

It was December 31, 2021, a day that Joey would never forget.

Lying lazily on his bed, his gaze would constantly drift towards the window, falling on the bright lights and Christmas trees.

Joey never liked the holidays. It just reminded him of the day he dreaded the most, his birthday. Today Joey was supposed to turn sixteen, following his entrance to military school.

But Joey didn't care about that. No. He had more important things in mind.

"What's the matter, Joe, scared of the dark?" A taunting voice said, landing a painful punch in Joey's gut, causing him to puke out blood.

"I told you, Greg. I don't have any money!" Joey struggled to say through his broken jaw.

"Wrong answer!" A fatal blow was delivered to Joey's face, and hr blacked out.

Joey jolted out of his daze. It had been weeks since the incident had happened, but the memory still terrorized him day and night. Like an unforgettable sin.

Joey has always been bullied for being weak, despite being an Improved. It was sad. Someone who was naturally stronger than regular humans being beaten like that.

Joey never knew the reason why he was born this way. Perhaps it had something to do with his DNA. Maybe. All Joey could do all his life was try his best to fight back, despite knowing the outcome every time.

He had considered suicide many times, but never went through with it. He felt like it was a waste of his life. Despite his life already being a waste, he still felt like he could do something about it. Some how.

Looking out the window, Joey saw a shooting star flying by. He always thought doing this was quite cheesy. But with the way his life was, he didn't think so any more.

Closing eyes, he muttered his wish.

"I wish to change my destiny."

Hello readers! This is my first book. Set in modern time. It's about a teenager who wished to change his life and got the Phoenix System. Hope you stick around to read it. I'll try my best to be uploading three chapters daily. Please vote and comment.
