

Tan Hua spend the first half of school in the bathroom, completely devasted. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stop herself from crying and being disappointed. Am I really fall in love with Qu Shing?

She smiles bitterly. So, what if she loves Qu Shing? Qu Shing didn't love her, he's only using her body for his own pleasure. She's just a sex toy for Qu Shing. If he truly loves her, he wouldn't treat her like his sex toy. She broke down again. She's tired crying because of him but she couldn't stop crying.

Tan Hua straighten up herself and washed her face on the faucet. She stares at her own face.

Since when you have become such a bitch?

She is questioning herself and smile bitterly. She walks towards the class lazily, don't want to meet the lovebirds.

Tan Hua took a deep breath before settling on her seat. She couldn't bear to make Xi Yeon realized her feeling towards Qu Shing. She buried her face on her book, busying herself with her work.

"Why did you skip class? I was worried." Xi Yeon frowned as she questions her. She knows the answer, yet she wants to play pretend much longer.

Tan Hua smiled. "Stomach ache."

"Of course." Lu Yi Fan remarked sarcastically.

Qu Shing gazes at Tan Hua deeply.

"Do you want to go to infirmary room?" Xi Yeon asked casually.

Tan Hua shrugged. "No, I'm fine." She buried her face on her book.

"You should go home." Qu Shing said leaning on his seat. "Being stubborn wouldn't help you."

Tan Hua bites her lips. Can't you be more obvious?

Lu Yi Fan smirked. "Why don't you send her home, Qu Shing."

"I'm not her boyfriend."

Tan Hua could feel her heart broke into pieces. So, in the end, I am nothing for him.

"Qu Shing, can you send her home?" Tan Hua in a daze, she stares at Xi Yeon in disbelief. Did she find out?

Even Qu Shing couldn't believe his ears. "Why should I?"

"She's sick besides, she's my friend." Xi Yeon exclaimed.

"Then how are you going to go home later?" Qu Shing raised his eyebrows questioning her.

"Lu Yi Fan is here. Besides, I always went home with him. No need to worry." Xi Yeon smiles brightly.

"But I am your boyfriend. Why don't Lu Yi Fan send her home?"

Tan Hua lowered her gaze, obviously feel hurt with his words.

"Excuse me but XieXie lives with me so it is reasonable for her to go home with me." Lu Yi Fan remarked as he watched the drama unfold in front of him.

"It's okay, I'm fine now." Tan Hua said without looking at any of them.

Qu Shing keeps himself quiet for a while. "Let's go."


"You want me to carry you?" He grabbed her bag and slung it on his shoulder as he walked out from the class.

Tan Hua frowned and look at Xi Yeon.

"Just go, he's waiting."

Xi Yeon clenched her fist as she watched them retreat. In a while, the next seat beside her is occupied.

"Why did you do that?" Lu Yi Fan questioning her.

"Even if my love story is completely ruined, that doesn't mean I want to ruin my own best friend's love story."

Lu Yi Fan laughed sarcastically. "A love story built from another ruined love story? That what you mean? Both don't deserve happiness."

"Tan Hua is my best friend. I can't bear to make her upset."

"But she made you upset when you're her best friend. She doesn't even think about you when she chooses to cheat with Qu Shing. Can't you be selfish for once?" Lu Yi Fan says, frustrated.

Xi Yeon keeps herself quiet for a while. "Then, what will you do if your girlfriend cheated on you?"

"She won't."

"Really?" Xi Yeon raised her eyebrows, questioning him.



"Because she is the nicest girl I ever met. She won't ever cheat on me with another man." Lu Yi Fan gaze soften on her as he spoke.

"How are you so sure? Wait, you already meet her?" Xi Yeon eyes brighten.

Lu Yi Fan stares at her deeply. "Yeah."

"You should introduce her to me! Aren't I your best friend?" Pouted Xi Yeon.

Lu Yi Fan chuckled dryly. If only she knows it is herself…

"You'll meet her, don't worry, kiddo."

Xi Yeon pouted. "I can't believe you're falling in love with someone. I almost thought you're a gay. Look like I'll get abandoned by you soon." She crossed her arm sulking.

"You won't. I still love you."

"Aww how sweet, I love you too." Xi Yeon messing his hair.

Lu Yi Fan sighed softly. Why are you so dense, XieXie?

"So my question is not relevant to you." Xi Yeon pursed her lips. "Whatever, it's not like I want to know."

"Now tell me what are you gonna do to both of them."

"What do you think?" Xi Yeon raised her eyebrows challenging him.

"Let me guess, you're gonna chopped Qu Shing's dick and feed it to the pigeon while shaving Tan Hua's hair."

"....close enough."