
My Psychopath Brother

Horor dan Thriller
連載中 · 1.7K ビュー
  • 1 章
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What is My Psychopath Brother

WebNovel で公開されている、Dinar_Cahya_Nabila の作者が書いた My Psychopath Brother の小説を読んでください。Gilbran Melviano Alexander. Seorang pria keturunan Turki-Rusia yang mempunyai hobi mengoleksi jantung manusia. Sangat aneh bukan? Kebiasaan sehari-hari Gilbran,yaitu membunuh orang yang tidak bersalah...


Gilbran Melviano Alexander. Seorang pria keturunan Turki-Rusia yang mempunyai hobi mengoleksi jantung manusia. Sangat aneh bukan? Kebiasaan sehari-hari Gilbran,yaitu membunuh orang yang tidak bersalah sama sekali. Gilbran menyukai darah, ia juga sangat menyukai semua isi yang ada didalam perut korbannya itu. Hanya 1 orang yang bisa mencegah Gilbran melakukan hal gila itu. Dia Ersya. Adik kecil Gilbran yang sangat Gilbran sayangi. Ersya terkadang sulit untuk mencegah kakaknya agar tidak membunuh orang lagi. Kakaknya itu sangat keras kepala,sama seperti Alm. Ayahnya. Ah! Ngomong-ngomong soal Ayah, saat ini gadis cantik itu sangat merindukan Ayahnya. Ayahnya dulu meninggal dengan keadaan yang cukup mengenaskan. Darah dimana-mana,bagian dada yang terbuka lebar,bagian bibir yang sobek, dan beberapa tusukann dibagian mata dan kepalanya. Dan ulah dari semua itu adalah ulah Kakaknya. Sangat brengsek bukan sifat asli dari seorang Gilbran Melviano Alexander ini.


A Night With The Villainess: Assassin Don't Fall In Love

Skye is a helpless girl who was orphaned at six. Left in a cruel world to fend for herself and her little sister, Rose, Skye has no choice but to become bad. She is rescued from being beaten to death when she was caught stealing some bread at age thirteen by a mysterious man. Seeing her poor living condition,the man,Duv Amol takes the poor girl's situation to his advantage and promises to take care of her and her sister if she works for him. She agrees but has no idea what's in store for her. Ten years later, Skye appears as a very beautiful assassin that never fails in any mission she is assigned. She keeps her line of work from her sister, Rose who lives a normal life and thinks her big sister is a business woman. Skye operates with a code name, Vixen and when she is assigned to kill a rich CEO, her life changes forever. As planned, they cross paths making it seem as fate and in the process of achieving her goal,she falls in love with him. They share a night together, giving her ample opportunity to kill him but she just couldn't. She flees the scene and runs away with her sister. Chase, her lover looks everywhere for her but can't find her and he isn't the only one looking,Duv Amol is after her life. Nine months later, she delivers a girl in a hospital but it was a mistake on her part,she is injected with poison and dies. Reincarnating to be Terra,a poor, maltreated girl who is forced to work as a maid for Chase by her aunt can she cope with her new life and finally have the family she was deprived of. What is Chase's reaction when he finds out that Skye is dead and can he ever find out that Terra is Skye. Is Terra totally safe from Duv Amol and her past mistakes or will they catch up with her even in her second life?

Bademosi_Catherine · 都市
2 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


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