24 In Price...

The group left the ward riding on a large mover. They were already alert as soon as they got out.

"I think it's dangerous going outside defenseless," Taz wake them all up and Gaz nodded. Gaz then started to wave his hand focusing hard on his fingers. Slowly a barrier rises surrounding the ground.

"My turn!!" Taz enthusiastic shout came as soon as Gaz ended. He also waves his hand quickly on his version of sign language. Soon another barrier was erected under Gaz's barrier.

"Thank you..." Navea appreciates their active participation in the group and this makes the remaining members smile.

"Can we go to the library first, I'm sure it will be safe there. I need books." Henry said he stand at the center hiding on their figures.

'I need to minimize the sighting of me with the group.'

They arrive at the library and quickly entered but Henry remains outside. He is wearing a black T-shirt under his black jacket. When he enters, Henry slowly walks toward Hagard who is also smiling at his arrival.

"How are you? I'm pleased to see you still alive," Hagard happily said with his hands on the table.

"Yeah, yeah! It's crazy here! Is it normal for that to happen here?" Henry asks acting like he didn't know anything.

"Yes, get used to it. Now, what do you want? You still haven't returned the book you borrowed in the past," Hagard stand straight. Henry sees Navea walking at the corner of his eyes toward Hagard.

"Hi Navea, how are you? Care to have a meal with me again?" Henry strikes up the conversation that Navea didn't have time to answer.

"Wow! You are so direct! I like that! If I'm younger I sure have done that when I met my first love. Such a pity... Borrowing this? Okay... Let me process this first. You two love birds talk first," Hagard left them.

"Hahaha, you sure are beautiful. Every time I see you I feel happy. So what you focus on?" Henry with his back on the desk he frowns. Navea sees it but ignores his action.

"Is this what you tell to every lady you see?" Navea asks with a hint of anger.

"No, only for beautiful ladies. You're the first to be more detailed. My standard is high for myself," Henry answered and Navea became colder.

"Done! Here you go..." Hagard arrives back and gave Navea the collection of books and she quickly left.

"Hey!! I need to prepare first to meet me tomorrow!!" Henry yelled at Navea's retreating figure and she stops for a moment before leaving.

"Oooh, did I ruin the atmosphere?" Hagard asks in confusion.

"Hahaha, no... Can you help me with something?" Henry whispers at him.

"Let me try it after hearing it first."

"You know it's kinda hard to live here right. I want to ask if you know something that can boost my ability or maybe someone to assist me?" Henry lowers his voice leaning over the desk closer to Hagard.

"Ohh! Sure! I know what will perfectly fit," he smiled and left again. This time it fast longer. In time some of his group members passed by him and tried to talk but Henry just dismisses them with his bullshits.

"Here we go... You sure are great." Hagard gave him a small book.

"What's this?" Henry asks in a whisper.

"Hehehe, this my friend is a ritual where you can ask for Gods and Goddess to be their servant or retainer. It will give up quick power boost but you need to fulfill a constant request from them," Hagard replied in an also low voice while his eyes were looking everywhere.

"Nice... So what is it for you? I'm sure you won't give me this for nothing?" Henry asks expecting it for a cost. At first, he didn't think something like this from Hagard.

"Nothing my friend, I also under a God. I'm here for a mission and giving that to you is that... They were recruiting servants. You came in very timely. I can now have my reward. Hahaha!!" He laughs inside his fishbowl making it bubbles and Henry also smiles at his words.

"Thank you for this again! Can you give me books regarding magic basics and maybe history also. Mix in something you think will help me," Henry asks.

"Ohh! You sure are giving me a hard time..." Hagard said tapping on the table.

"Well, I'm just licking some leftover gold from you right?" Henry replied and Hagard smiles widely before leaving. In his return, he has a cart with lots of books.

"Wow! Just wow! How can I leave with this?!" Henry acted exaggeratedly with a smile on his face.

"Hahaha! I'll give you a deal. I give you three additional things. This bag, a water pouch, and lastly a box. If you will accept two Deities contract. You can have it all," Hagard said.

"Is that possible? Maybe I can do it for you my friend, but tell me first what is the effect of those things," Henry replied with a troubled face.

'Fuck! This fish sure is milking me good. At least gave me something nice in exchange!'

"This bag can contain tons of goods additional to it is security settings that you can recall and only you can open. This pouch will never run out of the water and lastly, this box can make give you food every 5 hours for hundred of years," he said smiling widely.

"Wow!! Hahaha! Okay, you got a deal with that! I'll take it. I'm sure you have a way to know if I did it without me saying."

Hagard nodded and starts to put all the books on the bag.

"You don't need to return the books. When a year passes it will vanish on its own," Hagard said with a mocking smile.

"Ohh!! You played me well!! Hahaha!"

Henry left the library. No one did anything to him.

'Haaa... Why do they need to wear branch colors when they can Identify you easily with that?'

Henry arrive back in his room and got the box and pouch out and eat his fill. He got a burger from the box and unlimited fresh water.

"Okay! Time for that!" Henry said.
