
Chapter 28

Chapter 28

Both Ino and Tenten started to walk toward the arena.

" I am winning this." Ino muttered to herself.

' I am not going to underestimate her.' She thought to herself remembering Hinata's fight. ' I also want to see what she can do.'

" Do your best Ino!" Choji cheered her.


" YES TENTEN! YOU CAN DO IT!" Lee joined his sensei in cheering her.

Some people started to laugh looking at both of their antics.

" Look at those clowns. Hahaha."

" Are those eyebrows even real!?"

Looking at the embarrassing sceen Tenten's face flushed in embarrassment. " I wish those two idiots will keep their mouths shut. The only thing they are doing is embarrassing me."

Her words were not heard by anyone.

The proctor stood in the middle of Ino and Tenten.

" Both of you ready?"

Both of them nodded looking at each other.

" Begin."

The moment the match began four more Ino came out of nowhere. All five of them took out senbons and attacked Tenten.

" Your clones are useless," Tenten said figuring out the real Ino in a matter of seconds.

She was not arrogant like Neji or Lee but even then she has her pride. But after watching Hinata fight she put her pride away just so she won't go down just like he teammates. And even after watching all these if she really underestimates her opponent she..... really doesn't want to thinking about it.

So she cautiously looked at her opponent who was coming to fight against her in close proximity. She would have laughed if she didn't know about Anko. Her teacher is the best taijutsu specialist so her experience in it is great.

So, she jumped away throwing few kunai with paper bomb with it. She really doesn't want to get poisoned.

Ino jumped away and made distance from the paper bombs. And a sealess substitution jutsu made it easy for her to hide in one of the trees.

From the arena all the audience watched the fight in wrapped attention. The fact that both girls had the same chance of winning made it more entertaining.

" The are probing each other." Asuma said not smoking for once.

" Yes, but in my opinion Ino will be an unpredictable opponent. After all she is not just relying on her clan Jutsu." Kuranai said looking at the battle. " Anko really likes her after all." She also added after thinking for a moment.

" But I think Tenten has a great chance to win. The fact the she is no fangirl and worked hard for a year as a genin is a lot.". Kakashi said. " Though Guy...." He trailed off looking at Guy and Lee who had a huge picture of Tenten and..... Youth.





" I don't know them." Anko said taking a step back from Guy and Lee's..... cheering.

' She is hiding well.' thought went through both Ino and Tenten's mind. ' But I'm winning this.' They thought in unison in their mind thinking on giving their all.

" It's BORING!" Naruto exclaimed looking at the match.

" They are not using any awesome cool JUTSU!" His complain stopped short when Sakura started to smash her fist in his head.

Shikamaru shivered. Looking back he saw Hinata giving an intense stare looking at Sakura. He backed off feeling chills going on his back.

Thinking about all the women he met he could think of one thing. ' Women's are scary.'

To have an advantage over Ino, Tenten started to throw Kunai with a different tag all over the hiding places.

' ARE THESE PAPER BOMBS!' Was the thought in Ino's head before she started to run out of her hiding place not thinking of the consequence of her action. After all if those are real paper bombs then she will die for sure.

Instead of exploding all the paper tags started to make a lot of smoke. And in only few moments the entire place was covered in a very heavy smoke.

' There's no poison in the smoke. What is she!.' Ino jumped away from the place she was just a moment ago.

' I am trapped, Ain't i.' She thought to herself disappointed that she was in trouble.

' But I still have a chance.'

' You lost the moment you came out.' Tenten thought whith small smirk in her gace. ' And I am going to show my all in this match. After all I am not going against that monster.'

She took out two scrolls and with a chakra enhanced jump she started her final move deciding to end the fight.

Ino who saw Tenten started throw shuriken and Kunai at her opponent while trying to run away.

" NOT SO FAST" with that shout she started to throw all kinds of weapons towards Ino.

" THAT IS SO COOL!" Naruto jumped out of his seat and started to cheer same as all the audience.

Ino who was trapped started to try and get herself out of the massive weapons barrage.

Next moment Tenten started to control all the weapons using her chakra strings.

' Well it seems the plan didn't even worked.... I am taking you down WITH ME.' with that Ino's eyes hardened.

She discreetly threw few kunai just under Tenten. She was surrounded next moment but a lot of weapons any ready to hurt her.

" Surrender" Tenten said.

Ino just smirked. Tenten saw her smirked and tried to attack her but just then all the thrown kunai by Ino started to glow. Tenten's eyes widened for a moment and on the other hand all the weapons were on moment away from heavily Injuring Ino.


The was a defining boom making all the civilians cover their ears. The entire arena was covered with smoke.

When the smoke lessened everyone saw no sign of Tenten in the middle of the crater. And a eath wall in front on Ino protection her from getting injured or worse killed.

"Well... The match is a draw." The proctor's voice cut through the silence. A lot of people started to show their dissatisfaction of the match.

" Give me my money back!"

" That Tenten girl should have won it!"

Even if some people were dissatisfied there was no change.



" Both of them did good." Asuma said ignoring both Guy and Lee. " Still not good enough to become a chunin."

" There chances on becoming chunin in next exam or field promotion is very high." Kuranai said.

" But I have to increase Ino's training routine. She still has a lot of work to be done." Anko said grumbling. " Even then it is good enough after all that dieting."

" I can agree with that. Ino just started to work hard. It will take some time before she is good enough to become chunin." Kakashi comforted her. " Still she will be ready if she gose with this speed for the next chunin exam."

" She better.... I am going to make sure of it." Anko said. " But I have to say if they are not motivated after today. I will leave them be."

" So what about Sakura?" Kakashi asked.

" She has excellent chakra control." Anko said. Kakashi was just looking at her. " And some motivation to grow stronger. But that's it."

Kakashi was about to say something before Anko again started. " Her motivation is to get into the Uchiha's pants. The fact that both Ino and her has..... Still at least they are putting the work on getting stronger no matter how stupid their reason for getting stronger is."

She looked at Sakura. " But still it's like i have to tell them to do everything." She looked at Kakashi. " You better not hope I will forget this debt."

" Maa maa calm Anko. I remember everything." Kakashi just eye smiled.

Anko's eyes twitched and then she grinned." Then I will be seeing you walking around without the mask." Hearing that Kakashi froze in shock. " Now that's more like it." She grinned and he paled.

A little away from Anko and Kakashi Both Asuma and Kuranai was looking at them.

" They seems getting along....a little too much." Asuma said a little jealous.

Kuranai smiled looking at both Anko and Kakashi's interaction. " I saw them eating dango in the morning every single day." Then she giggled. " The bicker like old married couple." She saw Asuma looking at her. She looked another way with a small blush in her face.

" Maybe we should go to eat something." Asuma said trying not to stutter. Kami he was Jonin. But just to tell her he almost stuttered. He saw her nod. In his mind he started dancing in joy. It was not everyday that he feels this happy.

' This is the best day of my life! There's no way this day can go bad.' He said in his mind in joy which he will start cursing when the invasion starts.

On the other hand form the new two couples.

" That was boring." Naruto sighed not daring to shout because Sakura was right behind him ready to hit him.

" Tenten could have won if she went for close combat." Shikamaru said. " Ino's poison training has just began. Still There was so many ways she could have won."

" She way too cautious. If she went all out from the beginning she would have won without any doubt." Shino said coming behind from Sakura scaring her. " Still her plan on holding back just so she can have a surprise against her next opponent was foolish."

" So what are you gonna do?" It was asked like question but both Shino and Shikamaru knew that fighting Gaara at their level is suicidal and foolish. " I will give up the match." Hearing that Shikamaru visibly showed his relief. Even if both of them are not in the same team their time together made them good friends.

Both of them looked behind them. Where Sasuke was leaning back on the wall meditating. They just sighed. Their time together showed Sasuke is just like that. He will act all cold but always do his best to take care of the team. Even though the small genjutsu which is making other genins not interested on looking that way is a way from him to stay silent.

" I could have done much better than that." Kiba muttered in dissatisfaction. Beside him Choji was eating chips. He was busy eating more than the fight so it took him a moment to understand why Kiba was muttering.

" We will do better next time." Choji's words didn't made him feel that good. He looked at Hinata who was looking at Naruto. He sighed. ' She is out of my league. Naruto is a damn lucky bastard.' he thought absentmindedly not putting the match he just watched behind his mind.

" Sasuke will definitely win." Hearing Sakura speaking about Sasuke with star in her eyes that made his mood went downhill. ' Am i the only one who is this lonely?' he asked himself. He then looked at Choji.

Choji who saw Kiba's weird behaviour and looking at him said," I have my chips." It was with such confidence that Kiba looked as if he is going to go into depression. Akamaru looking at Kiba's weird behaviour started to bark.

Hearing Akamaru's barking he sat up straight. ' You are right there's still a long way to go. And if I become Hokage a lot of girl will fall for me.'

Kiba's weird future plan on Hokage aside the Hokage and the Kazekage were talking with each other.

" Maybe the next fight will be more interesting." Hearing his words the old Hokage just smiled. " The fight is very disadvantages on Shino. And I don't think he has a chance."

" But the fight of Naruto and Sasuke will be something." Hiruzen's words made Orochimaru think for a moment. ' If he is really capable on fighting than just throwing jutsu at his opponent one after another, I will have to take him out before they get their hands on him.'

He then looked at Sasuke. ' It will show him his shortcomings. After all you don't have no way near chakra to tire a jinthuriki. And you will need the curse marks chakra ku ku ku.' He really wanted to laugh out loud. But the fact that his old sensei is right next to him looking at him made him stop. His delusions aside Shino has no chance against Gaara in this environment and Sasuke will have to fight both Naruto and Gaara.

On the other hand. ' Things are going just as planned.' Sasuke thought. After all this invasion is his chance on getting some important things done as well as getting his revenge on the Hokage. ' I know this much that because he did nothing the Uchiha's were backed on to that point. An incompetent Kage is not necessary. And all the dirt I got will make sure of it.'

Sasuke's plan on making Hiruzen the worst Hokage in the history and himself as a hero in the invasion. ' Still I have to act perfectly to not make anyone suspicious.' He then looked at an Anbu who was near them.

' Kabuto you are going down first.'
