

Hey, Helena?

Why, Aiden?

I have something to say


Ahm, I think I like you.

Wait, you like me ?! How? !!

I don't know. I can't explain how much I like you, but I really like you.


Me too. I like you too, Aiden.

Really ?! Do you like me too?


*awkward silence*

Hey, Helena. Is it okay if i kiss you? In lips?

Kiss?? Sure, if you want.

And as their lips approached Helena gradually disappeared.

Helena? !!! Helena? !!! Helena !!!

She is Helena. She is in my dreams every night. I've been dreaming of her for five months. And even if I only see her in my dreams, it seems like I'm falling in love with her.

And every time I dream of her, it's like I'm in heaven. And when I hear her voice, it seems like I hear an angel singing. And if I was given a wish, I would wish that one day I could dream of her again and never wake up.