
More than acquaintances

Walking off the stage, Aiden passed by the other students who didn't dare look at him and made his way to class 1-A's waiting area. Taking a seat around the table, he sighed to himself.

'I might have gone a bit overboard.'

Just as we was thinking this, the door slammed open and Aizawa, All Might and principal Nezu came rushing in.

"Oi kid, what the hell was that?!" Aizawa asked taking a seat opposite of him.

Realizing that this was going to be an interrogation, countless strategies ran through Aiden's mind as he assessed the situation. Looking at Aizawa, he knew that he stood a 40% chance of beating him in close combat if his quirk was erased. Principal Nezu on the other hand was basically a non factor and could be easily disposed of. The only real problem was that towering amalgamation of muscle known All Might. Against him, his chance of escape didn't exceed 6%. Not to mention that he was looking at them individually. If they all came at him at the same time, then there was practically no way he could leave this room if things became dicey.

"Nice to see you to Aizawa-sensei." He said politely.

"Cut the crap kid! Where'd that sickening aura come from!"

"Now, now, how about we all calm down and let the boy speak." All Might cut in and looked at Aiden with pity.


"Did you guys feel that to?!"

"So much rage..."

"I saw my life flash before my eyes."

"What is he?!"

While the audience was in a state of shock, the students from class 1-A were at a loss for words over Aiden's actions.

"Goddammit that was scary!" Sero released a breath.

"Tell me about it! Way scarier compared to what he did at the USJ!"

"G-Guys, I'm still shaking..." Denki mumbled.

"At least you didn't pass out like that Monoma guy." Kirishima added.

Looking at the robots putting Monoma onto a stretcher, the students of class 1-A watched him get wheeled away.

"Does that mean Aiden's moving onto the second round?" Tsu suddenly asked.


"I just lost control of my emotions for a minute."

"Lost control of your emotions? Do we look like idiots to you!" Aizawa squinted.

"What Aizawa-san means is that it was clear that you have a lot of pent up aggression, we just want to know why that is." All Might explained.

"I'd rather not..." He trailed off.

"This wasn't a request. You either tell us or you get expelled." Aizawa stared at him.

Now that he was in control of his emotions again, Aiden didn't get mad over Aizawa's threat and merely nodded.

"Then I thank you for having me." He stood up and bowed before walking towards the exit.

"Wait young Aiden!" All Might called out. "Aizawa-san didn't mean it. Its just that your aura got us all a bit agitated. I understand that you have your own personal problems to deal with, but as your teacher's its our job to guide you towards the right path. We understand if you don't want to talk about your past, but I have to ask, are you a danger to the students of this school?"

Halting his steps, Aiden paused for a minute before returning back to his seat.

'Might as well throw them a bone and get them off my back.'

"*Sigh* A long time ago my parents were murdered by villains..." He started. "When that Monoma guy said that my quirk made me privileged, I couldn't help but remember the time before my quirk manifested. I was a helpless weakling that could only watch as my father was cut down and my mother was tortured to her death." His words were quite a surprise to the heroes. Although it wasn't rare for a villain to kill a family, this was the first time that they'd met someone who could talk about it without showing any sign of emotion. "It was only after that, that my quirk manifested. But by the time I got this power, my parents had already departed this world." He chuckled darkly. "Great power right? To bad I couldn't use it when I needed it the most."

A sombre tone permeated the air. The previously tense atmosphere was gone and in its place lay a solemn mood.

"Aiden-san... That wasn't your fault." All Might said slowly.

"I know... But I was still useless..." He smiled. "Mr All Might, you asked if I was a danger to the students of this school right? I'm only as much of a danger to this school as Bakugo is, maybe even less. Unlike him I can somewhat control my emotions. I won't flare up like I did before again."

"Can you promise that?" Principal Nezu asked.

"Yeah." He nodded.

"Good. Go prepare for your next match."

"Eh! I'm still participating?!" He said somewhat surprised.

"You won your match didn't you?"

"I... did..."

"Then why are you so surprised that you made it to the second round?"

"Its just... wouldn't it be smarter to kick me out after I caused such a commotion?"

"UA doesn't discriminate. As long as you follow the rules, you have the right to compete in any school event. What you did on the stage was definitely unusual, but it didn't explicitly go against any of our rules." Nezu explained.

"I see."


Walking towards the rest of his class, Aiden naturally drew the attention of the other classes. Most of them looked at him with unease while the rest look at him with caution. As future heroes, the students of class 1 A and B were unnerved by his actions but still looked at him as a competitor.

"Yo." He waved to his class.

"You're back!" Mina ran and pulled him into a hug.

Smiling at her actions, he couldn't help but pat her head.

"Of course I'm back."

"On the stage... you looked so sad... I was so worried." She buried her head into his chest.

'*Sigh* What an emotional girl.' Although he said this, he was grateful that there was someone who worried about him this much.

"Dude! That was so epic! You had me shaking!" Kirishima said before patting him on the shoulder.

"Yeah! That was totally savage!" Sero added.

"Thought I was about pee myself." Denki mumbled.

"Remind us not to get on your bad side." Jiro joked.

Seeing the smiles on the faces of his classmates, Aiden was happy that they were treating him the same despite his earlier actions.

Just watched the Deku vs Overhaul fight on YouTube... The manga did it better.

Aradacreators' thoughts