
My College Life Debuts Now...

*My High School Life Debuts Now...SEQUEL* I am no more the little girl abused and bullied. I grew up and I can now say proudly and loudly, I am Vee Vanessa. Getting manipulated and used for someone's else conveniency was my usual day. But It changed not long ago. Far from my family and bizzarreries, I was happy. But that was before they came. The one reponsible for our reincarnations. They weren't here for peace but here to take back what they gave. In this book, it will be I, Vee against an other completely different world.

Hobi_Ta · 若者
39 Chs

Lucie White 'Melinity' J. Victor

I'm not really fond of my name. For as long as I can remember, I hated it. But It was given to me and I had to live with it. I'm Lucie White Melinity J. Victor and I was born twice. I am a sorceress under the reign of our Witch Queen, Vee. And to the matter of I being born twice, I never planned it. It just sorta happened because My Queen gave me the order. The order of protecting 'Julius' from any other witch. But then, I dreamt about a couple. Two people struggling at love who lost their adoptive daughter. That's when I decided to become theirs. I knew I didn't have to care about them but Bell and Alexis were just so cute. I had to. And that's how on my own accord, I changed my easy peasy life into a living hell. Other sorceress became aware of I and traced me. But by getting rid of them, stronger ones started coming at me. For example, Viguo Ann Maldegart and Bonnie Vanessa. Dealing with them became so hard that I decided to join another assasain family. I was in two families, to protect me and Julius. Vecta kept sticking to me and Bonnie Vanessa took a liking to me... Just, Leave Me Be !!!!!!! I never thought things would escalate to that point. And recently, I just learnt that Vee reached the perfect evolution again. Many thanks to Our God 'Pray' for bringing my master back. Soon, I will be freed, freed from all source of problems.



Lucie White M J. Victor


Used her power of witchcraft to create a doppelganger of herself.

Very clever but can be dumb at times.

Easy to pick fights with.

She hides it pretty well but she's manipulative.

So, is she a good or a bad character ?


See you next year for more !!!!

Melinity White and Lucie J. Victor are the same being. Do they feel complex to you as one and same being or as two people with the same mind and same heart ?

Hobi_Tacreators' thoughts