

After reincarnated she realise her whole life is nothing but just a lie .For Ashta her family is everything for her.for whom she can die and sacrifice every happiness of her. She loved her parents, siblings unconditionally but what did they give in return betrayal and painful death. From birth she is known as jinx.who was not even loved by her own parents. Rajiv Malhotra the most richest and eligible bachelor of India.The CEO of world top most compani Malhotra enterprises. The dream boy of many girls across the world How will their story go when a jinx girl met billionaire prince charming. "Will love find you when you lost faith in love. Will love bring happiness to you when you yourself don't want it." ‌

LUCIANA_7004 · 都市
18 Chs


As Ashta was busy admiring him she felt something wrong. Yes that's right the men was still unconscious and the smell of blood coming from him getting thicker and thicker as she looked at his abdomen he has three deep knife cut and one bullet wound . After seeing how much he was hurt Ashta wonders how can he service after getting this much hurt.

"Oh shit if he was not treated immediately he will die but what can I do in this heavy rain I can't even bring him to hospital." When Ashta was thinking what should she do she remembered something . when she was hiding here in this forest she was frequently got hurt by wild animals or many other reasons as she was new here but as time passed by she learnt how to avoid dangerous situation and survive in this wildness. In her previous life after college entrance exam she want to study medicine but as was not able to continue studying she self learned about many medicines as the saying goes education never goes weast and that's happened her knowledge about herbs save her life. as she stayed here for three months she knew many places where medicinal herb cen be found.as at that time she mostly depends on this wild herb 🌿 to get herself treated.But even if she remembered the direction it is impossible to reach that place in this stormy night. Ashta thought sadly and looked at him as she doesn't want him to die in this wildness without anyone knowing. I know how it feels to die without even anyone knowing, without even anyone remembering your existence , I know how it feels to die without even meeting your family.

"I don't know who are you? and I don't know if you will bring any disaster to me but I am sure like in any normal person you will also have a loving family waiting for your return, a loving mother who is waiting for you at dinner table, a father that will scold you for your wrong doings, siblings that will tease you care for you. This type of family is just normal for everyone but for me having this type of family is like a fairytale becoming real life .so I want you to survive not for me not for anyone but for your family. I will definitely try my best to save you ok" Ashta said it with hoarse voice with eyes filled with tears and sadness.

In this heavy rain Ashta goes out to find herbs for this unknown man who she doesn't even know.

Another side in Sharma's house.

"Mom that bitch doesn't come till now. Mom we shouldn't send that jinx to school." Anushka said with a scheming smile in her eyes. This is Ashta's second sister who was now In first year of high school . She is also a scheming girl like Aditi . After all birds of same feather flock together. How can she be any different from her mother and elder sisters .

"Yes, mom Anushka is right we should really stop sending this bitch school. " Aditi also agreed with her sister why should they send that bitch school. They don't owe anything to this bitch.

"I know you don't like her going to school i also don't like her studying but what can I do as you know in this village head made the rule if any family in this village can afford to send only one child to school that should only be elder child if I don't send that jinx school I shall also not able send you both school but don't worry I don't spend a penny on her school fees . She get scholarships every year so I don't have to worry about spending money on her ." Anjali Sharma said this to her precious daughter's and thought it was better if that jinx died out their in this stormy weather in this way she doesn't have to dirty her hands.but if that Little bitch dares to come home then don't blame them for being cruel.

"But mom in a month she will take part in college entrance examination what if she was selected for a good University and what if she got the opportunity to go to capital city.what will we do the truth of twenty four years ago will come into surface."

Don't worry, this can never happen because she will never be able to take part in the college entrance exam. Do you forget about our plans first step for this bitch's downfall after one week.said Anjali Sharma very confidently as the plan was already succeed hearing her mother Aditi and Anushka both had a evil smile on their face at the thought of Ashta's condition.

On another solide without any idea of the scheme they are planning for her. Ashta was busy finding herbs for the unconscious man as she doesn't have much time but with the continuously increasing rain made it difficult for finding herbs but atleast she succeed in finding herbs.