
My reincarnation: A parents wish

Hello readers....umm i would say this is my first work so it is not going to be that good but i gave a try maybe you can too. its about a young man given a second chance at life after suffering in his first one in a bed. he gets to decide what kind of world he will transmigrate into. for now he is just a boy trying to learn more about his fantasies but who knows what is in store for him in his fate. lets follow him and uncover his mysteries along with him as he journey through the new world.

Anupam_Singh_7408 · ファンタジー
22 Chs

chapter 11

Next morning he was in search of a water source, to wash himself and all. Straining his ears he tried to hear the sound of flowing water. Circling around the deeper parts of middle area for a couple of hours he finally came across a river.

Washing himself he cooked his food for whole day and night. Seeing that the atmosphere here was perfect for meditating he sat down to do it for an hour.

In this hour many beasts came here to quench their thirst, there were both kinds of beasts' herbivores and carnivores.

Herbivores ones outright ignored him while others just growled at him and went on their way after drinking water, an hour later he was ready to move on and today he was motivated to use the sword he got some months ago.

For starters he attacked the goblins with it, as he was using a long range weapon from last year, going short range was very awkward for him.

Fighting with his claws just came naturally to him but the sword was like very awkward and strange. But the goblins were only able to scratch him.

In few hours he got bored of it and gave up. As he was thinking what to do, getting a cave to stay near the river was the only thing that came to his mind.

Going on his search for a cave he first circled the area near the river in search of a cave, it took him some time but he was able to find a well and empty cave not far from the river.

Setting his things in the cave he sat down to relax for a while, after roaming here and there for so long he was tiered. The time he took to find this cave was not long and it was evening now, he took out something to eat and chewed on it slowly.

Having his fill he took out his sword and casually practiced with it, waiting for the time of dinner and his hunt to come.

In a few it hours it was finally dark he lit up a fire and ate his dinner in peace, after which he went out to hunt which he was anticipating from the morning, leaving the fire lit to keep the cave warm for when he returns to sleep.

Coming out from the cave went away from the river memorizing the path towards it, after a while he was in his hunting area he sniffed the air.

Today too he while face the same beast. Sniffing the air he found another beast that he encountered yesterday. He charged at it without any warning quickly closing in and clashing his claws with its.

They pushed at one another for a while, and then retreated a few steps back. Eyeing each other for a few moments they pounced at each other again.

This time they both got injured, Dale in the shoulder and the beast near its stomach. The beast grunted in pain and Dale just gritted his teeth and drank another potion.

They went on each other for many hours in which Dale injured the beast many times and vice versa, these hours was very much enjoyable for Dale.

Maybe because his first life was just one room and a bed on it or that wolfs bloodline was just messing with his mind making him more and more like a beast? Whatever it was he was happy with what he was doing now.

The beast was drained and fell off quickly giving Dale a chance to finish it off. Noticing how many hours have passed he stored the beast and went back to the cave he found.

When he reached there as he expected the cave was warmer perfect for a good night's sleep, laying down his sleeping bag he ate some food and went off to sleep.

Next morning he was on the river meditating, and similar to yesterday the other beasts ignored him. Now, meditation was not really necessary but it had become something like a tool to clear his mind and calm down for an hour in this forest.

After an hour he took his bath and went back to the cave and ate his breakfast, after which he absorbed the two crystals he was able to obtain out of the three panther like beast he killed.

For today he decided he will just stay in the cave and ask Alice some general knowledge of this world, like the level of technology, how humans interact with other species and much more.

[This world is way bigger than your previous one and houses many continents, some of which are even bigger than on earth.]

[Out of these continents some are exclusive to a particular race, some are filled with wars and some promote diversity.]

[The ones that promote diversity are also having many versions, few have complete diversity and many have biased it means some weaker races are oppressed to a great degree. On some of these humans also come in weaker races.]

[So you have to count on your luck. There are also a few which are completely isolated and not much is known about them.]

[As for technology level it varies from place to place.]

"Say what do you think? Will I be able to find some place to learn spells once I get out of here?"

[I can't say anything about it as I am also as new to this world as you are I just have some knowledge to not make you look out of the place.]

"Then let's go and play with some wolfs." Navigating through the forest he went ahead towards the cave in which he saw them living.

Arriving there didn't take much time, but as he arrived he saw there were many of them outside and among them there was a very big one probably their alpha.

They looked like they were ready for a big hunt, bad luck for them Dale out for their blood. Readying his claws he charged at them, for a while everything was good but the large numbers were slowly starting to give him some trouble.

Clawing at the one on the left and finishing it he just turned but the one on the right got him by the shoulder, twisting its head he turned to attack another one but got bitten in his legs, grabbing its jaws he teared them apart.

As the injuries were piling up he noticed the alpha is still not in the fight and was peacefully observing them, he finally took out his spear and started slicing here there madly, and it resulted in reducing the number of enemies.

Seeing that its pack was slowly dwindling it finally decided to join the fray. It was around 9 Foots and it had bright red stripes across its whole body.

[Be careful this one is more adapt in using mana and can use fire element to, you can tell it by its red stripes.] Just as the alpha entered the rest of the pack stepped aside.

Eyeing each other they charged but the difference was the alpha's claws were ablaze, tried to dodge but still got hit and was also not able to give a deep wound to it.

Changing the spear to double axe he charged again and got injured again but he was not bleeding due to the flames and also injured the alpha heavily it howled and charged at him at a faster speed he just stood there and waited.

As it got in range he side stepped and attacked its neck but a fire wall blocked it. They went on like this till the alpha's mana depleted after which it was just a sitting chicken waiting to be butchered and cooked.

He was also very much exhausted so he just took its corpse and left leaving the pack behind so they at least don't go extinct in this forest.

He first went to the river nursed his wounds and took a big bath to relax after which he just went back ate the alpha and slept, clearly not in the mood to venture in the night.

He slept till next afternoon his body still in pain, he could use potions but he remembered that there was a thing that if you use potions too many time you get immune to them.

Seeing that the pain was not subsiding he went to the river and meditated for an hour mainly circling the mana in the area of injuries and the effects were visible to naked eyes the burn marks got smaller and the slashes were also being filled

After doing it for three more days he will be ready again to fight the beasts of night, he concluded he would just rest for three days and do light exercises to no make his body stiff and cramped in the middle of a fight.

Going back he slowly started absorbing the mana form the alpha's crystal just at the rate at which his own mana flowed not risking any more injuries this took him the whole day and he was lucky to able to finish it just before the dinner.

Taking out his food he placed it one the fire and then called his status to check his progress.


NAME: Dale Huston

AGE: 16

RACE: Human

STR: 45

AGL: 49

DEF: 45


PER: 45

MANA: 450

BLOOD LINE: Grey Wolf (23%)


Seeing his progress he could say that coming here was a good decision, he also saw his age and realized he had been here for a year now.

He continued to think random things till he got the smell of his cooked food which he quickly devoured and then went to sleep.