
Chapter 92- Bidding War.

Sebastien's POV.

I smiled when I saw Raina shake with happiness, she looked really excited about the auction, she was moody for a while, but I was happy she looked excited now than she did before.

It was time for the bid of the last piece, and I wanted this piece more than anything else, it has caught my eyes since I came here, and I really wanted it.

The MC already started the bidding for the last piece and I was going to join soon, it was already at Two Hundred Million dollars now.

"Three hundred million dollars." I said raising my hands, I could feel eyes turn to me, but I really didn't care what they were thinking, I also didn't want to read anyone's mind either, the most important thing was getting the art piece.

"Okay, Three hundred million dollars from Mr Sebastien." The MC said and I smiled.

Raina turned to me mouth agape, "what are you doing?" She mouthed.

"I'm bidding." I mouthed back chuckling.

I heard my phone binged, and I knew she texted me, she was avoiding talking to me, so people won't suspect us.

"Hey, you shouldn't do this." She said sending an eyebrow raising Emoji.

"I need that artpiece Raina, don't distract me." I replied, sending an eyeroll Emoji to her.

I heard another binge, but I didn't reply,I wasn't going to be distracted from winning this bid, no matter what, I was going to win it.

I sat straight facing the MC, I could still feel people's stare, especially that of Raina, I smiled a little when I realised she didn't turn her face away completely, she kept staring at me and I shrugged making sure she saw me.

"Is this piece going to be sold out this easily?" The MC said.

I could read some minds now and I knew people planned to raise their hands up, especially Mr Trom who sat at our right, he said he had to get the piece by all means.

I smiled when I heard that, it was going to be crazy getting all this.

"Okay, we have delays, so this piece is going for Three Hundred Million dollars, the last time…" the MC said.

"Going…, going.." he said and a woman stood up.

"Three Hundred and fifty thousand dollars." She looked like someone from creptic town, but from the look of it, she was definitely a vampire.

"Woah, Three hundred and fifty thousand dollars." The MC said.

"Looks like lots of people want this piece, or should I hide it from everyone." He said playfully and everyone laughed.

"The piece is about to go for Three Hundred and fifty million dollars." The MC said.

"Four hundred million dollars." A man who looked like a middle aged person, he stayed at Prenon, it was almost close to our apartment site.

"Woah, Four hundred million dollars," the MC said with hands dramatically on his waist, this bid is getting tougher.

"Five hundred million dollars." I said, I could feel mouths agape, and some were whispering, but I didn't have the time for all this, all I wanted was the piece.

"Woah, that's a total top up, from Mr Sebastien our first bidder for this piece." The MC said.

"The piece is about to go for Five hundred million dollars." The MC said.

"Going…, going…" the MC repeated searching the eyes.

"Five hundred and fifty million dollars." Mr Trom said and I smirked, he wanted to keep placing bids equally close to mine which made me laugh, I will definitely up the price I placed.

"Woah, now we have five hundred and fifty million dollars." The MC said, I could hear claps.

"Six hundred million dollars." A woman who I didn't know said, I looked at her and she stood up looking around waiting for who will up the price.

I smiled, this was going to be more interesting than I thought, I must have missed reading her mind, but she looked determined to take the piece home.

I adjusted myself and sat down facing the MC.

"It looks like this has turned into battle and bid of art piece, even more, it was an okay battle at first," the MC paused dramatically making people laugh, "I'm serious, this is war." He said with a dramatic shudder and I smiled, I felt my phone binged again and I knew it was from Raina, I checked my phone.

"STOP!!." she sent in capital letter and I smirked.

"I won't, I want it Ana." I said and she blushed, it was the first time I used that name for her.

"Just let me bid this in peace." I said and dropped my phone.

"Seven hundred million dollars." Mr Trom said and I smiled.

"Seven hundred and fifty million dollars." Another different person from the back stood up and I blinked twice, it looked like everyone became interested in this piece, it was starting to irk me.

"Eight hundred million dollars." The woman earlier said and everyone gasped.

"Nine hundred million dollars." Mr Trom said and I could hear gasp from the people at the hall, Mr Trom smiled, he felt impressed with himself like no one will try beating that price, which made me chuckle.

"One billion dollars." I said and I could see heads turn and gasp, and Whispers from the audience.

"Woah that's a total up bidder, this is crazier than I expected." The MC said and I nodded in agreement, it was actually crazier than I expected too.

"Mr Sebastien, she works in your company, or you guys are partners now, tell her to make you another piece." The MC said and some people laughed.

"I just need that piece, and that's all, I was literally waiting for the bidding for that to start." I said with a shrug, while I kept staring at the piece.

"It looks like Mr Sebastien is determined." Thef said.

"Miss Raina, why did you have to be so talented?" The MC asked Raina who was looking very flustered, and everyone laughed.

"You've turned a peaceful bid, into a battle ground." The MC said and Raina bit her lips, she was flustered, surprised and shy at the same time.

I picked up my phone, "stop making me worry, okay be calm." I sent to her.

She read the message and I felt her smile and I chuckled, I just wanted her to be okay, as I wanted this art piece right now, seeing her smile, I was happy.

"Woah, two billion dollars." The MC said and I turned and realised the woman bidded again, when I was chatting with Raina.

I was scared that it had gone to someone, this was why I told her, I wanted no distraction, I wanted to focus on the bidding.

"This is getting fiercer." The MC said thoughtfully.

"Miss Raina, did you put anything specific in this art that is making everyone is going crazy for?" The MC asked playfully.

"No I didn't," Raina replied softly, "I was just really inspired at that moment by a loved one." Raina added.

"Oh wow, this source of inspiration made you get biding battles." The MC said and Raina laughed.

"I'm even surprised there's a battle." She replied.

"It looks like you sell yourself short." The MC said.

"If I had enough money, I would clamour for this too." The MC said and she smiled nodded slowly.

"Now, it looks like the piece is about to go for two billion dollars." The MC said.

"Five billion dollars." Mr Trom said and everyone gasped, I was surprised he kept bidding, I thought he would tire out,but it seemed he meant business and oh well, I definitely meant business too, I was going to get that art piece.

"Ten billion dollars." I said and Raina turned to me with wide eyes,my sister just smiled, Matteo and Gabriel shook their head and I rolled my eyes.

"He doesn't want to let it go." Lyn whispered to Gabriel who chuckled.

"I wouldn't too, if I was the inspiration." Matteo said.

"How are you sure he was?" Lyn asked.

"I am, I'm sure he feels it too, though he's not sure." Matteo said and they all turned to me.

I rolled my eyes, and they laughed.

"Mr Sebastien means business." The MC said.

Everyone thought and knew my family as billionaires, but we knew we were more than that, we all kept account that couldn't be monitored to mention as our networths, we kept the one people could see for display, we were vampires and we've lived for decades, so it wasn't hard to make too much money to live by.

"Fifteen billion dollars." The woman earlier said again and the hall gasped.

"Twenty billion dollars." Mr Trom said and I smirked, he was also serious too.

"Woah, even I am flabbergasted." The MC said.

"I'm really exhausted." The MC said.

"Now I want you all three still battling to mention your last bidding price, let's leave here." The MC said.

"Twenty five billion dollars." Mr Trom said.

"Thirty billion dollars." The woman said.

"Fifty billion dollars." I said and everyone turned.

"Sold to Mr Sebastien." The MC said.