
My Last Chance (The last miracle)

After her sudden death, Raeliana wakes up in the body of an unnamed seven-year-old slave who is found face to face with her tormentor. The new world is unknown, previous memories of her body will appear to her every night, with only something in common, suffering and pain. Her life will become a living hell when she discovers that people look at her with fear and disgust because her characteristics are the same as those of "beast" people who are tempted by blood. And she too, little by little begins to be tempted by it. The hatred of someone else becomes hers and continues and grows even more after every pain she suffers. Who is Raeliana? Just a nameless slave or a monster locked in a cage? Can she solve the mystery of this new world and find peace, or will it be her last chance in the pursuit of happiness?

Eternia_15 · ファンタジー
112 Chs

The Academy

It had been six months since Nasya had started the academy and she had met many friends and enemies at some point, but she continued to be focused on her studies and didn't participate in crowded activities.

Here she was alone and academic life was difficult for someone who had grown up surrounded by maids, but since she was not from this world, she was more prepared than the original Nasya and wanted to live her life most safely.

Of course, her new friends tried to involve her in their activities, but usually, she liked to be alone in the garden in front of the girls' dormitory and drink a cup of tea in the company of a book under a tree shade.

She enjoyed watching many other girls pass by her and try to spend time, in the same way, pursuing their passions in the tranquility of nature. But one day she felt lonely, something she didn't know she needed was bothering her and it all started the day after she arrived at the academy.

Before leaving Nasya had a huge fight with her father, for the reason that she wanted to meet Raeliana one last time as the time she would spend in the academy was long and usually lasts eight years for boys and five for girls. And all this time she would be locked in the room, probably forgetting who Nasya was.

This bothered her and thanks to an agreement with her father she tried to send letters to Giselle to tell her how Raeliana was, and that she should go to her and talk about Nasya all the time she was at the academy.

Telling her about life outside the mansion and various books she had read, and this way at least she should get some information on how Raeliana lived and if she was well.

Giselle returned the letters after a while and they contained Raeliana's condition and that she liked the things Nasya had written to her, she also advised her to not write so many letters, this way she would have more time to study and enjoy her life with her new friends.

She was in doubt at first because Raeliana was locked in that room for more than a year and in her opinion, she would have liked to know from Nasya's letters what was going on outside, but strangely she wanted Nasya to write less or somehow stop writing and focus on studies.

However, as Raelian told her in the letters, she didn't write for three other months and spent most of her time in the library and sometimes went to see the boys practicing swordsmanship at the schoolyard with some other girls.

Until the end of the academic year. She decided to write a letter to her father and Spencer informing them that she would be returning home for the holidays and that she would leave as soon as she could. But to her surprise on the day she had decided to leave, two letters came to her, one from her father and the other from Giselle.

Father's letter was short and not difficult to understand, as soon as she read it, Nasya was trembling in fear, he said she should not come home until a second notice and that she would have to spend the holidays in the home of a relative who lived nearby.

This news shocked her and she tried to ignore her father's letter and still go home and find out why she was forbidden to go.

Many thoughts went through her mind, she started to get scared if her father had realized that she was not his real daughter and was trying to get her away from him, but without removing her from the academy, otherwise, it would cause gossip.

Maybe some of her actions were wrong, maybe she was suspiciously bad towards him, and many other thoughts crossed her mind.

In the end, she didn't leave and started reading Giselle's letter, but that made her suspicious even more. The things she had written were the answers to the letter she had addressed to Spencer. If she didn't remember what she had written to him, she would not have noticed it and it would have seemed just like Giselle's thought of her coming home. But even after that, this letter had the same meaning as her father's even though it was said differently, that Nasya should not return until her father say so.

'I feel very bad when I see that neither my father nor my nanny wants me at home. Don't tell me that this will continue until I finish the academy, if so I will not be patient and I will go to find out why by myself.'

They said I have to wait till a second notice. I am not scared about being left on the street or starving since I am staying here, but they didn't even tell me a reason and left me in silence.'

"Nasya why haven't you left yet, do you have a problem?"

This is my roommate Canary Belgar she and her twin brother are the only representatives of their family of five children, her brother Tristan Belgar is really good with the sword and everyone thinks he will be an excellent knight if he thought of giving up his legacy for the title.

While Canary is a silent girl with an angelic personality, she is cute and very smart, who knows how to read the room and find the best solution for her, not to mention her knowledge in science and archeology.

They live in the countryside and her father has the rank of Earl. We met on the first day, we attend almost the same subjects and we are also in the same room. We are always together and this way we became close friends.

'She knew I had planned to leave for home and I would be embarrassed if she finds out that everything took another turn.'

"No, I am just waiting for a letter, and meanwhile I'm going to the library, if something comes can you let me know please?"

"Oh, I'm sorry dear, but my carriage is ready and we need to leave immediately for home, you know it's far."

"Ah yes, I'll just ask someone else no problem!"

"Thank you for understanding me, when we return after two months I will bring you some things from my city, you should share them with someone else, like maybe…"

Here we go again with her embarrassing words. She thinks she knows that I have a relationship with the young duke, but we are just friends and have met just a few times in my house nothing more, but let's continue her game.

"Like who?"

"Oh, you know who I'm talking about, for young duke Alan, of course. You two have been together all the time in the alchemy class, even sitting next to each other, all the girls were biting their nails when they looked at you two. "

"Enough now Canary, we're just friends, we just happened to be sitting next to each other it was just a coincidence, and moreover he's not even my type."

"Yeah, yeah, say what you want but… oh the carriage is ready, I have to leave now before Tristan loses his patience and leaves me behind, we'll see each other again goodbye!"

"Goodbye, have a safe trip!"

"Hehe, you too!"

Now she is gone, and I have to wait for Father to inform one of our relatives that I am leaving the academy for the holidays. It was an excuse but it is a good idea to go to the library and wait for the letter there, and the mean girls who think highly of themselves are long gone, so I will have no reason to explain why I am still here.

The library seems empty now that everyone is planning to leave, maybe some will stay because they are too far away and do not have the financial support to travel here and there, but again here is too quiet that I would probably fall asleep.

Hmm, how is everybody at home? I'm curious, if I knew Giselle would answer instead of Spencer, I would have asked her how little Rapha was.

"Uff, I'm so bored!"

"So, you were here all this time, why didn't you go home like everyone else?"

"Huh?! I would like to ask you the same question, what are they doing here, your family must be looking forward to their young master's arrival, Alan Akriste."


This is Alan Akriste, the first son and heir of the Duke title, and a so-called "beauty" in our class, but if we include other classes as well he will be ranked third.

He is tall and with a body formed by intense training, fair skin, blue eyes like the sky at dawn that combines beautifully with his short hair, dark purple that contained a natural glow, and a beautiful face without any flaws that leave you breathless.

This is how he was introduced in the novel, but I don't see him as anything more than a child.

He is the same age as me, but if I count my previous age I must be twenty-eight years old now, so I feel nothing but responsibility for a younger child. Or so I thought till he asked me himself.

'Why him of all people?! I want this place to be empty again, please!'

"I thought we'd make our way home together since our families both live in the north, but apparently you have other plans."

"Well yes, now leave, we don't know who can pass here, and I don't want to hear rumors about our relationship when I come back here."

Even Canary who knew that I couldn't stand Alan's personality said that there is something between us, if this goes on like this I will not live in peace with the looks of the other girls who seek revenge.

"Haha, who is that fool who would come here today? Have you seen the dormitory, is almost empty."

But my worries didn't interest him, he playfully continued his word. This is why I didn't like talking to him, he would just joke about things that others saw as important and he would behave as if he was playing a game even though it was serious.

"And anyway it doesn't matter to me if someone says something, you know what you are to me, right?"

I saw him surprised, I didn't know that he was waiting for me to say the answer with my own mouth. It's an easy word to say, but it seems that something inside me is stopping me from saying it.

"I know, a childhood friend."

"Yes, that's right!"

He looked satisfied, somehow that expression of his made my chest hurt. Is it true that Alan feels nothing for me, or is he playing the uninterested when he actually feels something?

"But is it true?"

He looks shocked as if I am asking something I know the answer to, but he quickly gave a sad smile, more like a pitiful smile to me, as if I needed his comfort. Is it true then?

"Forgive me Nasya but I didn't know you looked at me that way, I thought you knew I liked someone else."

Hold on, I didn't want him to have feelings for me, I should be happy, now I will find it easier to escape the death that awaits me from the original story. Don't forget he killed you with his sword under his highness order.

"Haha, of course I know, you spoke to me some time ago about her, how did you call her… hmm an angel? She must have been really pretty since you called her like that."

"Yes, she was the most beautiful person I have ever seen and I want to meet her again, maybe when I return north I will find the opportunity."

"I wish you luck!"

I did not know how I looked in front of him, I was trying to smile at him this way I would not create any doubts that I really mean what I said, but still ...

Who is that girl, although I should feel free from Alan, this was not in history, it was never said that he had fallen in love at this age and with someone different from Mireya.

It is said that he had a crush or maybe respect, and for her, he killed me too who was the villainess.

If he fell in love now, and if it's not Mireya, then who?