
Chapter 1: The Beginning of the Tragedy

I gasped at the horror that was laid in front of my eyes. In view was a red substance that was oozing out of the unmoving flesh. Until the flesh was pure white without a speck of color. That flesh was once someone who gave me the brightest smile in my earliest years. Now was dead. The person I would run to for all my problems. Fear crept into my eyes once more.

I did this, I caused her death, because of me she is dead. My knees grew weak and I collapsed to the ground hitting the gray, stone cold floor. I placed my hands in the pool of blood and gently placed my head on her chest desperately trying to find a heart bit. In a moment of ignorance I asked "Mom, mom, wake up! I know you are still alive! Wake up." As tears started to stream down my face like a water fall.

- 2 years ago -

"Hey dad, hey mom!" said the little girl who was 16. Her smile brightly showed and touched her eyes. It was a smile that made smiles. Except one moment after her eyes kept growing dimmer each time she looked at her parents. They were sitting at the dining room table just staring at these papers. The girl knew her parents were in a tough situation but it killed her on how helpless she was. She spinned around and walked to the other only room.

The wallpaper was tearing down, and holes were displayed from from the previous owners. It was like one of those abandoned houses you see and grew wary of.

She wept her tears away and scurried out the door never looking back. All of a sudden she was on the open street the night sky filled with blackness, an empty void. The street lights were growing dimmer by the second. She ran, ran as fast as she could to get away from all her problems. Eventually, found herself in a dark alley.

She ventured around and to her horror there was 5 men and another little girl her age. Her eyes grew open as she did not comprehend what was going on. It was terrible was all she knew of. Her body was trembling as she cautiously strolled toward the little girl.

There she saw the girl that was trapped by the men whipping her. She noticed all the slashes that was upon her bloody back. Blood was oozing out of every ounce of her back. The girl was in such a bad shape she was completely unconcious. She gasped in horror causing the men to look at her. Staring her down. Making her body itch to run away. One of the men opened his voice. "Hey pretty girl, wanna play with us?" The man with the whip whispered staring at her. Her body trembled with fear. The man swiftly pushed the whip to one of the other men. He grasped the little girl into his arms. "What's your name little girl?" He spoke in a very low voice that could make the earth tremble and every King bow at his feet. She spoke softly and in broken words. "Ar-i-es Nic-k-ol-as" The man flew his eyes as open as he can and gasped. He thought, "Could this really be the one I am looking for?"

She looked at him with confusion and fear.
