
11: Relationship declaration

After a minute of light kisses, Kevin tried to pry open Yuki's mouth. When accessed given, his tongue explores inside.

Yuki can't help but let out light moans. The kisses feel so good. Hand from clutching on Kevin's shoulder, slowly he moves them and circles around Kevin's neck.

Both of them enjoyed their first intimacy and won't stop until almost half an hour passed.


Both of them panted. When Kevin breaks the kiss, he can't stop staring at Yuki's swollen lips. He keeps caressing it. Yuki lifts his head, showing his misty eyes and Kevin can feel his breath on his chin. He leans down and gives another peck. He just can't get enough of those sweet lips. He wants more but he thinks that it will be too much for Yuki. He tightens the hold around Yuki's waist. Both of them drowned in each other's gaze.

After a while, Kevin suddenly remembered that Yuki is traumatized by all those touching and skinship. "Yuki, I'm sorry if I make you feel uncomfortable. I know... what I did might remind you of your past. I'm sorry."

Yuki's heart thumping loudly. Kevin's words of care make him feel like crying. It's been so long since someone cared and treated him so kind like this. He wraps his arms around Kevin's neck and snuggles his face on it. Kevin gladly accept. "No. You didn't. You're different from them. You're gentle and you didn't do it out of my permission. If it's you... I- don't mind... doing it."

Kevin's conscience to take their relationship slow has been stabbed repeatedly by Yuki's words. He takes a deep breath and clenches on Yuki's shirt tightly. Slowly, he calms down his heart and also his little brother. Kevin tilts his head to get a clearer look at Yuki's face. His lips curved when he saw the reddened cheeks and ears.

"Really? If it's me, you don't mind?" Yuki nods.

"May I know why? Hmm?" Kevin trying his luck. He has a little bit of hope that Yuki bore the same feeling as him.

Yuki buried his face on Kevin's neck, he muffles, "I- like you..."

Kevin bites inside his mouth, holding from smiling. He heard it but he wants Yuki to tell him right on his face. "Hmm? What is it? I can't hear you. Here, look at me and say it again," Kevin holding on to Yuki's chin, facing him.

When Yuki saw Kevin's handsome face, his face flushed even more and it feels like his head letting out a puff of smoke due to a short circuit in his head. "I- I like you..." He lowers his head.

Kevin just stares at him without saying anything. Kevin's silence worrying Yuki. He thought his confession might make Kevin feel uncomfortable. He's anxious. Slowly he lifts his head and he was slightly stunned when he saw smiling Kevin.

"Ke- Kevin?"

Cupping on both sides of Yuki's face, Kevin staring straight into Yuki's eyes. "I like you too, Yuki. Like you so much,"

Yuki's lids immediately tremble, his eyes become watery. "Hey...why are you crying?" Kevin pulls him back into his embrace. "Shhh... don't cry. I never meant to make you sad. Shhh..." He strokes his head, coaxing him.

Yuki shakes his head. "No. I'm not sad. I'm happy. So happy!" Yuki wipes the tears using the back of his palm and smiles beautifully. Both of them holding onto each other tightly, swaying left and right.

"Yuki, from now onwards, I need you to share everything with me. When you're happy, sad, scared, anything, just tell me. I also will tell you everything you want to know." Yuki nods vigorously.

"And one more thing. Hmmm..." Kevin hesitates. "You do know that I used to sleep around with many people right?"

Yuki's expression slightly changes. Somehow he feels jealous of those people. He just nods. "But since the night I took you here, I never slept with anyone else. Until now. And, there might be some people who came between us, trying to separate us. That's why I need you to trust me. I promise, I only have you and no one else. So, trust my words only. If you feel any doubt about me, just ask me anyway. I'll answer you, alright?" Yuki nods again.

"Good boy," Kevin pecks on Yuki's nose bridge. "Starting tonight, you're going to sleep here."

Yuki blinks repeatedly. "He- here?"

"Yes, baby. I got my lover in my house so why would I sleep alone? It is better to have something warm to cuddle with," Kevin said while rubbing his face on Yuki's neck.



Hearing Kevin utter those words makes Yuki feels on cloud nine. He didn't reject the idea of sleeping together with Kevin. Whenever he's alone, he tends to have a nightmare. Having Kevin with him can help him to sleep better and he feels safer.

Therefore, the new couple spending their sweet time together. Kevin had the urge to pull Yuki into the bathroom with him but he held it back. After a quick bath, they have dinner together, watching tv then cuddling on the bed until morning.

When Kevin went to work, Tsujihara Group's employees having goosebumps all over when their CEO was smiling at them and happily bid them a good morning. They thought it was the calm before the storm. Some of them even thought of getting ready to find a new job.

During the meeting, even though Kevin was not smiling but he's not being fussy like always, not frowning and easily agreed with everyone's words of opinion. The staff be like "....should we feel happy or vice versa?"

"Hey.." Raiden hit Kevin's arm with a file. "What's wrong with you? Did you hit some jackpot?"

The smiles on Kevin's face getting wider. "Well... it is much better than a jackpot." Lifting his right eyebrows, Raiden squinted.

"Don't worry. Nothing big. Oh! By the way, I only work half-day for today. After lunchtime, I won't be coming in. Just call me if anything urgent."

"Where are you going? You don't have any meeting outside for today."

"No. It's not a meeting. I'm taking MY LOVER out. We're going shopping. I want to buy some clothes for him," Kevin's words make Raiden rolls his eyes.

Raiden crossed his arms, scoffs, "I see... That's the reason the dark, gloomy and evil CEO was smiling all the time today because his feelings have been returned. Now, he already got himself a lover. I see... I see..."

Kevin rubs his nape. His acts almost make Raiden throws up. "Stop it. You, getting shy, it's ugly."

Kevin huffs. "Just say you're jealous of me."

Raiden rolls his eyes. "Me? Jealous of you? Dude, I got a wife already. If only Mika can get pregnant, we already have 3-4 kids. You??" Raiden leans closer to Kevin's face and smirks, "You didn't even sleep with him yet. So, JEALOUS OF TSUJIHARA KEVIN never exists in my dictionary."

Kevin grits his teeth. He said Raiden was jealous of him but instead it was the other way. He is jealous of Raiden!

Why? Because Mika is quite bold and brave in expressing his love. Even if Raiden didn't initiate any intimacy, Mika would do it.

But Yuki? He's too shy!

If Kevin didn't do anything, they'll never move to another step in their relationship. He wished one day, he can get the chance to see Yuki seduces him. By just imagining it already can make him hard. The shy and bashful Yuki acting sexy, riding him, bouncing on his laps. Kevin's little brother was already half-awaken.

He can just clench his fist while staring dagger at sneering Raiden. "Just wait and see!"

Raiden scoffs, shrugs his shoulders and leaves Kevin's room happily. Making Kevin feel defeated was such a nice feeling for Raiden.

Kevin did as he says before. After lunch hour, his figure couldn't be found inside the company's building. As soon as the hour hand shows at 12 and the minute hand shows at 6, Kevin took his leave. He takes Yuki to have lunch at a high-end restaurant. Their presence attracts so many eyes inside the restaurant. The main reason is that who doesn't know the tycoon in the business world, Tsujihara Kevin. His face alone could get the attention of all women.

However, when they saw Kevin walked inside the restaurant, holding hands with a beautiful long-haired guy, it piqued their interest more. A woman tried to snap their pic but her phone was immediately snatched by Kevin's bodyguards. The bodyguards took her phone, delete the picture then return it back with a piece of warning. When other people saw that, they retracted their phones back.

Kevin seems unaffected but on the other hand, Yuki fidgets under their questioning gaze. Kevin noticed it and immediately pull him into his arms and quickly walked to their private room. Once the door closed, Yuki unconsciously heaves a sigh of relief. Kevin holds back his laugh.

While leading Yuki to their table beside the big window, Kevin said, "You have to get used to it. Being my lover, you'll be always the center of attention. But worry not, I won't let anyone hurt you," One hand holding on Yuki's hand and the other hand gently strokes Yuki's cheek.


After lunch, Kevin brings Yuki to the shopping mall. A few months have passed so Kevin thought of buying new clothes for Yuki. Before this, the shirts he bought for Yuki were most likely suited for lazing at home. Since he decided to bring Yuki out more often, he needs to buy Yuki outfits that are suitable for hanging out.

Right after they entered the shop, Yuki grabs tight Kevin's hand. "Kevin, can't we... go to another store? It- It's too expensive here. Let's just go somewhere else, okay?"

Kevin smiles faintly. This is why he loves Yuki. Unlike those people who slept with him for his money, Yuki rejected the idea of Kevin pampering him with luxuries.

"Baby, if I don't spoil you, who else should I do to? It's alright. I just want to provide the best thing for my lover. So, just pick whatever catch your eyes. Don't care about those zeros." Kevin ushered Yuki to the men's section and waiting patiently beside him until Yuki picks up a few clothes and went inside the fitting room.

While waiting for Yuki, Kevin walks around the pants section. He was looking at the jeans collection when a girlish and high-pitched voice calling out his name. "Kevin?"

Kevin looks at the person from behind his shoulder only. Then, he turns back looking at the jeans without replying to her.

It's April.

"Kevin, such a destiny to meet you here," April walking closer towards him.

"Hey, what are you doing here alone? Should I...accompany you?" She links her arm with Kevin's.

Kevin immediately pulls his arm back. He smiles, "Sorry, I'm not alone. I came with someone, so you may go on your own way."

April slightly squinted but she quickly fakes a smile. "Oh really? With who? Is it Raiden? Or your other friends? Do I know him?"

Kevin rolls his eyes. 'This woman never know to take the hint that I practically shooing her'

Kevin moves to another section but April still tagging behind him, trying to talk to him. A few times she tried to grab Kevin's hand but Kevin is faster in avoiding her touches.

"Kevin, you know... it's been really long since we hang out together. How about a couple of drinks? Maybe we could-"

Before she could finish her sentences, Kevin already walked towards Yuki who just walked out of the fitting room.

"Only these? How about you take a look at others?" Yuki shakes his head. "They're not really my style."

Kevin takes all the shirts from Yuki then passes them to the staff. Then, he gently patting Yuki's head, "Alright. After this, we take a look at other shops."

April watched them from aside, clenching her fist. She takes a deep breath, unclenching her fist then smiles. "Kevin, who is this? Your friend? Or...another one-night stand?"

Kevin glares at her. He pulls Yuki into his embrace, "Sorry but for your information, this is my lover. Please bear that in your mind." Kevin looks down, staring at Yuki with a loving gaze.

"So- sorry? Lo- lover?" April laughs.

"Kevin, you really know how to make a joke now. I think you can enter America's Got Talent. So funny!"

Kevin huffs. "Then, I think you should be admitted to the psychiatric hospital. Suddenly laugh when no one makes a joke. Maybe you should have a check-up, here," Kevin taps on his head.

April's smiles stiffen. "Kevin, I know you want to drive me away but no need to do until this extent. You know I'll never believe this. You? Getting a lover? Ha! That's total nonsense."

April eyeing Yuki from top to toe. She sneers. "There's nothing special about him. Find a better candidate if you want to lie to me."

Kevin looks at April with his poker face. Then he turns to Yuki, with the sweetest smile. He takes out his card and gives it to Yuki. "Baby, you go and pay first. I need to talk to her for a second." Yuki nods obediently.

When Yuki has walked to the counter, Kevin immediately retracted his smile. "Listen up. I don't care you're gonna believe it or not. It doesn't change the fact that he's my lover, my boyfriend. A small fry like you, I can easily crush with a snap of my fingers, but I'm not that cruel. I just think that you're someone that lacks attention or love and desperately looking for it, in me. But again, for the nth time, just leave me alone. You're just my another one-night stand. NOTHING MORE THAN. NOT BEFORE, NOT NOW, NOT EVER. Got it?"

April grits her teeth. Her eyes reddened due to her anger. Her fists tremble. "Kev-"

Before she could say anything, Kevin already turns his head to Yuki. "Done?" He takes the paper bag from Yuki's hand. Yuki nods.

"Alright. Let's go." Putting his hand on Yuki's shoulder, pulling Yuki closer to him. He pecks on Yuki's temple while glancing at fuming April. Both of them walked out of the store, leaving her without batting an eye.

April who is standing still in the store mumbles, "You wait. Just you wait, Kevin! Soon...soon you'll be mine!"
