In this fanfic, we delve into the world of Overlord, a century prior to Ainz Ooal Gown and Nazarick's arrival in the New World. Lyla, a female player, finds herself transported to this realm, but instead of seeking dominion, she opts for a life of anonymity. Her heart finds solace in the arms of Kellan, a native of the New World, and their love gives rise to a remarkable son, Lucian. Lucian, known for his prodigious intellect from a young age, possesses far more beneath the surface. Gifted with a deep understanding of the world around him, Lucian has acquired knowledge about the impending arrival of Ainz and Nazarick. However, burdened with this foreknowledge, he must navigate the complexities of destiny, love, and loyalty. --- cover: (I don't have permission to use it and if the owner objects I will replace it)
Night descended upon the city of Tokyo, painting the sky with a kaleidoscope of lights radiating from every corner. The bustling streets remained filled with pedestrians making their way home after a long day's work.
They hurriedly moved towards their humble abodes, where their children and spouses patiently awaited their return. Amidst the crowd, one individual stood out not due to his appearance, but because of his attire. Known as Daniel Lee, he donned a loose brown tunic accompanied by a high-collared cape, flowing trousers, and a pair of well-worn leather shoes. His ensemble exuded a distinctiveness that captivated the attention of some passersby, who recognized it as a garment reminiscent of medieval times, while others simply gazed on in awe.
Daniel, a young man in his early twenties, clutched a modestly thick book titled "Overlord" tightly in his hands. A radiant gleam sparkled in his eyes, hinting at the exhilaration he felt as if he had stumbled upon a priceless treasure.
Every contour of his face exhibited an enthusiasm difficult to conceal. A smile graced his lips, reflecting the profound contentment that filled his heart. For him, this book was a gateway to an extraordinary realm, a place where his imagination could soar and boundless adventures awaited.
In a reality that sometimes felt monotonous and predictable, this book became a window into a realm of wonders. Daniel relished the opportunity to momentarily escape the confines of the every day, immersing himself in a narrative so captivating and enchanting.
[Daniel POV]
"Hahaha, I can finally read it," I exclaimed happily, a broad smile lighting up my face. It might seem odd to you why I'm so thrilled about a book that was released three months ago. However, for someone like me who needs to be mindful of expenses, having the opportunity to read this book feels like a priceless gift.
As a student studying abroad, money always plays a limiting role in our daily choices and activities. Each expenditure requires careful consideration, often leading to personal sacrifices for financial stability.
Fortunately, thanks to the kindness of a friend, I was given the chance to borrow this book. It may sound a bit unconventional or even embarrassing, but to me, it represents an opportunity not to be missed. As a lifelong learner, I firmly believe that reading serves as a gateway to a realm of boundless knowledge and imagination.
In the case of "Overlord," it has captivated my interest since I first heard about it. With its epic adventures and captivating fantasy world, this book offers me a momentary escape from reality, allowing me to experience the enchantment within its pages.
As I hold the long-awaited book in my hands, I feel like I possess a ticket to a world brimming with significance and adventure. I am ready to delve into each page, immersing myself in the captivating story and getting to know the vibrant characters that dwell within.
Therefore, as I gaze upon the cherished book I've yearned for, I cannot contain my excitement and gratitude towards my friend for granting me the opportunity to explore the world of "Overlord." I know that in mere moments, I will embark on an extraordinary journey through boundless imagination, an indescribable joy waiting to unfold.
Unfortunately, as I became engrossed in the enchanting world of the book, I lost all awareness of my surroundings. The once lively atmosphere around me transformed into an eerie silence. Suddenly, a speeding truck careened out of control, crashing into me with tremendous force.
In an instant, my body was violently propelled through the air before crashing heavily onto the ground. Immense pain overwhelmed every inch of my being, robbing me of sensation and consciousness. My mind descended into utter darkness, trapped within an infinite abyss.
I don't know how much time had elapsed, but eventually, my consciousness returned to me. However, the moment I opened my eyes, an indescribable sense of unfamiliarity washed over me. My body felt incredibly heavy as if I were submerged in the depths of an ocean, struggling against its weight.
Every movement I made felt sluggish and burdened, as if an invisible force held me back, resisting my attempts to move with ease. It was as though I found myself trapped within an unusually potent gravitational field, impeding my freedom of movement.
Despite my best efforts to overcome the overwhelming heaviness that anchored my body, exhaustion soon consumed me. The force pressing down on me seemed insurmountable. After persevering for a while, I reluctantly conceded and decided to cease my struggle, recognizing that persisting would only bring me closer to losing consciousness once more.
With no alternative but to acknowledge my inability to combat this phenomenon on my own, I experienced frustration, yet also grasped the limits of my capabilities in such circumstances.
Instead, I resolved to accept the reality that, for now, I could only wait. I had to await the passing of this situation or the arrival of assistance. I allowed myself to feel the creeping uncertainty and anxiety infiltrate my mind. Each passing second seemed to stretch out, as if time itself slowed down, while I remained trapped in a state of ignorance and emptiness.
Nevertheless, despite the unfavorable conditions, I endeavored to hold onto hope and faith that a way out of this predicament existed. I understood that patience and composure were essential, for I had no choice but to wait in anticipation, relying on the passage of time to bring forth the answers or changes I sought.
Time continued to elapse, and it seemed as if centuries had passed since this moment. If this situation persisted, I feared that my sanity would slip away. Occasionally, faint whispers slipped into my mind, further adding to the weight I bore. Strangely, whenever my mind became overwhelmed, a profound loss of consciousness would wash over me. It was as if my brain's capacity was diminishing, unable to contain the torrent of thoughts flooding my mind.
In the depths of my mental state, an unusual notion abruptly struck me. It felt as though there was a common thread linking the ideas racing through my mind. Then, a startling realization dawned upon me, like a newborn's first breath. Hold on a minute, could it be possible? Does this imply that I am regressing into infancy? The thought flickered fleetingly, intensifying the confusion swirling within.
Upon closer contemplation, however, this idea started to make a peculiar sense. How could one retain consciousness after death? Though it may sound far-fetched, I chose to embrace this answer as the foundation of my thinking.
Yet, another thought soon besieged me, bringing inevitable unease. If it were true that I currently existed in a state of infancy, it meant there would come a moment when I would be reborn. The question remained, "When will that moment arrive?"
The waiting felt interminable, and if it was indeed the case that I would undergo the process of rebirth, each passing second without any sign of it felt like an eternity stretching endlessly. Anxiety gripped me, and the yearning to uncover the answer overwhelmed my being.
However, just as my worries reached their zenith, without any prior warning or indication, a force abruptly tugged at me. It was as if an invisible presence forcefully pulled me. Tremors coursed through my body, and the sensation was so intense, it felt as if I were being crushed. The force surged through me at incredible speed, akin to being caught in a whirlwind of energy enveloping my very being.
[3rd pov]
In a room tinged with tension, four individuals gathered, each carrying a mixture of emotions. Two of them donned nuns' attire, their white collars symbolizing devotion and purity. Their countenances exuded sincerity and tenderness, poised to offer aid and support in times of distress. Among them stood a man in a loose-fitting brown tunic and trousers, emanating a strong and comforting presence. He was the husband of the red-haired woman reclining on the bed.
The woman's belly displayed the beautiful swell of pregnancy, signaling the development of new life within. The time for labor had arrived, and this was the long-awaited moment. The two nuns stood ready to assume their roles as helpers, armed with the expertise and knowledge they had honed over years of training. They were prepared to provide medical assistance and emotional solace to the woman lying on the bed.
By her side, the man in the brown tunic stood steadfast, ready to offer unwavering moral support to his wife during labor. His visage exuded warmth and courage, poised to be her pillar of strength at this pivotal juncture.
In the room suffused with tranquility, the two nuns reached a mutual understanding to divide their tasks. The first nun, with her expertise and experience, prepared to provide direct assistance during the inevitable labor process. Gently and attentively, she clasped the red-haired woman's hand, offering invaluable emotional support.
Meanwhile, the second nun recognized the significance of attending to the needs of the first nun at this moment. She diligently aided in procuring all the necessary instruments and equipment required for the delivery, ensuring meticulous preparation and flawless arrangement.
However, the second nun's responsibilities extended beyond that. She possessed a vital role in providing spiritual support and healing. With utmost solemnity, she recited healing mantras with unwavering focus. Her voice resonated within the room, suffusing it with a gentle yet potent aura of healing energy. Every uttered word carried hope and strength, imparting a sense of serenity and protection upon the laboring woman.
The labor was fraught with tension but ultimately successful. With the unwavering support of the first nun and the assistance of the second nun, the mother successfully delivered her child, safe and sound.
As the baby emerged into the world, their cries filled the room, a tangible testament to life. That little sound reverberated, signifying their well-being. The first cry became the melody of existence, an expression of bravery and resilience that stirred joy in the hearts of everyone present.