
Last Resort

Hina stood there confidently, to me she looked like an angel, she just saved my life at the last moment.

But this gaping hole she had near her shoulder blades were very similar to mine, except it was not overflowing with blood, it was an empty hollow hole.

"Well that was easy" She held her head high as she slowly stride towards me.

"I'm a black belt in wrestling you see-"

Her bragging words were cut short as the dark monster instantly got up, and slashed at her.

It didn't cut or wound her, but it sent her flying to the jewelry store just beside her. Shards of glasses, and jewelries flew as she crashed inside.

I was expecting the monster to continue pummeling Hina, but it had another idea in mind.

The monster shift its body towards my way, it lets out another deafening screech before it charges to kill me.

My eyes widen in terror as its shadow completely shaded me from the combined light of the moon, and several street lights.

Its claws slashed downward expecting to meet my flesh, but instead digs into the stone paving of the sidewalk.

Before I knew it, Hina was already carrying me away, bridal style.

I didn't try to cling to her not because I was embarrassed, but because I was busy covering my wound to stop its bleeding, but I soon realized its futility as the wound has another hole from the back.

The monster screeches once again and lunges forward, It quickly chased us with bloodlust.

Its sharp claws leaving marks on the stone paving and the walls of every building it pass by.

Street lights were cut in half as its claws meets the steel poles planted on the side walk.

Hina was carrying me with her arms, and I felt her breast touching my sides, but It didn't bother me as my body felt insanely hot, disregarding the warmth coming from her.

"Stop chasing us!" She shouts at it with annoyance in her voice instead of dread.

Hina bents her knees to jump and launches into the sky, the night wind was extremely cold as it crash through us.

I glanced at our chaser, I almost felt my soul leave my body as the monster followed us into the sky, its long limbs grasped Hina's leg and pulled with force, throwing us into the ground.

Hina shifts her body towards the ground to cushion our fall.

As soon as we hit the ground of my school's soccer field we tumbled over and over on the field, I heard a few cracks resonating from my bones, and I squint my eyes in pain.

I could still move my right arm, but the rest of my limbs just refuses to move.

I lift my head to try and check my body for injuries, just as I expected.

Both my legs and left arm were dislocated and, twisted in a very unnatural way.

"Hey human!"

I glanced at Hina who's currently laying on the ground beside me.

She looks perfectly fine, but she seems incapable of moving, she tried to arch her back and let her tail out.

"Touch my tail!" She exclaimed.

I couldn't believe she would ask this kind of thing in this exact moment.

"Hurry, If you want to live!"

I felt the ground grumble, and the monster's loud screech follows.

Before I realize what I'm doing, I already grasped Hina's tail making her squeal in surprise.

I felt a wave of shock coming from her tail and it travels throughout my body.

I quickly let go of her black tail as it formed a huge hungry open maw, the type I think a dragon would have.

I couldn't see anything from the inside of it as it was too dark.

The maw quickly snapped and swallowed my whole body along side the bits of dirt it grazed behind me, I closed and squint my eyes out of dread.

I was expecting to get chewed to pieces, but something with a watery texture wrapped up around my body

I felt warm as if my body was covered in warm water in a hot spring.

The first thing I thought is I was inside its stomach and what I'm feeling was its gastric acid.

I opened my eyes, and I was surprised to find myself standing on the soccer field.

This is strange.

I was just swallowed whole earlier, and all my bones were broken, but In an instant I'm perfectly fine now.

I surveyed for Hina but she's nowhere to be found, and the damn monster is still here.

𝘓𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘦?

What the?!

I felt so surprised as I heard it too close, too close that it felt like she was in my head.

I tried to look around again and search for Hina.

𝘐'𝘮 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦!

I once again heard her in my head.

𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨? I asked her.

𝘞𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘣𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘥.

It makes sense now, this body doesn't feel like mine at all.

My forearms and shin were now covered in black fur, and there was something that keeps waving at the side of my eye.

I quickly grabbed and firmly grasped it when it appeared in my sight again, I yelp as I realized it was a tail that was connected to my behind.

It seems we really combined somehow.

Before I knew what was happening, the monster instantly lunged at me and slashed its claws at me, however I caught both of its claw with my hands.

"I don't know what the hell you are, but I'll fucking beat you to a pulp!"

I kneed the monster's chin, sending numerous cracked teeth from its maw.

The force of my hit sent the monster flying a few yards away from me, and sending it to the ground.

Never in a million years would I have said what I just said, but It seems I didn't only obtain Hina's monstrous strenght, but also her personality and mannerisms.

I cracked my fist and slowly approached the monster.

"Now get up and let's try to have some fun."
