
My Hybrid King

KayLeeRosee_Gaming · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Pilot Part 2

The car came to a stop and the door opened with the driver telling me we arrived at our destination. Brianna jumped out of my lap and out of the car and looked longingly at the home in front of us. I got out of the car to stand next to her. "Since you know the place so well, why don't you show me around?" I whispered in her ear

I felt her body tense up "I don't have a choice otherwise so why not." She said walking into the palace she confidently showed me each room; However the closer we got to the wing the Alpha's Family stayed in she got more and more emotional.

"This bedroom belongs to the Alpha and his Luna." She said pointing at the room.

"Let's go take a look at our bedroom then." I walked to the door but Brianna just stood their.

"Look Alpha Khalil, I'm trying my best to cope under the circumstances but I can't go in there. My parents just died yesterday and you want me to just forget about it and live happily ever after. Life doesn't work like that and I'm not ok right now." she bursted into tears and she ran to god knows where.

I sighed in annoyance, closing the bedroom door and made my way to my office where Will was waiting for me.

"Alpha King Khalil." He bowed to me

"Beta Will." I smiled at him and he smiled back " Now down to business about the girl." I started when my gamma James walked in and sat down

"Finally. Yea what's your deal with her." James joined in

"Her name is Brianna and she's the daughter of the Alpha Jamal and Kyra and before you say anything. She's also my mate. I was going to kill her the minute I saw her but her scent got to me and then I looked in her eyes and I instantly knew that she was mine."

"I mean I understand you Khalil but what is everyone else going to think when they find out?" Will asked me

"They won't find out. This is confidential information only you and I know. If they find out they'll think I betrayed them and that's not the case. He made it seem like he had two sons only. Let's keep it that way."

"Understood." will nodded before giving me another questioning look. "How is she adjusting to everything?"

"Oh She hates me for sure. Rejected me and all, But as my one and only mate she doesn't get to make that choice on her own. She'll get used to life with me in no time so I'm not bothered."

"Dude yesterday when she woke up everything was flowers and sunshine. Today she woke up and her whole family is gone and the man who killed them is her mate. Her heads got to be pretty fucked up right now."

"I already know. She was giving me a tour of the palace earlier but broke down and snapped at me when we got to her parents room. You know her father knew I was her mate and did everything in his power to keep her from me."

"That didn't work out too well."

Before I could answer I heard a knock at the door. "Who is it?"

"It's Brianna."

I opened the door and she walked in shutting the door behind her. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have left like that earlier. I was just very emotional. I mean it's my parents' bedroom they laid in that bed yesterday morning."

"I'm not gonna ask you to forget your parents. Just know you can't mention them unless it's just me, will or James you're talking to."

"So what do I say when someone asks me about my parents?"

"Say you grew up without parents." I could tell she didn't like that answer as she rolled her eyes and looked away.

"Let me speak to her in private." I told him through our mindlink

"I have some business to handle so I'll see you both later. Nice to meet you Bri!" Will ran out the office door.

I placed my hands on her shoulders causing her to flinch and she looked up at me directly in the eyes. "I understand everything you're going through right now Bri. I lost my Parents the same way you lost yours to a murderer who didn't care about whose lives he damaged and you might not want to hear this but that murderer was your father and he did it without a second thought." her eyes started to water again in disbelief

"You're lying! You just want to make me hate him but it won't work. I hate you and I'll never submit!" she snapped

"I am not! Your father deserved everything he got and deserved worse!" I growled out

"But what of my mother? Did she deserve the ending she got! She was such a kind soul, a mother to the entire pack! A true Queen and you took her from me and told me she deserved it!"

I sighed "Bri I understand how you are feeling but your mother was just as bad. You wanna know why? Because she didn't stop him from being a tyrant but supported it she was just as evil!"

"There were two different reasons, if I remember correctly. He killed my father for standing up to him and his unfair ways and then after that he killed my mom for stealing food to try and feed me. We were a family of rogues that he allowed into the pack but he treated us like shit on a daily basis because we were rogues first."

She was stunned into silence. "I didn't know my dad was capable of doing something like that. He was always so kind."

"There's a lot of things you don't know about Bri and I'm not going to stand here and tell you everything he did cause I'm not that petty. Remember them the best way you can and try to make a happy life with me in the process."

She laughed and looked me straight in the eyes."You really make it seem Like I really have a choice."

"Because I'm trying to be nice. I can stop if you want though." I was growing annoyed as she was lucky I was trying to be gentle with her at all.

She shook her head and looked away from me.

I nodded approvingly "Alright our mating ceremony is in 3 days. The entire pack will witness our union and by nightfall I will have you all to myself."

"Do we really have to have our ceremony so soon? We can't wait maybe a few months or even years?"

"Absolutely not. I have my mate right in front of me and I've also acquired the position of Alpha King Living in a palace big enough to build a family in. What's the point in waiting?"

"Everything is moving so fast I-"

"I don't want to hear anymore complaints, Bri."

"You expect me to sleep with you in 3 days but you want no complaints?"

"Yes Bri , no complaints. You are MINE your body is MINE and I will have what's MINE DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME.

"Fine!" She grabbed a book from the bookcase next to the door and sat down on the couch.

Brianna Pov

He thinks I'm gonna make this easy on him, but he forgets I know this palace like no other and I can leave at any given moment. I have to make sure he trusts me before I pull something like that or he'll have me on lockdown immediately. I have to move smart but there's no way out of mating him. I don't want the mate bond to cloud my hate for him. I want to feel this hatred. He deserves it.

"I'll be back by dinner time. I have some things to handle." Khalil told me before walking out of the office.

I just stared at the door and watched it close. "Mom,dad please watch over me." I sighed before getting up and taking a walk around the palace bored. Everyone was dead. Everyone in the palace that day died. No one I can recall childhood memories with. All in one night.

The day of the mating ceremony

I woke up and checked that it was only 7 am. I looked to the left side of the bed and Khalil seemed to still be asleep. I layed back down and got lost in my thoughts, realizing I spent my days smiling in the Alpha's face as if I'm not miserable and I'm marrying the jerk today. How great is my life. I felt an arm touch my waist quickly snapping me out of my thoughts and I completely froze. I felt his hot breath touch my ear and the vibration of his voice as he spoke.

"Tonight you're all mine. I'll make sure the whole pack hears you crying out my name."

"Now why does the whole pack have to hear it? I swear I think you enjoy me being uncomfortable." I groaned sitting up and getting out of bed.

"I find it very enjoyable actually." He got up and wrapped his arms around me from the back. He started kissing on my neck causing my legs to feel like jelly for a second.It felt so good I couldn't even stop the small smile that appeared on my lips.

He smirked but didn't say anything. He just went into the bathroom and I heard the shower start running. "Jerk." I mumble out before walking out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.

"Goodmorning Luna, is there anything I can cook for you this morning?" asked our cook.

"Yea I really want some bacon and eggs but add like 2 pancakes with mine. And for Alpha khalil the same thing except give him extra bacon and sausage."

"Wow you already know what he likes to eat within two days?" She asked shocked

"Well I'm very observant and he's the only person I have to talk to so I spend all my time with him even when he's working."

"Well if you need a woman to talk to I'm here. My name's Ciara by the way."

"Thank you ciara and you can call me Bri Luna makes me uncomfortable."

"Ok then Bri." she laughed happily. "I'll be done with the food soon, just give me 15-20 minutes.

"Great cause I'm starving." I smiled and went back to the bedroom so I could take a shower and get ready for the day as it's going to be a fairly busy one.

The bathroom door opened followed by a very naked khalil. He had a towel wrapped around his waist and that made me sigh in relief. Didn't help that he was ripped though. The heavens are trying to make me fall for this man. "I had the cook make us breakfast." I told him

"Great, I'm starving." he replied

I walked into the bathroom and took my shower. When I got out I moisturized, put on a black dress that signified my last day as a free woman and put my hair up in a ponytail.

*Knock Knock*

"Come in!"

The door opened and it was Ciara the cook. "Hey Bri I'm gonna leave your food right here ok." Placing it on the nightstand next to my bed.

"Alright, thank you!" I replied

"Ok I think i'm good and I have a few hours to kill before I have to get ready for the ceremony." I grabbed my breakfast and walked to Khalil's office and sat down at his desk right across from him.

"My god i'm starving." taking a bite of bacon that had a little syrup drizzled on top. It tasted so good. "I love ciara. Was today her first day?" I asked Khalil

"Yea she used to cook for the entire pack down at the camp before we took over. I asked her yesterday to be my chef."

"That's nice of you to ask. I figured you would just order her to be your chef." I told him honestly

He rolled his eyes "I don't order everyone around all the time. I'm nice …sometimes."

"So like twice a week then?" I asked

"Really Bri?"

He shook his head and the look on his face I could tell he was annoyed which made me smile. "You're pretty easy to annoy." I laughed taking another bite out of my food.

"At Least you're enjoying something." He said blankly

I finished my plate and grabbed his and got ready to walk to the kitchen when he called out to me.

"I'll see you at our ceremony. It's gonna be a new start."

I nodded and gave a small smile before closing the door behind me. I took a heavy breath and walked to the kitchen. Ciara was still there; she seemed to be cooking again. "What's all this food for?" I asked her as I placed the plates down on the counter

"Oh it's for the ceremony. Alpha khalil requested we go all out. He's really excited about your mating." my mouth made an O shape and I nodded but was amused as she seemed more excited than she should be.