and then a Queen, which would have taken many years. So, you can handle a two-hour lesson every so often,” Violeta says with a small smile and it stuns me so much that I stumble.

“You’ve seen the Princess Diaries?” I gape at her.

“Close your mouth, Your Majesty,” Violeta says and I snap my mouth shut but I still stare at her in awe. Violeta is full of surprises. Violeta looks up at the clock on the wall and sighs. “Alright, that’s the end of our lessons today.”

“Same time tomorrow?” I smile and try to be polite.

“No,” Violeta goes to the piano and begins packing her things. “We will meet next week at the same time.”

“Oh, we’re not meeting again this week?” I ask and Violeta shakes her head.

“You’re had a busy few weeks. It is okay to take time off to adjust,” Violeta offers me a look that almost seems sympathetic and kind.

“Thank you, Violeta,” I say and I guess I speak too softly because she gives me a stern look. I stand up straight and address her once more, “Thank you for all your help.”

“You have much to learn,” Violeta says then she appraises me, “but you are not hopeless.” Violeta nods when I smile at her then she struts out of the room.

I drop into a nearby chair and kick off the heels. Rubbing my feet to get the knots out, I look around the beautiful room. The ornate details always leave me in awe. I hear footsteps running down the hallway and I quickly pull on the ballet flats that Violeta had a maid pick up for me. They are quite comfortable.

“Queen Amanda,” a young maid bursts into the room, and she looks flushed as she bows deeply in front of me, “I apologize for being late.”

“What do you mean?” I stand up and approach the woman.

“Your first meeting starts in fifteen minutes and I know you wanted someone to come to get you when it was thirty minutes away,” the woman speaks quickly and I chuckle.

“Breathe,” I say, feeling the need to remind her. She pauses and takes a deep breath. “What’s your name? I don’t think we’ve officially met before.” I had seen her before, helping Maria with a task, but I hadn’t had much time to officially meet too many people who worked here.

“My name is Bridgette, Your Majesty,” Bridgette bows again and I debate telling her not to but she looks nervous already and I know that would throw her off even more.

“It’s nice to meet you, Bridgette,” I say and I smile at her. Bridgette smiles timidly back at me. “What meeting?” I ask, getting back on topic.

“It’s your first day,” Bridgette says and the revelation hits me.

My first day at the family company. I am forever grateful that Dad let me work from home, or rather work from across the country. These time zone differences are going to use some getting used to.

“Right! Thank you, Bridgette!” I grab my heels and scurry past her, then remember Violeta might be nearby so I slow my pace. ‘Bridgette,” I call and she jogs to catch up with me.

“Yes, Your Majesty?”

“Will you please bring some tea and scones to the cottage?” I ask as we quickly walk through the castle.

“Yes, Your Majesty,” Bridgette obliges and she hurries off in the opposite directions. I want to call out to stop her so I can give her my preferences but I’m sure the Chef will know exactly what I like.

Now, I have a meeting to attend and hopefully, it will be the start of a great first day.