

"mom Please don't go " SAHAR screamed for her leaving mother who was going to marry to another man after divorce . SAHAR was crying outside her house. Her father was living in another CITY P so SAHAR went to meet her father after her mother betrayal. "DAD ! do you still love MOM" "YEAH" ......Her father said . "why do you love more than she does.she even betray you over that MAN" "SHE IS IN LOVE ! MY CHILD . Everything is fair in LOVE." --father said "EVEN BETRAYAL"---painful SAHAR asked her father. " ITS MY MISTAKE TO NOT MAKE HER FALL IN LOVE WITH ME " ---Father said.... Father ZHOUNEIL said ---SAHAR , tell me --- IF you LOVE & TRUST Someone whole heartedly but the someone special broke your heart and trust what will you do with him....? SAHAR :--that was last day of our love and relationship. I will never forgive him. Father ZHOUNEIL :--The BETRAYAL will kill your heart. (tears fell down from his eyes) SAHAR comforted his father with tightly hug. 'I PROMISE FATHER ,I WILL NEVER BETRAY ANYONE AND BECAME LIKE YOU.' Abruptly Her father said----"NO , Don't be like me ever"...... CITY P : XUO COMPANY EVAN :----I will do everything for MY XUO business....I will break my words ,deals,and trust for my success too...... Smith :---did you betray me and my company ? You lair ! you bug ! you cheated us. EVAN:-- MR SMITH !.......I like to win by HOOK OR BY CROOK.For my company & Success I will sacrifice a prey like you. when A man is showing his little body in front of Shark that would be last day of his life.....and yeah !one more thing I am not saint here in businesses who will not betray you. (smirk) SO EVERYONE BE CAREFUL TO ME & MY BETRAYALS.......I AM BACK TO CITY P. MEETING ADJOURNED..... After saying this XUO EVAN left the Entertainment group meeting of country X. ......... So this is howThis novel based on LOVE , Trust, Faith , relationships & betrayal .....FOR know about more what happened to SAHAR ' s parents and what will happen when SAHAR met EVAN....... stick to this novel.... give a chance me & my novel ..... Keep voting.... respectable comments in words... AUTHOR @KLNC_LV

KLNC_LV · 都市
34 Chs

saved or escaped?....

It was the time to leave company with ease and peace as Sahar had hoped for , nothing happened but she didn't know what is waiting for her tomorrow .

Sahar shared few words to Sassy and Daisy before leaving the office , then Sahar heard

' ting ' sound and saw that HD SHEELA was also coming from elevator.

Sahar stopped where she was and was trying to avoid the chance to not cross her path with lioness again who would be ready to hunt her in one second . Its better for her to play safe.

HD SHEELA came across ground floor with purse in her left hand and dark blue blazer in her right hand as she wore eye catching but professional dress to looking afar business woman attire.She looks perfect for HD but Scary a little , Sahar thought herself.

Another man was following her with few of important files in his hand and informing her about a report which was looking like need of her approvals but looking at her expression , she didn't glance at his file at single second but still listening what he had to say. Looking at her posture , it felt like HD Sheela already knew he was trying to convince her at any cost .

'But who is she?'

'none other than HEAD DIRECTOR SHEELA.'

'You can't convince her this easily without any preparation.'

"Phew~~ though lady " Sahar concluded it

HD SHEELA crossed and her eyes met

Sahar 's eyes for second but didn't stopped her feet . End of the office door , she halted in her steps , turned and said to that man who was following her, something which can't be heard from far but by looking at him can be summarised as his convincing power is not so strong as much Miss Sheela is and looking like all went wrong for sure , that Sahar concluded again.

Miss Sheela left and man came back in the office.

"uff~~ poor man !" she murmured but As the man about to crossed her, way back to his office cabin Sahar said to him---" it hurts ! but you will be alright ! work hard ! fighting!".

The man looked at her up to down as a crazy girl came into Company or by mistake someone let her in . Without saying anything to her, he just left---"she is strange" he murmured.

" Pity for man ! he wasn't in his real state". she thinks when she didn't get any reply from him.

Sassy and Daisy had informed Sahar before that they stayed half hour more than all bosses because thats their time shedule for company . So Sahar didn't wait for longer , saying bye to them ,she came out from office building with others employees who were in hurry to go home with happy faces and leaving but why it is feeling like they were running.

"Looking at their faces , anyone can say that they are released from jail not from office after their everyday's punishment "-- Sahar murmured .

A man came behind which surprised her and he spoke to her --" They were happy because they were gonna meet their families whom for they are working hard but that doesn't mean they are unhappy here . "

Sahar eyes widened in shock that he must hear it what she murmured few seconds ago but soon she turned around with normal expression and saw a bodygaurd named

" ONE " card on his neck , working as bodygard for company whom she met in morning and also he was the one who stopped her from entering inside office.

"What? did you say something to me". Sahar tried to act innocent in front of him.

"What? did you heard something from me". He played cleverly with her as she did .

" Ohh! No .... nothing." Sahar replied.

"So you are saved" another bodygaurd along with ' one' named 'ZERO' said to her.

" What do you mean?" her smiling face when she was talking to 'ONE' lessen while hearing ZERO's statement .

Mr. ONE slapped behind head of Mr. ZERO.

ZERO didn't say anything but smiled and asked with twisted tone --"I-I mean , How's your first day, I think it was SUPER GOOD "

Sahar can notice his twisted tone and weight on the word "super good" and replied him back with same tone but smiling__

" YEAH! Just like you all...okay then I leave bye !"

As she left them behind , ZERO laughed and ONE sighed to seeing his another friend reactions but he heard him to saying---" Do you believe 'she is saved or just escaped today ' and left for roasting only." thinking deep he continued---"How can RIHAAN boss leave her this easily.Days are gonna be tough in this company for her".

'ONE' saw Sahar who is going further away to them till her back vanished from their eye side and said--" if she could handle all challenges then she will stay longer in the company too.so don't judge book by cover this early who knows one day she will mock on your face for you to stay here for same post as bodygard but she will became superior in company... got it !"

ZERO retorted back--" I am not mocking at her but feeling strange how can a simple girl survived one day in this company without any experience.becauae it's new like sun rise from West not to east in RIHAAN boss working space".

'ONE' nodded and said--" that's right but always get ready for new things because you don't know when things gets start to change .okay ! lets get back to work" .

their shift will changed with other bodygaurd at 6'0clk .

Assistant SU had heard their conversation and they were shocked to see him behind as both of them turned around but Assistant SU acted as he didn't listen what they were talking about , he smiled and walked away towards his car .

Assistant SU sat inside his car and ignite the engine with on button to way back from company to his home . but As took turn he stopped his car when he saw Sahar ,he thought-- she is waiting for her driver or car , so he waited and staring at her long from not so far.

Just five minutes later a cab came and she sat inside and left but that surprise assistant SU --" why she didn't come with her car ? strange ! I don't know why but I don't want to believe on RIHAAN this time but for that you have to prove him wrong Miss SAHAR ."(he left)


(not edited yet)...

what do you think ? saved or escaped !

after such a long months past , I got a tym to write and without even editing I publish it. whenever in future I get tym I will work on editing so keep reading....

KLNC_LVcreators' thoughts