
Chapter - 2


Chapter - 2: Knowledge = Power


I found myself in the shower, my reflection clear in the mirror. The person looking back at me resembled the old me, but there was something strikingly different about his build, stature, and overall appearance.

 It was hard to believe that this reflection was mine. However, when I reached out to touch my face, the reflection in the mirror mirrored my movements perfectly.

There I stood, completely naked in the shower, the hot water cascading over my now more masculine form, accentuating the lines and curves of my sculpted muscles. Every drop of water that fell on my skin seemed to trace the contours of my physique, accentuating its chiseled definition in an undeniably attractive way.

The athletic build of the past was gone, replaced by a more robust and well-built physique. My features had become sharper and rougher, giving me a much more mature appearance.

I was now six feet tall, with plenty of room for future growth. It was a change from the person I once was, and my heart swelled with pride as I realized that my experiment had achieved the human perfection I had hoped for.

It was truly incredible. Even after years of dedicated training, I had never come close to achieving such perfect muscle definition. I also used various magical enhancers, ranging from simple endurance potions to nutritional supplements loaded with vital proteins and vitamins that served as fuel for my body. 

This unique combination filled me with energy and allowed me to go for hours without a break. It was a game changer, surpassing even the effects of steroids. Building muscle has always been a slow, painstaking process. Muscles tore and repaired themselves through strenuous exercise, which took time to heal and adapt properly. 

This meant that for most people, progress was slow and they couldn't work on the same thing over and over again. Small increases in ability added up over time.

However, the potion I created was nothing short of a miracle. It catapulted me to a level I could never have hoped to reach in such a short time. Without it, I would have had to wait decades for both my physical and mental maturation to take me there.

The whole atmosphere in the shower made me feel a little, well, a little "bad boy," I had to admit. It seemed that the transformation had not only made me physically stronger, but had also given me a more animalistic aura in some ways.

The thought lingered in my mind that this newfound charm might catch the eye of the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff girls at Hogwarts, or at least that was what Tracey had immediately hinted at. She had a knack for knowing all the castle gossip, and her hunches were often spot on.

Suddenly, I opened the bathroom door, releasing a cloud of steam from my room. I stepped out, my figure emerging from the mist, and quickly grabbed a towel, discarding the now useless potion I had used.

After drying off, I changed into fresh clothes and then opened the windows to let in some fresh air to acclimate my body to the changing temperatures.

Inside, I didn't feel drastically different, just strangely tired. However, there was one unmistakable change - I could now consciously change the color of my irises from their original amber to a bright, vivid green.

It felt like a new muscle in my face, something I had to get used to. But there was more; new information had been introduced into my brain, revealing newfound abilities. It was clear that I would have to delve into this new body to discover its true potential.

It was clear that I had to train again with this new body to discover all the abilities I had acquired. And I could not afford to rest on my laurels, not after this revelation. I could have accomplished so much more with the time I had. 

"Come on, Miguel, you still have a lot of work to do. Now that The Ritual is over, it's time to pursue the truth," I said to myself with a smile, putting my hand on my chest.

The power I had gained through my reincarnation, a Gate to Truth that allowed me access to the universe of FMA (Fullmetal Alchemist). 

This Gate was the key to mastering alchemy, a form of power that consisted of breaking down matter into its constituent molecules and then reassembling it by rearranging those molecules into whatever form or substance I could visualize in order to gain the power to maneuver the world around me according to one's desires,

The way they actually do this is, of course, a bit elusive. It requires a solid knowledge of chemistry and a fundamental understanding of molecules before you can manipulate them. This is a lot of study that would theoretically take hundreds of years for the simplest alchemy.

I mean, if they don't even know that water is H2O and that you can split it into two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen, you probably shouldn't be messing around with alchemy. It's one of those basic principles they need to get a handle on.

Sure, anyone can dabble in alchemy with a little practice, but truly mastering it requires a deep knowledge of chemistry and an intimate understanding of alchemical symbols. Sure, I had this little shortcut up my sleeve, but to be honest, I thought I'd be more successful in that world. But reality had a way of being a little cruel.

Now, let's think of these circles, these transmutation circles, as blueprints for transformations. They're like magic equations, concentrated sources of power, essentially the cheat codes for tapping into the powers of the universe.

These circles aren't one-size-fits-all; they're custom-made for specific effects based on the symbols they carry. Whether you want to turn lead into gold or brew a healing elixir, you'll need a unique circle for each task. 

That's why alchemists must delve deep into the study of symbols and alchemical theory to create a functional transmutation circle.

Think of it like a chef who not only creates a delicious dish, but also understands the unique characteristics of the ingredients and how they blend together to create the perfect balance.

These circles are the bridge that connects an alchemist to the element they're trying to control. They're the heart of the entire process, and without them, most alchemists are virtually powerless.

For example, if I, as an alchemist, had a specific goal involving the manipulation of fire, I would need a custom transmutation circle designed to work with fire. This circle could be decorated with symbols that symbolize heat, combustion, and energy. When properly executed, it acts as a gateway to manipulate the very core of fire, allowing me to achieve the desired result I have in mind.

Throughout this process, I use the theory of idols, which I like to call imitative magic: a term used to describe a phenomenon in which the imitation of a whole or part of an object, known as a source, acquires the intrinsic properties and attributes of that source.

Consider this: a rune card etched with a significant fire symbol from mythology is like having an idol at your disposal. It serves as a direct link to the essence of a fire god, allowing you to harness its power.

Or consider a scenario where a church cross is an exact replica of the one where the Son of God was crucified. It doesn't just symbolize that moment; it retains the same deep sacred power.

So yes, indeed, alchemy from the FMA world was undoubtedly very Op, but since I had ended up in the Marvel, it no longer seemed like something so incredible as to break all reality, given all the cosmic beings that existed in that universe.

Carefully, I bent down to pick up a padlocked diary that had been left on the floor. As my fingers made contact with its surface, a strange sensation came over me. As if sensing a familiar presence, the padlock gave way with a slight snap, revealing a series of intricate notes and symbols.

Each page contained descriptions that echoed my intuitions, hinting at a level of understanding reserved for only the most discerning minds close to understanding the truth of this world.


[● File - Alchemical Body: Homunculus]

Redacted: ███████

Project: Rework Witcher Potion.

Redacted# 2 

The original potion ingredients included Forked Tail spinal fluid, a Manticore venom gland, a Bruxa Albina tongue, a Brionia, a Costal leaf, and a Mandrake root, among the many ingredients that have crossed my mind.

Now, I'm not entirely sure if these particular ingredients exist in this world. However, in theory, if they are reasonably obtainable and, hypothetically, if I could get my hands on them, I might be able to recreate the herb test. The only question is whether the power of the test will be as strong as it should be, given the rules of this world.

Note: Unfortunately, my extensive search of the magical realm has revealed that some materials simply don't exist here. So I'm looking for suitable alternatives to continue the experiment. Fortunately, my new friend, with her family's political clout, may be the key to overcoming this hurdle.


Redacted# 34

I've managed to find some possible solutions for obtaining the necessary materials to create the potion that's been brewing in my mind. Now all that remains is to raise my alchemy skills to a level where I can produce it with confidence. However, I cannot deny that this will not be a walk in the park, especially with my commitments to various specialized subjects competing for my time.

Note: Unfortunately, my potion making skills fall short of mastery. Despite numerous attempts, my efforts have been marked by inconsistency, resulting in more misses than hits.

Note - 2: As for my other option, I had considered asking Professor Snape for help. I was even prepared to offer compensation, but the greasy-haired professor scolded me and made it clear that he didn't play favorites among his students. *Bah*, Malfoy Jr...


Redacted# 56

It's been a while since I wrote these thoughts. In the meantime, I've been deeply immersed in my studies and acquiring the materials necessary to continue my experiment. Interestingly, it seems that fortune has favored me, especially with the various creatures that have chosen to attack this school.

I was able to obtain some Basilisk blood simply by shadowing the Golden Trio during one of their adventures. As for the Troll that wreaked havoc on the school last Halloween, well, let's just say it left some valuable materials in its wake. I have to admit, I've been pretty lucky. Now there's only one thing missing...

Note: As for the third material, it turned out to be easier to obtain than I had expected. All I had to do was ask her, and surprisingly, it seemed I had managed to pique her interest, or at least get in her good graces, according to her perspective.


Redacted# 66

After a long search for something that could potentially simplify my potion-making activities, I came across something truly intriguing, an aspect that the magical world had largely overlooked. It seemed that their traditions often limited people more than they realized, especially in the context of scientific progress.

The discovery of a substance called "Sea Slug" was revolutionary to me, no only for my quest to create a high-level body potion, but more importantly for my broader goal of improving the efficiency of my brain.

I had to admit that I was more lucky than I expected in finding good raw materials for my experiments, as if something was affecting my fate or not, and I was no sorry if I had to be completely honest.

Anyway, back to the point, I was trying to unlock the potential to process and store knowledge that could elevate my alchemy to a level where I could one day control the fundamental forces that govern the universe.

In addition, through extensive research, I discovered the remarkable properties of "Sea Slug" material. It turned out to be a volatile genetic substance with the amazing ability to rewrite the genetic code. In essence, this meant that I could potentially manipulate my genetic makeup to mimic that of any desired creature, gaining access to its inherent capabilities, with only the limits of my imagination limiting the possibilities.

The mechanism of action involved stimulating the formation of powerful stem cells capable of differentiating into any cell type, even those not found in nature. The implications were staggering: such a substance offered unprecedented possibilities for personal evolution.

This revelation was nothing short of extraordinary: I was facing the solution to all my past and future problems, enabling me not only to transcend my limitations, which would cease to exist, but also to transform into a realm of unlimited potential.


Redacted# 79

Finally, at the end of my third year at Hogwarts, I had achieved what had been nothing more than a dream. Creating this potion wasn't a walk in the park, but with determination and sheer will, it had become a reality.

However, there was one last hurdle that got under my skin. After comparing it to other similar potions I'd created, I discovered that the power it would give me would be somewhat weaker than I'd originally expected. Considering the time and effort that had gone into its research and creation, this realization was more than a little frustrating.

However, I had to admit that this setback shouldn't have come as a surprise. The laws of this world were notoriously difficult to manipulate, and the potion I was working with followed those very laws. It couldn't produce the exact results I had hoped for.

Fortunately, I already had a solution in mind. All I had to do was enhance its "value," or more specifically, use alchemy and idol theory with the right symbols at the right time of day to perform a "conceptual enhancement" of the potion to ensure that it brought my body into perfect harmony with alchemy.

I knew I could do it. Nothing would stand in my way now. I was determined to get exactly what I wanted, and I was willing to put in the effort to make it happen.


"It was a difficult journey, but I finally made it," I chuckled, happily slipping the book into my backpack. My eyes lit up a brilliant shade of green as I exclaimed, "Now that I have this amazing body, I can finally take the plunge into developing my original alchemy.

In recent years, my expertise in alchemy has blossomed to the point where I can confidently claim a mastery that no one else can match. "However, the offensive abilities still lack potency..." I admitted, harboring a preference for maintaining control in battle.

Just as I was contemplating a possible solution to this dilemma, a deafening clap of thunder echoed in my ears, causing me to involuntarily tense up. A spark of realization ignited within me. "Lightning!" I exclaimed, realizing that I had stumbled upon the solution that would catapult me to new heights of power.


A/N: Long chapter I hope you enjoy it!

Tell me what you think of the story with lots of comments to let me know what you think and what you want to see or even some improvements I can make.

 This chapter is meant to give context to the previous one and also to introduce some important information for those who are not familiar with the FMA universe (Fullmetal Alchemist ), and I also add some Idol Theory for those who are more knowledgeable about the world to be able to give additional depth instead.

I have added, also references to The Witcher and also BioShock for those who read more carefully, to make things interesting. I also want to make it clear that Mc will not abuse this resource after all it is not infinite and also very rare after so many experiments he has done with this substance.

I also tried to make something interesting, as if Mc is a real scientist/scholar searching for the truth with his notes that looked like that of SCP universe, I did it on purpose if it was not clear.

On the other hand, if you want to see something specific in the next chapters, or even just have some good advice for the story as a whole, I am always willing to read a comment if it is constructive criticism.

If you see any mistakes, I would be grateful if you would point them out to me, so that I can correct them when I have some spare time, and make the story as complete as possible for myself and especially for you.

To facilitate a clearer understanding, I've retained pictures of the respective characters. Your feedback is always valued, and if you have any suggestions for the upcoming chapter, please feel free to comment—I'll be sure to respond as usual.

Please leave a review if you like the story.


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