

After reincarnated she realise her whole life is nothing but just a lie .For Ashta her family is everything for her.for whom she can die and sacrifice every happiness of her. She loved her parents, siblings unconditionally but what did they give in return betrayal and painful death. From birth she is known as jinx.who was not even loved by her own parents. Rajiv Malhotra the most richest and eligible bachelor of India.The CEO of world top most compani Malhotra enterprises. The dream boy of many girls across the world How will their story go when a jinx girl met billionaire prince charming. "Will love find you when you lost faith in love. Will love bring happiness to you when you yourself don't want it." ‌

LUCIANA_7004 · 都市
18 Chs


After all the the thing what happened last month Ashta was sleeping peacefully when a loud voice broke her sleep.

You Jinx how dare you to sleep that much after jinxing our whole family. Who is going to cook food your mother hurry up and make some food my babies are hungry and getting late for school.Ajali Sharma said from the outside of the room.

After hearing the voice of her so called mother Ashta realise this was not a dream she actually reincarnated into the past where neither her life take that grave turn nor was getting married to that monster. this time she won't let the past repeat. Ashta slowly wake up goes to open the door. When she opened the door she was slapped in her face. This slap she is getting from non other than her mother who she always thought her biological mother.

Jinx why did you take so long to open the door. Hurry up and get ready and finish all the household chores then go with your father to help do the field work. Anjali said and leave from there .

Ashta remain silence throughout the whole conversation because she doesn't want her mother to notice any changes in her behaviour. In her privious life also she was not even allowed to go to school , she has to do all the household chores even then she was given least amount of food. If it was in their hand they will never send me to go to school in first place . But they sent me to school because village head and other elders of village force my parents to send me school if I as an elder daughter of family was not given opportunity for studying my siblings will not be given for studying as in village traditional rules are followed when in any family only elder child is allowed to inherited the family fortune so if I was not allowed to study then my younger sister and brother are also not allowed to study . when I was young I was good at studying I was toper of my class where as their daughter Aditi is bottom of class and for this Aditi was so much jealous of me that after every exam she will throw tantrum and I will be scolded or bitten .

They often made me skip classes to do field work and I naively thought they they want me to work in field because of our family's financial condition and They just want me their elder daughter to share their burden thought Ashta sadly and go to finish all the household work as she doesn't want anyone to be suspicious of her.

After serving food Ashta goes and get ready for school . When she came down stairs she was wearing her school uniform which made her look like a fallen angel . After seeing her in her school uniform Aditi clenched her fist with so much jealousy that her nail is digging deep into her hand even then with so much jealousy in her eyes she put a sweet smile of a young and naive girl on her face and said " sis why are you wearing school uniform it will get dirty when you go to work in the field with father "

"I am not going to field I am going to school."


Sis what are you saying how can you go to school.

"Why can't I go to school when you and Anushka can go to school "

O..h tha.t that, oh! right you are not going to school regularly so I thought you are uncomfortable in going school. and if you go to school who is going to help father in field work. Oh my poor father at this age he have do hard work in the field alone. No one wants to help him.

Oh! you are right Aditi at this age father should not work in the field so why don't you help father in field work .

"What how can I work in field " aditi said literally screaming how can this curse talk to her like this.

Why cannot you work in the field don't you have any filial pity for dad . He work so much in the field so that we can go to school , we can live our life very comfortably so why cannot you help him to share his burden.

How can you say this to me sis that I don't have any filal pity you know how much I love my family but as an elder sister this is your responsibility to share family's burden but if you want I can quit school and go with father to work in field .Aditi said with tears in her eyes. after watching Aditi making drama Ashta wonder how can she believe such a fake face bitch in her privious life.

"What is happening here " Anjali come there and asked angrily after watching her precious daughter in tears.

Mom look sis want me to quit studying and work with father father in field .Yes I know I am not good at studying like sis but I don't want to work in field I like to study mummy explain sis I really like to go to school. Aditi said or we can say complained to her mother with tears.

After watching precious daughter in tears because of this jinx Anjali Sharma was so much angry that eyes shooting draggers .

Oh my baby why are you crying mummy is here for you right.don't cry ok .Hey you curse what do you do to my daughter that she is crying so much hmm .You cursed my whole family as soon as you was born now you want to curse my daughter. Anjali Sharma scold Ashta without even hearing what is happening here. This is the mother whom Ashta loved so much and can do anything for her happiness Ashta chuckled sadly.

Mom I don't do anything I just want to go to school but Aditi just don't want me to go to school.

What is the problem in there if she does not want you to go to school then don't as an elder sister cannot you sacrifice a little bit for your sister's happiness .

But mom College entrance exam is coming so we should attend every class.

What can you do even after going to school you are a girl so you should eventually get married so don't need to go to school after completing your school, you should get married.

Ashta clenched her fist after hearing the word marriage and after controlling her emotions she started to convince her mother to let her go to school. "But mom after one week annual quiz competition will be held in our school and the winner will get 10000 rupees as a prize money so I just want to win that money to help you in sharing some family burden.said Ashta making a pitiful face. as we all know we need a huge amount of money for Aarav's treatment"

After hearing this Anjali and Aditi have a sigh of relief for a second they thought this bitch is getting out of hand .she started to rebel but but no this bitch was, is and will always remain a fool. Who they can use for their own benefit.this fool will always thought about her family first and then about herself.

Like this without making them suspicious Ashta got the permission to go to school.