
An interview with the protagonist

"So, you wanna write my story? Then it will certainly be a sad story. " He said with a slight smile on his face. Though it looked like a sorrowful one to me.

"You ask why? Because there's nothing in my story that can make people happy. To be honest, it's quite boring. It is filled with painful memories."

"You still wanna do it. Well, then what can I say"

"Hero? Don't do that. Who's gonna like a whine, scared hero? Everyone prefers a powerful, good-looking, strong protagonist. Even, I prefer that. Readers gonna hate you if you make me the hero of the story."

From the look of his eyes, It felt like he has gone through a lot, and the Unwavering expression on his face was enough to prove that.

From the beginning? You say. Well, It all started....

I'm Jodan Libert, a college student. My life changed when I picked up that diary. The normal good for nothing life became more dreadful than I ever could think.

Hope You guys follow the Journey with Jodan.

Slave_of_Realitycreators' thoughts