

Within a humongous hall stood a man in a lab coat, facing three kids of seated on chairs.

"Okay, I guess that's all you have to ask, we should get moving now." The man said as he fished a key from his pants. It was golden in color. The handle part of the key was circular just like all keys usually are, but the front part, the key part is different. It was flat like a slab of steel, however the center part of the slab had a hallow design. It looked like skyscrapers were removed from the slab using advanced laser technology. The way the hallowed blocks rise up and down on the key were miraculous to say the least. With a key like that, it is quite impossible to create a duplicate using ordinary means.

Mitch had seen the key before as well but unlike the procedures which left him bored to death, the key intrigues him. Just like the caretaker from 2 years ago, Jonathan had the key as well. He didn't know if all the caretakers have keys or not but it wouldn't hurt to ask about it along the way.

Jonathan beckoned Mitch and the others to stand up. He gestured them to follow behind him as he unlock the 'Happy Future' Door. Again, the noise of the door unlocking rang as the strange mechanism within turned and turned within. This time, Mitch was in front of it and he so was able to hear it clearly. It took 3 seconds before the door stopped as it lodged forward indicating it can be opened.

Jonathan fished out 3 pills from his pockets. He turned towards Mitch and the others and extended his hand to them.

"Swallow these." He said with a smile.

Mitch took a pill and so did the others. It was silver coated and smooth like stainless steel.

"What are these for?" Subconsciously, Martin voiced out.

"Just candies." He said.

As kids, there was nothing wrong with receiving candies. They receive one every meal. Sometimes, if the caretaker presiding the kitchen was feeling happier than usual, they would even have ice creams or cakes.

Jonathan turned his back against them as he opened the door.

Because of Mitch's habit of saving candies for Sasha he stashed the candy in his pocket and followed the other two who already went ahead of him.

The hall was empty just like how it's supposed to be at 9 AM.


Behind the door was a long hallway, stretching far, at the end of it was a curve to the right. The passage would probably continue longer. The walls of the hallway was beautiful. Etched on the walls was an ecosystem. It pictured trees, snakes, rabbits. Further on the scenery morphed from the wild into early civilization where men wore animal pelt as clothes. The ice princess was weaving her head left and right while Martin was all over the walls facinated.

Mitch saw it as well and just like the others he was shocked. He took a few steps behind them but he suddenly stopped. He took a look back at the door and found that it was already shut. He didn't even hear it. With no going back, he walked hastily and caught up with the group.

Along the way, Jonathan took his time to describe the walls. The way of a societies, the way of surviving and the reasons of wars and lastly the reasons of evolving.

Out of nowhere, the ice princess in front of him started walking groggily and then collapsed on the floor. Martin did as well.

With a pale stricken face, Mitch shouted-

"Sir Jonathan! Help!" As he went over to the nearest to him. Martin.

He shook him as he kept yelled for him to walk up.

He glanced at Jonathan and saw him frowning. His eyes then fell on the girl. He went over and tried to wake him up.

"What do we do, Sir?" He panicked.

But different from his reaction, Jonathan seemed to be shocked in amazement. Finally, rationality took over him and he said-

"R-Right, carry her up, and we'll take them outside. Just a minute of walking left." Jonathan proceeded to lift up Martin and placed his hands on his hip and Martin's arm on his shoulders.

Mitch copied him and carried the girl as him limped forward. After the few steps he took, he heard a thud. He turned his head back at Jonathan and Martin only to be greeted by a fist. Mitch dropped the girl and tripped over. He held his left cheek. It stung. It has been so long since he felt pain. In front of him was Jonathan once again.

He still had his smile. The sweet, innocent smile, just like before. Jonathan had his fist balled up inside his other fist.

"That sure hurt. Stupid kid, you didn't eat the candy, did you?"

"What.. what are you.. what are you.. why.." Mitch voiced out in confusion. The pain became his secondary concerns when he found out that the one who punched him was their caretaker, Jonathan.

"You want to see Jane, right?" He revealed his white teeth and disdain was apparent in his eyes. It looked like he was not looking at humans, but toys.

"You'll see Jane when you wake." He approached Mitch slowly and beat him down till he was out.