
Chapter 153- Good Communication.

Kathryn's POV.

I could feel Bas, and I heard his footsteps immediately I went upstairs, I was right, he was definitely going to follow me, there was no need for me to settle my thoughts, I knew he won't stop till he spoke to me, for a little while I wonder if he was mad at me, I left the party, and from what I saw when Dylan, Matteo, Gabriel and Lyn came back, it was obvious they were looking for me and Bas was too, he had to be called back to the house, so I wondered if he was mad at me, I shook my head at the thought, that was impossible, I was overthinking as usual.

I went in and stepped aside, waiting for him to enter, I closed the door and pursed my lips.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked, and I shook my head.

"I'm not mad at you Bas." I replied softly, I wasn't mad at him, and he must think that I was, because his expression right now indicated disbelief at what I said.

"Then why are you behaving this way?" He asked calmly, staring at me, trying to catch my reaction.

"I don't know." I replied and sat straight, if I told him that I was doing this because I was jealous, it would feel and sound ridiculous, and of course I already felt stupid, knowing that all this while, I wasn't upset just jealous.

He frowned at me, he was clearly frustrated with the way I was answering him, I would be too, even I was frustrated with myself, with the way I acted, I'm sure my parents would be upset with me, the way I left the party, I was supposed to be introduced in the city, to some important people, and though they met me during the introduction, I left the occasion just because I was jealous.

"Kath, talk to me please, I know I've offended you, though you won't say it, but I know that I have." He said softly.

"I'm not mad at you, why are you insisting that I am?" I snapped at him, I wasn't mad at him, and he kept insisting I was, if he kept insisting, I would be really mad at him, though a voice in my head told me to tell him what it is I was really feeling, but I was too embarrassed to say it, it felt foolish to me.

"I'm sorry if I'm offending you, but I'm sure anyone would be mad with what happened at the party, and you left, I kept looking for you thinking something happened to you, and I blamed myself so bad, for having a past that ended up coming to hurt you, but you're not even having it, you don't want to talk to me at all, you're just rubbing me off." He said and I could see the hurt in his eyes, I sighed, he was really worried, and I wondered how he felt when he was looking for me, he must have felt really frustrated and worried.

"I'm not mad at you to be honest." I said dropping the blank expression I held for him, since I saw him, and he saw it, he relaxed a little.

"I don't even know how I feel, I really love you, I really do, and I obviously don't want to get hurt by someone I love, and I know her attacking me was out of her own will, you didn't make her do it, and I'm not blaming you for that, I just got really Jealous, didn't know why though, I felt like it was silly, but I couldn't help but be jealous, and then I decided to leave for the house because I was feeling stuffy and I knew she won't just leave the party without continue causing a scene and I didn't want her to give the guests a wrong impression of me, something I am trying to build in this city, so I decided to be the bigger person and walk away and when I saw you I suddenly remembered how she talked like she knew you perfectly well, more than I do, and they didn't make me feel happy, but I'm not mad at you, you didn't do anything wrong." I said and heaved a sigh of relief after, I was talking really fast, but I had to say it, and I realized I just told him I loved him, that threw him off guard, he smiled at me and I blushed looking down, the way I said love you repeated in my head, he stared at me for a while.

"I don't care if you say you aren't mad at me, but common courtesy demands that I should still apologize for that," I looked up at him, I held his gaze and he held mine too.

"But I'm not apologizing because of common courtesy, I'm saying I'm sorry for troubling you." He added and I smiled, kissing him on the cheeks.

I beamed at him, I was undeniably happy right now, and he smiled back and kissed me on my forehead.

I marveled at how much we matched eachother,and it made me mad at myself that I was even jealous in the first place, but Bas told me it was okay to be jealous, I smiled.

He just made me happy just by speaking to him, I curse my feelings slowly wondering why they didn't tell me the truth of how I was feeling in the first place, then maybe, I would've avoided all of these happenings, it wouldn't have escalated this much.

I marveled how much he cleared the sour mood I had, and it was because of him, I realized I was jealous, I didn't even know I was, but he helped me realize I was, seeing him just confirmed that I was jealous, but I was fine anyways, but at least I knew what it was that made me feel that stuffy and I realized that I hadn't felt this Jealous, it was the first time my jealousy for intense, making me act weirdly, I couldn't even breath when there was air, I felt so stuffy, it was annoying when I didn't know about it, but now it made me giggle, I could feel Bas smile when I giggled, I was giggling at my silliness, but I was happy for my silliness too, it was a combination of feelings, but I was happy, I could communicate with Bas dearly, I wondered what would happen if we didn't communicate with each other and we just guessed or ignored each other, it would've been so weird.

Now I really understood what Mother said when we talked together again, when she caught me staring at Bas and smiling stupidly, she called me what Matteo always did " a lovebird." I had frowned thinking she was just teasing, but she shook her head telling me she wasn't, it wasn't that much of a tease, that she and dad were called lovebirds too, I asked her why she liked Bas so much and she looked at me.

"I like him because he makes you happy, and most especially he is happy too, I mean, couples should make eachother comfortable, and you both do, you balance each other well, and I see how he looks at you when you're not looking, like what you're doing right now, you both care for each other and it isn't just because you're mates, it's because you care and it's fascinating, not all mates are this way, trust me, I've seen mates." She said and I was noding attentively, my mother barely said much,but when she did, it needed to be taken seriously and applied, if it was an advice, because she rarely gave them.

"And do you know why I like your relationship so much?" She asked.

"No I don't." I replied earnestly, I didn't know what she saw that made her happy and why she liked us, she approved of our relationship, and it made me happy, I was happy my parents did.

"The fact that you both communicate a lot, it isn't just that you love eachother, it's the fact that you communicate and that's one big factor in a relationship, you both are comfortable enough to tell each other anything and how you feel, it won't cause problems, it'll even solve problems when you encounter them." She said I smiled.

Coming bavk to the present, as I stared at Bas's face, while in his arms, I knew that she was being truthful and I was happy we had that in our relationship, he told me things and I did too.

"Why are you smiling so much?" He asked smiling.

"You're smiling too." I beamed and she shook his head.

"Oh, it's because of you, I smile a lot because of you, I never knew I had that in me, but you make me smile a lot, and I'm happy, you're here with me." He said and I kissed him.

I was very happy, much more than I was hours ago.