1 Prologue

My name is jin and I just had a overall crappy life as my dad has beat me like hell and he's a drunken bastard. He doesn't seem to care about me nor my family as he beat me so many times I can't even count how many times he did. I was beat for the most outrageous things like I was forced to work at his restaurant that he owns without me agreeing to work there and I was hit when I did something wrong. I ran away from home many times but I always come back to the hell of a household. I was beat so many times I don't cry at all even at my family members deaths. I can't tell if I'm really a person or something my dad has made me because of all the beating and yelling I have received from him. He might as well be the devil himself and I'll believe it. It's truly ironic of how people really think I live a spoiled life with all the stuff I own but I hate it as I never gotten a single thing from my dad as all these gifts were from my mom and my other family members. I soon might also lose my emotions I usually make myself laugh at things and not many things can actually make me laugh. It would be a dream to laugh so much I can barely breath. Anyways I'll tell you about my ironic story of my life. I am also very sorry for my grammar as I been focusing on when will he beat me again when he's drunk. Let's get to what I look like. I have black hair and dark brown eyes and I was I was born pretty white but I get easily tanned but I am indeed chinese and people have currently insulted me because I was born in a place were they eat dogs and started coronavirus so life has not been very nice to me at all and this is my life story so none of this was made up and I hope to see a day where I will not be afraid of getting beat whenever he's drunk when he gets home.
