
Your back??

"Dipper may I come in?" Mable asks. "Um sure," I reply, forgetting I was snuggling with Bill. "Um, Pinetree won't Mable be a little alarmed to see me?" Bill asks. "I don't know. I don't think she'll mind," I say snuggling deeper into his chest. "Dipper are you okay?"

I forgot Bill can't enter our world unless he has a body. "Yes I'm fine," I lie. Mable can see right through me. "What happened."

After explaining

"Oh, dipper are you okay?" She asks, jumping on to me. "Yeah, I just wish he could be here you know. So I didn't have to pretend," tears are running down my cheeks. "Dipper are you sure your okay? Wait… Doesn't bill have a human body?" "He did. Mable… I-I think I need some alone time.

Mabel's POV

"Ok, bro-bro I'll leave you to it," I say leaving the bed. I spot the journal on the ground. I snatch it up real fast. I walk out of the room making sure to close the door. I walk down the hall to our old playroom this out to be good.

I place the book on the craft table and sit. "Now time to find Bills page," I say aloud. But quite enough that the only person to hear is me.

"Well, well, well. Shooting star what do you want." "Get a body,'' I blurt out. "What shooting star?" "Get a body," I repeat. "My brother needs it. Your all-seeing right? Then you should know how much he needs you." "Fine I'll get a body of you to leave me alone," he states. "Yes," I plead just wanting this to be over. "Fine shake," Bill demands. I hesitantly reach out and shake. Both our arms set a blue flame. "Deals a deal shooting star," Bill says. My eyes flutter open. "Bill this better work."

Dippers pov

I toss and turn in bed trying to fall back asleep. Hoping to see Bill again. "Uh,'' I exclaimed, rolling onto my back and staring at the ceiling. "Bill." "Yes Pinetree," I hear from the doorway. My head jolts towards the door. "Bill," I shout dashing toward the door. I jump into his arms nearly falling down the stairs. "I know Pinetree," Bill says, softly into my ear. "Bill," I say, looking into his yellow iris. "Are… are you real this time?" "Dipper look around. What color is it?" I look up to realize the hallway is still as blue as I remember. "Yes," I squeak holding Bill tighter. "Yea, yea Pinetree," he says whisking me into my room.

Snap. Fwosh. The door closed behind us. "Locked I mumbled to myself while resting my head on Bill's chest. We slowly dance towards my bed. Bills' heart was beating slow it made me feel calm. "Dipper", Bill whispers. "Hm?" I hum while looking up into his bright yellow eyes. "Can I?" He asks. "Can you…" I repeat confused. "Dam it Pinetree! Can I f!%# you!" "Yes," I say slowly, trying to mentally prepare myself.

Bill goes for my neck. Kissing it and then licking it then bite. Bill sinks his teeth into my skin a gasp of pleasure escapes my lips. "Is Pintree getting turned on?" Bill asks with a smirk. I look at him then slide my hands onto his face (making sure to trace up his body) then plant a kiss. A good hard kiss.

The next chapters are going to be pretty smut so if you don’t like that than don’t read. Kisses ❤️❤️

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