
My only way out

作者: Craz_Writes
連載中 · 456 ビュー
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What is My only way out

WebNovel で公開されている、Craz_Writes の作者が書いた My only way out の小説を読んでください。“Your life is in danger. Say nothing to anyone. You must leave the city immediately and never return. Repeat: say nothing."... Raya Peters a single mother of twenty two read out. This was the second t...


“Your life is in danger. Say nothing to anyone. You must leave the city immediately and never return. Repeat: say nothing."... Raya Peters a single mother of twenty two read out. This was the second time she was receiving an odd message from this same number. Who was after her life? What does she have to offer? She was just a bar attendant. Her life has been a mess after being abandoned by her baby’s daddy. She was just a babysitter then for his little sister, although she felt that they had some secrets behind the family. Why did her life take another turn when she finds a photograph in her baby daddy’s room? Who was this mysterious stranger that was asking her to flee from town? How was she supposed to know if her life was truly in danger? Who was going to help her with her baby? All these and many more questions rang in her head. What happens when she finds this mysterious stranger? Who was he and what was he after? Love? Money? Fame? She had none of that to give. Was he her only way out of death? What will become of them? Was she going to give in? Find out how Raya discovers the mystery lurking around her “My only way out”; a mysterious romance story

5 タグ

I became the younger brother of the Yandere heroine.

I found myself reincarnated into a video game where all the heroines have Yandere tendencies, meaning they become dangerously obsessed with their love interest and resort to violent and psychotic behavior. However, I am not the love interest of any of the heroines. Instead, I am the younger brother of one of the heroines, who in the game's ending, becomes a ruthless killer, targeting and killing her own family in a fit of jealousy and possessiveness. Knowing the fate that awaits my family, I must find a way to stop my older sister from becoming a Yandere and killing everyone. However, this is easier said than done, as Yanderes are known for being extremely difficult to reason with and often resort to violence at the slightest hint of betrayal or rejection. I start to investigate my sister's behavior and try to find out what triggers her Yandere tendencies. I also try to build a strong bond with her and make her understand that our family loves and cares for her. Along the way, I encounter the other heroines, who all have varying degrees of Yandere tendencies and may either help or hinder my efforts to save my family. As I delve deeper into the game's world and unravel the secrets behind the heroines' Yandere tendencies, I must tread carefully and make difficult decisions that could determine the fate of my family and the game's world as a whole. Will I be able to save my sister and my family, or will I fall victim to the Yanderes' twisted love? N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate.

Dwaystowniessr · ファンタジー
6 Chs


Malam telah larut, bintang bertaburan di angkasa. Bulan tak menampakan wajahnya, udara semakin dingin menusuk menembus kulit. Begitu indahnya pemandangan malam, tampak seorang wanita sedang berdiri di balkon rumahnya. Kesunyian malam membuatnya merasakan kesepian, netranya menatap sendu sebuah bingkai foto yang berada di tangannya. Terlihat seorang pria berparas tampan, rahang tegas sedikit brewok menghias wajahnya. Tersenyum tipis mengarah padanya, sosok yang beberapa bulan terakhir ini dia rindukan. Pria yang telah menemaninya selama tujuh tahun terakhir ini. Kini sosok pria itu telah meninggalkannya untuk selama-lamanya. Air matanya tumpah membasahi bingkai foto yang digenggamnya erat. Kepergian pria itu menyisakan kepedihan mendalam kepeda wanita berparas cantik bernama Claudya Nataly Olivier. Ya, Claud harus kehilangan suaminya disaat musuh menyerang mansion mereka. Kala wanita itu lengah melindungi dirinya sendiri. Musuhnya ber ada tepat di belakangnya, siap melancarkan aksinya untuk menyerang. Beruntung Wester melihatnya dan berlari melindungi istri tercintanya. Namun naas iya sedikit terlambat menghindari tembakan yang telah ditarik pelatuknya, sehingga peluru itu tepat mengenai organ vitalnya. Yang mebuatnya mengalami pendarahan dan meregang nyawa usai mengalahkan musuhnya. Sanggupkah Claud bertahan tanpa suaminya, atau akankah Ia menemukan penggantinya? Pembalasan dendam seperti apa yang Claud lakukan untuk kematian Suaminya? Saksikan kisahnya di "Sang Penguasa"

Laruz_A · 都市
1 Chs

Gravity Falls: The Lord of Darkness

A heads up the first few chapters maybe confusing but alot of the content in them is explained and will be explained later so bare with them. Without further ado I give you this stories synopsis. A boy named Dipper pines goes to a place in Oregon called Gravity falls to see his Gruncle Stan, a few weeks before he has to go to Oregon he discovers this website on the occult, he gives a sacrifice of sorts and utters a chant then he blacks out, and when he wakes up he discovers a book and begins to learn the inner workings of magic, but it's not as simple as that read to find out more. It's a reincarnation of sorts it was a normal person who was reincarnated no wishes no knowledge nothing but maybe the occasional vision from his past, and who was reincarnated and who reincarnated him that's a secret until its revealed. And just a heads up it's a darker Dipper, this dipper went through years of being ignored and in that time he trained in some martial arts muay tai and the likes, and due to mor having many social interactions holding him down and other factors he was online and it reading alot researching all manner of subjects until one in particular took his fancy, and that subject was the occult it amazes him with intricacies of magic, demons, and concoctions they wrote these based on science and seemed completely believable, and he started making it his goal to become apart of that world, that seemingly imaginative world, and adventually he got what he desired most, now shall we follow him on his journey. ______________________________________________ Now Here's a quote from my people DO YOU KNOW DAE WAE? By the way my name is *Tongue click* ELAE and I do know DA WAE. I know it's a dead meme but it was my favorite meme at the time of writing my old synopsis still is one of my favorites so live with it, my people have spoken. Anywho jokes aside have a very nice day and enjoy my hard work, that is all I ask for and all I strive for is to write quality content for YOU the reader that is all, I hope this synopsis proves adequate, perhaps it isn't but push on through the first chapters and you will enjoy pretty decent quality writing. Well seeya around readers.

deadly_orange · テレビ
9 Chs

The 100: Rise of the Elemental Warrior

Rebecca had been a normal person. She had a family, friends, a job, and lived her life until she was 37 then suddenly died in a car accident. Although she had never considered the afterlife, she never expected that she would spend it living through television shows and videogames. The person who she knew as her older brother returned to her after she died and revealed that he was a God. Instead of allowing her to reincarnate, he took her soul, and that of another's, and placed them both into the world of The 100 as important characters. Aside from their knowledge of the plotline, he gave them both unique abilities that they will be able to teach to the other... if they can find each other, that is. Rebecca, now Octavia Blake, must learn how to use her new powers while surviving in a world of Grounders, Mountain Men, a looming second Death Wave of radiation, and a crazy cult that is determined to start the Last War. Can she save herself and those she comes to accept as family? Or will her meddling with the timeline make new dangers appear? ********************** Chapters are released at the resets on Wednesdays and Fridays. Also, I'm trying to make the MC as 'human' as possible, so in the beginning, she will make bad decisions, questionable choices, and be scared of coming forward, but she will grow from all of that and become a strong, confidence MC. Please leave me comments or a rating if you like it! None of my friends and family will read this, so I just want some serious feedback! lol

Azazii · テレビ
100 Chs

Wealthy Daily Life Of Mrs. Gu

On her wedding night, Mu Wan sat at the side of the bed, feeling anxious. Then, a man’s heated chest embraced her from behind. “Let me go,” said Mu Wan with fear in her eyes. He clearly didn’t care for her, so why must he lock her up? She tried to struggle but he tightened his hold. His eyes were filled with a possessiveness over her as they scanned over every inch of her. “Let go?” His eyes glinted icily. “Mu Wan, you should be aware of what your duty is tonight.” The entire city knew of Gu Tingyuan’s detached personality, his indifference, and that he felt nothing for his newlywed wife, Mu Wan! Once Mu Wan actually married him… “Daddy, Mommy said that marrying you was her lifelong dream!” A tiny head said as it poked into their bedroom. Staring at the little child who looked just like him, Gu Tingyuan grinned. “Is that so?” Mu Wan was exasperated. Staring at her three-year-old son, she barked, “Gu Chengyan, what nonsense are you spouting?!” The little child answered earnestly, “I’m saying the truth!” Mu Wan was speechless. Before their marriage, he was the city’s most distinguished and unattainable bachelor, as well as one of the scarce few CEOs. After their marriage, he became a doting husband who was obsessed with his wife. No riches in the world could compare to his Mu Wan. During their breathtaking wedding ceremony, someone asked, “Mr. Gu, for a person like you, who has the world’s attention and affection, do you have any dreams?” Gu Tingyuan answered, “Of course I do.” “Then, what is your dream?” “To marry Mu Wan.”

Demiel · 一般的
40 Chs


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  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


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No One 17 and Under Admittedmature rating