1 night waking

A simple dark room , the light off, a cupboard with broken doors on the left in front of it a wooden desk shattered in half and an open window brings in fresh air on a cruel night.

a young man in his late twenties sits on medium bed as staring in front of him with those brown eyes carrying pain and suffering, explain an unhappy life and he wants it to end even if he has an involvement in it, suicide is his demand, you can deduce that from the gun in his hand, despite his handsome and the length of perfection that he is characterized by, a broad forehead that shows his high morals,  a round face that radiates light from strong faith with a well-shaped nose is only found in those who destined for success.

sitting quietly and thinking about his life how it turned from bad to worse, no family to enjoy her tenderness or be a sacred individual that belongs to it and he never had a girlfriend with which he tasted the nectar of love and affection or even friends who would support him in the difficult conditions he is facing it, there is nothing for him here that is why he decided to put an end to his life , hoping to find what he is looking for in the other world.

Ronald speaks to himself in a faint voice and a tone indicating despair as looking to his gun in the way explain for us this is the only solution left for him after the doctors failed to treat him and priests couldn't purify his soul,   when the church expelled him forever from her protection than the lower creatures welcomed him with pleasure.

Ronald :  so what should i do now? for heaven sake .

a thick voice answered him  anonymous, you can't see it with the naked human eyes , you have to be spiritual person to understand these things,  who is it  , this is what Ronald was saying to himself .

A voice: We both know you're not doing this for the right reasons.

Ronald : you don't know me, just shut it.

A voice: "Are you nuts or what?"I know everything about you

Ronald : Okay,  then prove it.

Evil laughs at that strange sound,  It contains contempt and apparent mockery, of a young man born out of suffering,  Is not the cruelty of fate enough for him, that pure smile did not decorate his face for a long time.

A voice :  right now I can't  But you'll soon find out I make a far better alley than enemy.

After he uttered those poisoned and coded words that played into the mind of poor Ronald.

He left him in a complicated psychological state,  Wandering about sick thoughts of a suicidal nature, A bullet can get rid of all of this, Will he do it, or will the sad scenario continue to play again and then again till he received visit from the reaper and this time for real.

The sounds of iron chains dragging across the floor forcefully with a frightening moan, Your courage waver And your resolve will be shaken Immediately when you hear it

But not Ronald, who finally smiled and laughed hard, saying: You will not get me this time.

Seconds later, he shot himself and fell lifeless.
