
Disclosure 1

Inside of a dark void, there seemed to be a silhouette floating, this silhouette is that of a boy whose left leg's lower part is in a terrible condition right now.

His knee bone has been shattered, his shin area right below the knee bone, is completely destroyed, and his instep has been punctured.

Despite all that, his expression is still as calm as a quiet lake. As if his injuries don't matter to him at all.


I am inside of the pocket dimension of [Inventory]. And I would be screaming in agony right about now, if not for my [Gamer's mind]'s pain nullification effect.

As for who put me in this sorry state? It's yours truly.

Why? Well, in simple terms, by injuring myself I am planning to go to the infirmary where Ms Agnes is.

So why did I wait for the third period? It's simply because as I've said teachers don't care about me so even if I were to get extremely injured they will still turn a blind eye to it. Especially when the anti-magic barrier is active,

That's why I've to wait til the third period because in the third period someone who does care about me will come.

She is one of the teachers who the previous Yin managed to seduce in his time here. When she sees me in this condition she would instantly take me to the infirmary, from there I can execute my plan to seduce Ms Agnes.

I am sure I will meet Ms Agnes this way because in the entire academy she is the only human who can use healing even when the Anti-magic is active, because she is a dark healer, anyone with a dark affinity can nullify any and all types of magic.

Even Anti-magic barriers don't work on them.

They are that strong.

And she is the only healer who uses dark elements for healing so I will be in her care.

When I will leave my [Inventory] time will start flowing again, I've everything planned out, from how the teacher will react to my broken leg to what my excuses are.

Let's do this!

After preparing my mentality I urged the system to stop the pain nullification effect so my pained reactions look as natural as possible because, otherwise even my classmates will be able to tell that I am faking it because of their noble training that they have gone through since childhood.

[Exiting the Inventory]


The sun has risen, and the beautiful birds are chirping, seemingly thanking the sun for brightening the world. Certainly the beginning of a very pleasant day.

As usual, I am sitting in one of my infirmary's chairs, looking outside the window that shows the beautiful wildlife of the island while drinking my coffee. My assistants are on a break at the moment.

The infirmary of the school is usually empty because in the academy most of the teachers know how to heal somebody with the help of their own magic affinity.

Those who don't know usually get someone's help on the matter, still as the best academy of the empire it has 10 separate infirmaries spread all over the academy.

Because of this I spend most of my time in the infirmary drinking coffee, and eating cookies. Had it been anyone else they might have turned into a living meatball due to the calories but since I can maintain my body with healing magic it doesn't pose any problems to me.


"Ms Agnes, it's an emergency! It's Yin! He somehow fell from his desk and got himself injured, his left leg is completely crippled!"

Suddenly I heard a woman calling me as she rushed into the infirmary with a boy who was barely standing with the help of the woman, on the verge of losing consciousness.

His left leg was in a terrible condition, even though he was wearing his pants which were covering his legs. I can tell he is in a very terrible shape.

Instantly the several problems that can happen to him right this moment popped up in my head.

Quickly shaking off all the possible what ifs, I said to the woman,

"Ms Michelle gently lay him down on the bed, I will be back in a few seconds!" With that I ran off to get a magic crystal that can catalytic my powers and channel them on the boy to help him.


'Ohh my gosh! God dammit! God go gay on me I don't care just stop this pain!!!' were the only thoughts that's in my mind at the moment, in my previous life, I never had to face any physical fight or anything like that, the reason is simple I used to walk surrounded by bodyguards whose sole purpose was to protect me even at the cost of their life, and they did an incredible job.

In my entire previous life, I never had a single scratch on my body, even though I was the top priority of all the terrorist organisations, at the time.

But because of that, now I feel like if I had known every language of the world then they would have gotten the honor of getting cursed in all those languages, I am seriously regretting turning off my pain nullification just to not get suspicious of those snotty nosed brats!

My thoughts slowly started to clear up as I saw black bandages and a white crystal wrapped around my left leg,

Even though I had some regrets the plan worked successfully, I managed to enter the infirmary, and,

"A-Are you al-a-alright now?" sitting right next to me I noticed Ms Agnes, who was looking at me with teary eyes, holding both of her hands together. From the looks of it she seemed to be praying for my well being, oh so adorable she is…

" Well, can I be anything else but perfect with you being the one to take care of me?"

I said, as my hand subconsciously moved upward to pat her head, and then patted it.

Oh Crap, this is bad! Me patting her is definitely not according to the script, the pain made me lose my edge, what the hell, now she will think that I am treating her as a child, it might hurt her pride as one of the strongest mages, she might kill me…!!

Should I use my escape pla- "Umm~! Hehehe"

My train of thoughts got interrupted by the pleased sound she made and the next second both of our eyes widened, both for different reasons.

Her eyes widened because she let out the strange noise, then a blush gradually took over her face, as she looked away, seemingly embarrassed by her action.

And I stared at her with utter speechlessness.

What the hell, she is a mature, merciless, and cold woman according to the information of [Almighty Awareness] and the system said that whatever information the skill will relay is as true as the truth of the world, but here I am, looking at a woman, mature woman who is acting like a kid…

What's going on here…

As hundreds of thoughts entered my brain I quickly realized that something is very wrong here, and to find out what's wrong here there is only one way, and that is…


Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!! How could I let out such a shameful sound right in front of the one person I wanted to look the most presentable, at first he saw me crying and now this! I should just dig myself a hole and then bury myself in,

Oh gosh if only I had rabbit ears I would have covered my face with it!!

This is not right, calm yourself, that's right calm down Agnes calm down, be a calm Agnes not an embarassed Agnes


I am getting delusional!

After calming myself enough I finally looked at him, and looking at him, even though he had a shocked look on his face, I can't help but be amazed by how cute he is…

White hairs, purple eyes, a skin tone that resembles snow, adorned by a very beautiful black ear piercing on his left eye.

But then his expression started to change from shock to contemplation, then understanding, and finally after a calculating light passed through his eyes his expression changed into an innocent smile.

Normally it would've been impossible to see these changes but thanks to superhuman reflexes and perception, I noticed all of them. But this is still surprising and very impressive for an ordinary huma- my thoughts got interrupted by the next thing that came out of his mouth and my eyes widened.

"You're not Ms Agnes, are you?" He said, with a very innocent smile on his face.

In normal circumstances I would have been mesmerized by his smile but this not normal,

"W-What do you mean?"

I tried to say that as nicely as I could but I have no way to know how it came out.

Looking at me he sighed, and then shook his head as if he just confirmed something, and then he looked at me with a 'Oh you poor thing.' look as he once again said,

"Pardon me, I should have realized it sooner, so let me rephrase my words, you are not, The Blood Water Empress, Ms Elizabeth Agnes Farnandos, are you?"

Hearing this my eyes widened, and my mind went black as the only thing that was in my mind made an escape from my mouth,

"H-How d-did you find out?"
