
Chapter One Hundred and Five

Third Person POV

For two days now Sarah have been absent from work so today she returns to work. Sarah walked to her office with a determined face cause she is ready to ask her boss what is going on between the both of them and as stupid it may sound that's what she intend to do. She entered her office to wait for her boss arrival,as she sat down to get ready for the day her phone started ringing. She checked the caller ID turned out to be her best friend, she furrow her brows cause this is unlike her best friend to call her by this time.

Hey bi*ch what's with you calling me by this time? Sarah asked immediately she picked the call. Hi Sarah I need your help Ella replied in a serious tone. That tone is enough to tell Sarah that her best friend did not call her to play around. Okay what do you need my help for? Sarah asked. A ride, I need a ride Sarah, Ella replied. What do you mean by a ride? Where the hell are you? I thought that you traveled out of the country? Sarah bombarded her with questions. Easy with the questions and yes I traveled out of the country and as a matter of fact am at the airport right now,Ella replied.

Then call one of your father's drivers to pick you up ,why calling me you are aware that I don't have any car,Sarah replied. Yeah I know that you don't have any car, the issue here is that my father instructed his drivers not to pick me up whenever I come back because he is against me leaving the country in the first place and am only calling you because you are the only person I can think of now and I can't find any cab around here. Okay don't bother yourself,I will see what I can do Sarah told Ella. Okay am counting on you Ella replied.

Sarah dropped the call while contemplating on what to do,she is about to call a cab to go to the airport and fetch her best friend when the perfect idea came into her mind. She smirked cause this is like the perfect plan,she will help her friend on the other hand have something to tease her with. She picked her phone and called Max,thank God they exchanged contacts the last time they met. Max picked hthe call on the fourth ring,Hey Sarah what a pleasant surprise to see you calling me Max said immediately he picked the call.  Hi Max,I know you will be surprised that I called you but I really need your help Sarah said.

That got the attention of Max who was expecting to hear that Ella has accepted to have a date with him. My help? What exactly do you need from me Max asked. Mmm it's not me actually that need help but Ella Sarah said. Wait Ella? What do you mean by that? Is she okay? Talk to me Sarah Max asked her with worry evident in his tone.