
My Eldritch Werewolf Cultivation

Xorag, an ancient and Eldritch god, was freed from his prison by a greedy archaeologist. Now, the cruel God wants to make a reality in his twisted image. Sara Whitlock came to Duskhold to escape her guilt. Now she's a prisoner of her heritage. A blind sage named Dawn comes to Duskhold and reveals Sara's secret family history. She is a descendant of the Eldritch Pack, the first werewolves. Now she must grow powerful enough to seal Xorga away with the aid of her Eldritch form. If she doesn't succeed the world will never be the same in the worst way possible.

Jolan_Hildebrandt · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Chapter 5

When Dawn finished her business in the bathroom, "Are you sure telling Liam is the right thing?" Her eyes studied Sara, "He might walk away."

Sara absently rubbed the rough paper towel against her hands. "I know. He's one of the first people I met in Duskhold. He deserves more..."

"We are not best friends, Sara. I don't care how you feel about Liam. We need him. Make sure he continues the journey." She tied the cloth back over her eyes. "You'll understand later." Her cold, detached manner didn't make the words pleasant to digest. The ivory staff tapped against grey concrete.

Sara stared at herself in the mirror. A tiny voice in her mind said, "How you handle the situation now will decide who you become." After a brief internal argument, Sara decided to tell Liam the purpose of their mission. She pointed to her reflection and said, "Don't chicken out."


Dawn waited in the car while Liam and Sara walked the length of the parking lot. Cars whooshed by them in a blur of metal and color. Sara tapped her fingers together. "Liam..."

"I know there is something bigger going on. I am happy you wanted to tell me." He stopped and held her hand. Sara felt the blood rush to her cheeks. Liam smiled and said, "I don't care where we are going. As long as it's with you, I'm happy."

"You barely know me," Sara said. She took a mental image of him and held it at the forefront of her memory. "What did I do to deserve such a good friend?"

"I was in a rough place when we first met. My father lost his mind. He killed my mother before he turned the gun on himself. It didn't make any sense."

"My father did the same thing. An expedition he dispatched to Ireland died under mysterious circumstances." Sara wished she had met Liam sooner. "You understand there are some things I can't explain because I don't know enough myself."

Liam kissed the top of her hand, "I can't sit around feeling sorry for myself anymore. Regardless of what happens between us, I need this trip to get out of my head."

The sun started to dip below the horizon. Sarah raised a hand to shield her eyes against the bright orange glow. "You have my thanks. We should get going. Dawn's probably getting impatient."

Dawn was already fast asleep in the back seat. Sara breathed a sigh of relief. On the dash was a note that said, "Eureka Springs, Hellbender."

"What does that mean?" Liam asked

Sara shrugged and pulled up google maps after she lit up a smoke. "Do you mind?"

"We're werewolves. I doubt secondhand smoke is going to kill us."

"Yeah. I think it's why I smoke." Sara felt a little better than she did a day ago. The crushing loneliness she once felt melted away. She decided to protect Liam at all costs.


They arrived at Eureka springs eighteen hours later. A city nestled in the middle of expansive woodland. Historic buildings ruled the downtown area and fit well with the clang of the operational trolley. Dawn guided them to a cheap motel.

"I must have a room to myself...don't look at me like that. You two like each other anyway." She glared at them. "Now, you need to watch for a few things."

Sara crossed her arms and lit a smoke, "Such as?" her heart raced as Liam's hand fumbled to touch hers. "What could we be in danger from?"

"The smell of a fresh asphalt where there is none," Dawn said. Her face stayed straight. She tapped the staff against the ground to emphasize her point.

"Can we ask why?" Liam asked.

"Xorags minions often smell of the void..."

"The void smells like freshly laid asphalt?" Sara raised an eyebrow.

Dawn slammed the staff against the ground again, "Don't make light of my words. Xorag wants to devour everything. We are the only people standing in his way." She paused, "Yes, it's the closest scent to the void.

Sara managed to wipe the smile off her face. "I'll keep my nose on high alert..." She trailed off. She remembered her first creation, "Do you think my familiar will help us?"

"What are you talking about?" Liam asked. He stole the smoke from Sara's fingers and inhaled. Sara couldn't help but smile at him.

"I think you and Sara have much to talk about," Dawn opened her pocket and smiled, "Do you wish to be with your mistress?" A grumpy yip escaped from the coat. "Looks like your little friend still prefers me."

"Stupid former rat," Sara said haughtily. "Is there anything you'd like us to do while you rest?" She couldn't help but stare at the pocket with anger in her heart.

Dawn nodded, "Look for a shop called Thistle Do. Ask for Faith. Tell her we need the Dybbuk Box. Don't open the box because we need what's inside."

"What's in the box?" Liam's childlike curiosity somehow made him more endearing to Sara.

Dawn entered her room and slammed the door. She spoke in a harsh tone. "Ask Faith. She'll tell you. I'd hurry. She closes in the next few hours."

Sarah smiled and took Liam's hand. She enjoyed the strength of his hand wrapped around hers. "We should get going."


Downtown Eureka invoked a romantic atmosphere among the old architecture and trolley stops. Liam didn't seem to care much for it. He smiled every time Sara marveled at some nicknack. While they hadn't defined who and what they were to each other, there was something natural about being with Liam.

All good things must come to an end, though. Sara knew it was the end because the smell of fresh asphalt touched her nostrils. Her eyes darted around for the source.

"You smell that?" Liam asked.

"I do," Sara replied.

Sara wished her familiar had followed them. The smell came close and then faded. Whatever stalked them wasn't keen to reveal itself. Liam kept his head on a swivel, "How close are we to Thistle Do?"

"Google maps is going haywire," Liam rotated on the spot with his phone in hand. "How are we going to find our unseen enemies?"

The situation left little choice. Sara needed to rely on the eldritch heritage. "I need a place where there aren't so many people."

"Why?" Liam asked.

"I'll explain once we're alone..." The void scent grew close again and then vanished. "Grrr. It knows we can't reveal our wolf forms."

Liam Gripped her hand and led her through the streets to an empty alley. He peeked around the corner. "I'd hurry if I were you. I can't say how long our privacy will last."

"Please don't think less of me," Sara raised her hand and opened the eldritch eye on her palm. The swirl of auras filled her vision. Most were normal. "Where are you?" her voice hissed through clenched teeth.

Liam remained silent. She could hear him open his mouth to speak, but his teeth snapped shut. Then a miracle happened. "I don't know what's going on, but I know you can do this."

The smell came close again, but Sara detected no aura above. She didn't sense any malignant entities in front of her. A came to Sara. "What if they are in the sewers?" The eldritch eye pointed downward.

A sinister purple aura stalked the area beneath their feet. Sarah swore and closed the third eye. "It's following us from the sewer." She saw the shocked expression on Liam's face. "You don't have to stay..."

Liam gripped her hand containing the eldritch orb and shook his head. "I was thinking..."

"We can talk about it later. Our first job is to nail whatever is following us. Then we need to secure the dybbuk box." Sarah pointed to a sewer cover in the middle of the street. "Quick down there."

Seconds later, the adventurous pair lowered themselves into the smelly underbelly of the beautiful city. Liam shifted to his wolf form. The markings made his face resemble a skull, and his thick corded muscles twitched impressively. Sara felt an ache she hadn't before. One she didn't have time to address.

Sara shifted to her wolf form. Rather than fur, she had a tough exoskeleton with ominous markings. A line of bone spikes ran down her spine. Once more, Liam opened his mouth to speak. "We'll talk later."