
7. Orchestra

"If you're so well versed in the way around this musical wing. Could you point me in the direction of the Orchestra room?" Jyun asks.

"Dude." Il-Sung says, "We're standing right next to it."

There were no thanks, just Jyun walking away embarrassed with laughter behind him.

Walking into the room, he walks into a large room filled with stringed instruments, drums, and his golden finger in the left corner of the room, collecting dust.

"Hey! You must be Jyun-Woo, right?" The teacher says, "It's kind of sad you're the only piano player that we could find easily."

"Yeah, Ms Choi offered me a spot here," Jyun explains.

"Well, if you'd sit down at the piano and give us all a little demonstration," The teacher commands.

Just like that, Jyun is sitting at the piano.

"Alright, everyone! If you could listen to our new pianist, please." The teacher says. With the insinuating silence brought by the teachers' announcement, Jyun starts playing the piano. He was messing around with the keys before he figured out what he was going to play.

Jyun was enjoying himself, playing the piano without a care in the world.

After 4 minutes of playing, He finishes playing the song. There was light applause.

"Wow, Jyun-Woo! You're good, aren't you?" Says the teacher.

"Thank you! I practise time to time," Jyun responds, "Nothing special."

"Well, I hope you can continue to be outstanding with us here, alright?" The teacher says hopefully.

Instead of responding, Jyun just smiles and walks away. He takes a look around. The orchestra room is large, just large enough to fit every instrument with comfort.

Almost everyone in the room is looking at him, except for one person. The teacher.

After he's finished wandering around the room, someone walks up to him. It was a pretty girl. About average height, simple curves, and a pretty face to top it off.

"I heard you're new here?" The lady asks.

"I indeed am. Do you need something from me?" Jyun asks back.

"Yeah, I just have a quick question." She says, "Do you have a phone?"

"I do, yeah?" Jyun responds, "What about it?"

"Could I see it for a moment?" She asks.

Without thinking, he turns it on and hands it to her. Without a breath in between, she starts tapping on his phone. A second later, giving it back.

"My name's Ye-Eun." Yu-Eun smiles while walking away.

There was almost a visible question mark above Jyun's head. He starts browsing his phone, looking for what she could've changed.

Jyun finally found it. She added her number to his phone.


You've gained the passive Title,

"Daylight seducing"

This Title adds 20 to your charm while doing anything impressive.


'I just played the piano," Jyun thinks, "What's so impressive?"

"That'd be because, first, no one knows anything about you. Second, not everyone can play the piano." the System responds.

"Well, now that everyone should be here. Let's start practising, shall we?" The teacher says, "And Jyun-Woo, could you please come up here?"

"Yes, teacher?" Jyun asks.

"I called you up here to ask a little about you." His teacher responds, "Have you ever sight read before?"

"I have indeed," Jyun says.

"Have you ever orchestrated before?" The teacher asks.

"No, I have not, teacher," Jyun says, confused.

"I want you to make us a little something." The teacher says, pushing him onto the podium, "Make a little remix of a song you know."

A couple of seconds processing later, He decides the song that he thinks sounds best. He looks around at the instruments to find the ones he finds that'll best suit his needs.

"I've figured out the song. Now I just need the correct instrument for the job." Jyun says, "I got it! If the violins could come up please,"

I forgot to add a little witty remark at the end. "If you aren't thinking of 2653 ways to end the lives of ours, You aren't living."

Schmerzcreators' thoughts