
My Everyday Life is not Generic

He lives life like any teenager does. Surrounded by people, enjoying the thing called youth. But that's just what he wants people to think. In reality every relation he makes in life is nothing but a sham. Believing he doesn't need anything more than superficial relations where he can fade into the background while still being part of the social hierarchy. All his beliefs are questioned when he is forced to meet a girl who shows what Real is.

ArGasti · 現実
18 Chs

Chapter 4 - 4

I don't usually think about my past actions wondering if they were right or wrong, the reason is simple – you can't change the past. Even if I made a mistake in the past there is nothing I can do, so there's no point in ruining your present by thinking about the past.

This time, however, I think I made a really big mistake by following my guts.

As soon as the girl who was the whole reason Akane and I were here today saw me, she grabbed Watari and rushed towards me. "Are you a friend of Watari's?" she said, her face unexpectedly close to mine.

My body backed away into the front counter reflexively. Before I could realize it, I had lost my balance and was about to fall down. I thrusted my hand on the counter in an attempt to regain my balance and some pride by not falling down in public. It helped a little, instead of trembling to the ground I was able to control myself into a kneel, which felt a little less humiliating. When I finally was able to have my body in control I heard a voice from behind me.

"Can you not spend one week without falling around people?" Akane doesn't seem to acknowledge the two people who have entered the cafe.

"Oh I know you… Akane Sawatari, right?" the mystery girl said with a grin, the depths of her excitement appears to have no end. "Is this guy with you?" she points towards me.

"We happen to cross paths." Akane attacked with the same grin.

No words were said for a few moments after that, it seemed everyone had been frozen by the tension between these two girls. No one was brave enough to speak up between those girls who were staring at each other with a smile painted on their faces. Anybody could tell this situation is really bad.

"What a coincidence we all are here." Watari said walking up to Akane, "Come on, let's sit down and talk." He has always been a peacemaker, everyone likes a peacemaker. Well this time his peace-loving personality does benefit me so I have no problem listening to him, the other choice I have is to let the girls continue their staring war. The problem is, I have no idea if the girls are going to listen to a peace treaty, especially one given by the reason this war started.

"If you say so, Watari-Kun." she takes her eyes off Akane and points to a table in the back, "I think that table should be good, right Sawatari-San?"

"Something as trivial as the location of a table does not bother me."

"Oh… Well what about you?" She looks at me, still on the floor, kneeling.

Standing up, I nod my head and we all start walking toward the chosen table.

The girl, still full of excitement, hops into the chair that was in front of me, with Watari next to her. The only place left for Akane was the chair next to me. At first I had a feeling that if Akane sat next to me she would definitely be annoyed, however I felt no hostility from her while she was sitting next to me.

"Come on, introduce us, Watari-Kun."

"Well you already know–"

"Stop. Not like this, I know a better way of introducing each other. Since I already know Sawatari-San, why don't she introduce the person she's with? And Watari-Kun can introduce me."

"What's wrong with Watari introducing everyone, he knows everyone here. It would just be easier." I don't want Akane to introduce me with her insults.

"But it's no fun. We should always do things that are more fun."

"I have no problems with that proposal," Akane started before I could say anything, looking as calm as ever "This is Youhei Arima. He's in the same class as me."

"Same class, huh? … So what's your relationship?" she leaned towards the table, looking straight towards me.

Did she really ask that question that blatantly? The way she acts seems carefree but she knows what she's doing, she is a dangerous girl.

"There is no relationship, we are just acquaintances." Akane answered in her usual cold tone. She was not fazed by this girl, did she expect this question? I should give her more credit than I do. "Before you ask people a question like that, I believe, you should at least introduce yourself."

"Oh… I'm sorry. I'm Airi Yuria. I attend Furei High. I'm the same year as Watari-kun." she let out a laugh.

What happened to Watari introducing her? At least now we have a name, Airi, she seems friendly but anyone can tell she is a danger. A danger I'll have to get involved with so I can move on with my life.

"What's your relationship with Watari?" The mood changed drastically after I asked that question. I had expected that to happen so I wasn't surprised, "I mean how does a Furei High student know someone from Soubo High?"

Airi tilted her head to her left. The smile on her face widened. "Oh, has Watari-kun never mentioned me?" she nudges Watari with her elbow, which Akane notices but doesn't react, "That's not cool Watari-Kun. Your friends should know about me."

I am not a friend of Watari and if he had mentioned you then we wouldn't be having this conversation right now, you would be living your life being popular and I'd be at home playing my video game, a better life for everyone.

"I just never got around talking about you." Watari said, looking more calm and cool than before.

"That's no excuse." she pouted, turning towards me she continued, "We'll you are in luck, I'll tell you how I know Watari-Kun." She put her left hand on the table, "You see, Watari-Kun and I have known each other for a long time." Her expression changes as she focuses on her hand, particularly on the watch that was on her hand. "Oh my… Watari-kun, we are getting late, we have to leave if we wanna catch that thing." Airi gets up.

"Yeah you are right we have to hurry." Watari gets up after her, "I'm sorry Sawatari-San, Youhei, We have to leave now."

Why are you using my first name, we just met. Before I could say anything they were gone, I had a feeling it wasn't going to be this easy to learn Airi's relationship with Watari. Who even knows if they really had to leave or if it was just a way to avoid this conversation? With Airi that kind of thing isn't out of the question.

I turned toward Akane, her head was down and her hair covered her eyes but I've been around Akane enough to know that this look meant she was disappointed, maybe even sad.

"You didn't actually think that she was gonna tell us right now, did you?" I said in an attempt to lighten her mood.

"They have known each other for a long time…" Akane mumbled.

I think I know why Akane looks sad. She has known Watari for a while but this is the first time she is realizing that she doesn't even know someone Watari had known for longer. He probably never brought up his past, I can't say I blame Watari for not talking about his past with Akane. If I was in his position I wouldn't be bringing up my past either, not with anyone. But for Akane, her feeling sad makes sense.

Composing herself Akane gets up from the chair, "I am going to go home now. You should do the same."

"I'll walk you to the station." I didn't know why I offered to do that.

"That will not be necessary." She denied it without looking at me.

I catch up to her on the front door of the cafe, "Will you be contacting me tomorrow too?"


I watch her walk away.