
My Geeky Boyfriend Is Brutal

Sandra is a beautiful girl who reigns as the queen of her school. Her life always seems perfect, but deep down, she feels lonely and longs for true love. When Samuel, a new transfer student from another school, enters her life, she becomes intrigued by the mysterious boy. Samuel was initially a victim of bullying by his schoolmates because they thought he was poor and weak. However, Sandra and her friends are unaware that Samuel is actually the sole heir to his wealthy father and also the most feared gangster leader in town. He keeps this truth hidden because he doesn't want to come across as arrogant and doesn't want his school friends to be in danger. Through struggles and hard work, Samuel eventually gains Sandra's trust, and they start to develop a close relationship. However, their love becomes complicated as various intrigues unfold in their love story. Sandra fights hard to help Samuel break free from the cycle of violence. However, they face numerous obstacles from their parents and friends. Their lives become even more complicated when Samuel becomes entangled in conflicts with rival gangsters, putting their lives at risk. In the midst of conflicts and imminent danger, Sandra and Samuel must consider their values and life goals. They must choose between fulfilling love or facing the consequences that could potentially ruin their lives. Will Sandra and Samuel overcome the obstacles and stay together? Or will their separate lives lead them to lose this heartfelt love?

Ariefwiguna · 若者
14 Chs


Sarah sat on a bench at the largest mall in town during the late afternoon. It was evident that she was feeling restless as she kept looking around.

"Damn, why is Sandra taking so long? What could be captivating her?" Sarah thought, shaking her head.

Not long after, Sandra appeared wearing a white t-shirt, jeans, and white sneakers.

Sarah and Sandra had planned to meet up at the mall after school. They were always together, sharing their thoughts and providing support to each other. Their common hobby was hanging out at the mall almost every weekend. So, on a particular weekend, they decided to go to the mall for a casual hangout.

They arrived at the mall and eagerly explored the trendy stores. As they strolled around, they suddenly noticed a young boy looking confused in front of a video game store.

"Hey, what's going on?" Sandra kindly asked.

The boy looked up and smiled at them. "Hi, I'm Alex. I just moved here, and I'm looking for some friends. But it seems like I got lost here."

Sarah and Sandra started chatting with Alex and realized that he was a new student at the nearby school. They felt sorry for him and invited Alex to join them in their hangout at the mall.

It turned out that Alex was a happy-go-lucky person and easily made friends. He quickly became close with Sarah and Sandra, and the three of them became best friends in no time. They talked about their shared interests, laughed together, and shared experiences.

They walked to many shops, tried on new clothes, and enjoyed snacking at the food court. While chatting about their respective schools, they shared stories about teachers and classmates. Sarah and Sandra were thrilled to have a new friend like Alex, and they felt that day was one of the coolest at the mall.

But as they were strolling in a jewelry store, they witnessed a group of kids bullying a girl in front of the shop. Sarah, Sandra, and Alex couldn't stay silent and watch.

They approached the group of kids and told them to stop bullying the girl. The girl's name was Emily, a new student at Alex's school. The group of kids started making harsh jokes and teasing Emily because she couldn't speak the local language fluently.

Sarah, Sandra, and Alex were genuinely angry and couldn't accept such behavior. They spoke firmly to the group of kids, telling them that their actions were unacceptable. They stood up for Emily and reminded them of the importance of respecting differences and not engaging in violence. Eventually, the kids left, feeling upset.

The next morning, in front of Alex's school, Sarah's breath became erratic when she saw Alex from a distance. Her heart started pounding, and she felt extremely nervous. She had been infatuated with Alex's appearance from the beginning and even dared to say, "Wow, he's really handsome."

Sarah (speaking to herself): "Okay, I have to be brave. I have to talk to him."

She slowly approached Alex, who was chatting with his friends. When she finally stood near him, she spoke in a soft voice.

Sarah: "Hi, how are you, Alex?"

Alex turned around and smiled at Sarah, causing her heart to beat faster.

Alex: "Hey, Sarah. I'm doing great. I'm glad we could meet again."

Sarah smiled shyly, feeling happy that Alex responded to her greeting.

Sarah: "Nice to meet you too. You... you're really handsome."

Alex smiled back, but his eyes were focused on someone behind Sarah. Sarah glanced back and saw Sandra walking towards them.

The three of them chatted for a while, but Sarah sensed tension between them. She felt like she had to step back because she could tell that Alex was more interested in Sandra.

Sarah: "Okay, guys, I have to go. See you next time."

Sarah: (in her thoughts) Why is Sandra interrupting again? Ugh.

Sarah waved goodbye and left, leaving Alex and Sandra alone. Her heart felt crushed, but she tried to stay strong and maintain a smile on her face.

Alex: "Um, Sandra, are you leaving too?"

Sandra: "Yes, I have to go. See you, Alex."

They both went their separate ways, and Sarah watched them waving at each other as they walked off. Her heart ached, but she tried to handle the situation with wisdom.

Sarah went home feeling frustrated and bored. She couldn't stop thinking about what happened at the mall the day before. She felt really sad because she liked Alex, but it was clear that Alex was interested in Sandra. Sarah felt insecure, thinking that she wasn't as beautiful or attractive as Sandra. It bothered her that Sandra was acting irrational, knowing that Sandra already had Samuel but still acted sweet towards Alex.

Sarah: (speaking to herself) "Maybe Alex really doesn't like me. I have to accept it and be content."

It took a few days, but Sarah tried to forget her feelings for Alex. She kept herself busy with school and her hobbies, trying to stay away from Alex.

Suddenly, one day, Sandra appeared and approached Sarah while she was sitting alone in the library.

Sandra: "Hey, Sarah. Can I sit here?"

Sarah nodded, although her heart was racing because of Sandra's presence. She felt awkward and didn't know what to say.

Sandra: "I want to talk to you about Alex."

Sarah raised an eyebrow, confused about what Sandra wanted to discuss.

Sarah: "About Alex? What's going on?"

Sandra smiled kindly and explained that she felt a bit uneasy because Alex kept mentioning Sarah. She felt like Alex still had feelings for Sarah, so she wanted to clarify things to avoid any awkwardness between them.

Sarah: "But it's clear that Alex likes you more. He's always around you, even ignoring me."

Sandra: "But he keeps asking about your well-being and saying good things about you. I feel like he still cares about you."

Sarah was surprised to hear that. She had never realized that Alex still remembered her or even talked about her to Sandra.

Sarah: "But I thought he preferred you."

Sandra: "I understand why you would think that. But honestly, I only have feelings for one person."

Sarah: "Who? Samuel? He's your boyfriend, right?"

Sandra smiled and then pointed at Sarah.

Sandra: "You, Sarah. I like you."

Sarah was taken aback and surprised. She had never considered the possibility that Sandra might have feelings for her.

Sarah: "Wha... What? Sandra, I'm still normal. I'm not a lesbian, please, seek forgiveness, Sandra."

Sandra: Sandra burst into laughter. "You've got it all wrong. Of course, we're still normal. What I meant was that I prioritize our friendship over thinking about Alex's feelings. Besides, I already have feelings for Samuel, and I wouldn't change my heart for anyone else."

Meanwhile, Alex was confused and stuck with his feelings for Sandra. He knew that Sandra already had a boyfriend named Samuel, and she was very loyal to him. However, Alex also knew that Sarah, Sandra's friend, had strong feelings for him.

One day, during lunch break in the school cafeteria, Alex attempted to approach Sandra. He saw Sandra sitting with her friends at a table, and his heart raced as he approached.

Alex: "Hey Sandra, can I sit here?"

Sandra smiled kindly but kept her distance.

Sandra: "Sure, go ahead and sit."

Alex took a seat next to Sandra and tried to start a conversation tactfully.

Alex: "How are you, Sandra? You look beautiful today."

Sandra smiled faintly but appeared somewhat hesitant.

Sandra: "I'm doing fine, thank you. And how about you?"

Alex: "I'm good too, thanks. You know, I'm glad to be sitting here and chatting with you. I'd like to get to know you better."

Sandra smiled again, but this time it seemed more awkward.

Sandra: "Thank you, Alex. But I have to be honest, I already have a boyfriend, Samuel. I deeply love him, and I will remain loyal to him."

Alex understood and felt a bit disappointed, but he still attempted to proceed.

Alex: "Sure, I understand. But would you be honest with me? Are you truly happy with Samuel? I've noticed that you sometimes appear awkward and unsure."

Sandra fell silent for a moment and looked at Alex with a sharp gaze.

Sandra: "I love Samuel deeply, and I am happy with him. But I don't understand what you mean by awkward and unsure. I'm perfectly fine, Alex."

Alex was touched by Sandra's words and respected her decision.

Alex: "Alright, I understand. I don't want to disrupt your relationship with Samuel. I just want you to know that I'm here for you if you ever change your mind."

Sandra smiled softly and appreciated Alex's mature attitude.

Sandra: "Thank you, Alex. I value our friendship."

During lunch, the atmosphere between them was quite awkward, but they still managed to have a friendly conversation. Afterward, they returned to their respective classrooms.

Meanwhile, Sarah felt restless watching Alex and Sandra talk. She felt jealous and unsure about what to do. She had strong feelings for Alex, but she knew that he had feelings for Sandra. Sarah felt confused and incredibly sad.

In the following days, during the lunch break at school, Sarah sat alone at a table, contemplating her feelings. She tried to handle the situation wisely.

Suddenly, Alex approached and sat next to Sarah. He looked very serious.

Alex: "Hey Sarah, how are you doing?"

Sarah smiled nervously, her heart pounding.

Sarah: "Hey Alex, I'm doing fine. How about you?"

Alex: "I'm good too, thanks. Well, Sarah, there's something important I want to talk to you about."

Sarah became anxious, but she nodded and gave Alex a chance to speak.

Alex: "I want to be honest with you. I know that you have feelings for me, and I appreciate your feelings. But I want you to know that I prefer Sandra. I also know that Sandra already has a boyfriend, and I don't want to disturb her relationship with Samuel. However, I want us to still be friends, Sarah."

Sarah felt troubled hearing Alex's words, but she admired him for being honest and mature in his communication.

Sarah: "Okay, Alex. I understand. Thanks for your honesty. I also want us to remain good friends. I hope you're happy with your choice."

Alex smiled and felt relieved.

Alex: "Thank you so much, Sarah. I have great respect for you."

They continued their lunch with an awkward atmosphere, but they managed to have a polite conversation. Afterwards, they returned to their respective classrooms.

Several weeks passed, and Alex and Sandra remained good friends, while Sarah tried to forget her feelings for Alex and focused on school and her friends.

Although Sarah initially felt sad, she gradually accepted the reality that her feelings were not reciprocated. She learned to maintain her friendship with Alex and Sandra. She started feeling better and happier with her life, focusing on being true to herself.

A few months later, Sarah started feeling better and became more involved in school activities. She made new friends and spent more time with them. She also focused on her studies and developed her artistic talents.

One day, while Sarah was immersed in drawing in the school art studio, Alex approached her.

Alex: "Hey Sarah, how are you doing?"

Sarah smiled and responded warmly.

Sarah: "Hey Alex, I'm doing fine. How about you?"

Alex: "I'm good too, thanks. Well, Sarah, there's something important I want to talk to you about."

Sarah became anxious but nodded, giving Alex a chance to speak.

Alex: "I want to be honest with you. I know that you have feelings for me, and I appreciate your feelings. But I want you to know that I prefer Sandra. I also know that Sandra already has a boyfriend, Samuel. However, I want us to still be friends, Sarah."

Sarah smiled and thanked Alex for his support.

Sarah: "Well, thank you, Alex. I really enjoy being your friend and talking about art together."

They continued their conversation with enthusiasm, laughing and sharing stories. Sarah felt great being able to talk to Alex comfortably, without any awkwardness, even though her love for Alex was unrequited.

After talking for a while, Alex gave Sarah some advice on her drawing techniques. Sarah felt happy and inspired, thanking Alex for his support.

Alex: "You're really talented, Sarah. I'm glad to be your friend and discuss art with you."

Sarah smiled and expressed her gratitude.

Sarah: "Thank you so much, Alex. I really appreciate being your friend and discussing art together."

They continued talking passionately, and Sarah felt relieved that she could maintain a meaningful friendship with Alex, despite her unreciprocated feelings.

Some time later, Alex started getting to know Sandra better by meeting outside of school and having conversations. However, Alex knew that Sandra was already in a relationship with Samuel. Alex felt conflicted. He didn't want to disrupt Sandra and Samuel's relationship but couldn't deny his feelings for Sandra.

One day, while hanging out at a café near the school, Alex's heart raced when Sandra smiled at him.

Sandra: "Are you okay, Alex? You seem a bit off."

Alex: "I'm fine, it's just that seeing you makes me nervous, Sandra. You're too beautiful."

Sandra laughed and found Alex amusing.

Sandra: "Hahaha, you're so funny, Alex."

They continued to have a casual conversation, but Alex still felt troubled. He didn't know what to do and was afraid of hurting someone's feelings.

Taking a deep breath, Alex looked at Sandra and spoke up.

Alex: "I have to admit, Sandra, that I have feelings for you, but I know you already have Samuel as your boyfriend. I don't want to disrupt your relationship with him, so I'm trying to keep my distance."

Sandra was surprised by Alex's confession but still smiled.

Sandra: "Alex, I appreciate your feelings, but I've grown to love Samuel deeply, and we're happy together. I hope we can still be friends like this."

Alex nodded, showing that he understood the situation.

Alex: "I understand. It's not a problem, Sandra. I'm still happy to be friends with you."

Sandra: "Thank you, Alex. You can always talk to me if you have anything on your mind."

Sarah, who had become close friends with Sandra, supported Alex and helped him navigate his complicated feelings. Sarah was also glad to see Sandra and Samuel continuing their happiness together.

Alex and Sandra continued their friendship, with Alex still having feelings for Sandra. However, he learned to control his emotions and accepted that Sandra was already in a committed relationship.

Then, one day, while getting ready for a school event, Sarah approached Alex with a sweet smile.

Sarah: "Hey, Alex! You're looking great today."

Alex smiled and thanked Sarah.

Alex: "Thank you, Sarah. You look beautiful as always."

Sarah returned the smile.

Sarah: "Alex, I know you have a crush on Sandra, but you also need to understand that Sandra is already Samuel's girlfriend. You have to respect their relationship and not cause any disruptions."

Alex nodded, indicating that he had accepted the situation.

Alex: "I understand, Sarah. I won't interfere with their relationship. I just want them to be happy."

Sarah smiled and offered her support to Alex.

Sarah: "That's great, Alex. Don't worry too much. I'm sure you'll find someone who's right for you."

Alex was grateful for Sarah's support, and they continued with the school event together. Alex began to shift his focus to other things, such as extracurricular activities, studying, and making new friends at school.