
True Identity

Dave: Finally, the black power I put on karina's body also worked *evil laugh */

Dave: Now let's give her first mission. Karina, end the life of angel Theo, right now !!

Karina: I'll follow

Dave: Evil Laugh

Theo thought that he would look cowardly in eyes of his Lord if he asked for advice, so he decided to just return to the ground. But when he returned, Karina immediately attacked him while they were flying, a black magic hit him. on Angel Theo's chest.

Theo: Ahh !!!! who are you?! ,,,,, Karina ?! What are you doing!!

Karina: I only know one, just one mission

Theo: What are you saying what mission ?!

Karina: To end the rest of your day in this world !!!

Theo: You don't know what you're saying Karina !! Huh ?!


Dave: Do you still remember when Karina and I drank together at the Cafeteria earlier? I just put black magic on her drink when she reacted, I can control her to take her soul *evil laugh */


Theo: No, maybe this is what Dave says is his plan. It can't be that I have to save Karina !!!

He escapes the resisting Karina and he flies down, but is stopped by the controlled body of poor Karina.

Theo: Karina, please just remember everyone, I'm Theo your only guardian Angel !!

Dave: Karina can't figure this out.

Karina suddenly stopped fighting Theo, and it seemed like it was rhyming with Theo saying that he was a Guardian Angel.

Karina's head hurt again and:

Karina: Uhhhhhh !!!! again !!! I really don't want to—!!

Karina fell to the ground, but Angel Theo caught her immediately, and slowly lowered her to a safe place. She gradually lost consciousness while Theo held her.

Dave: I'm so stupid !! All I know is that Theo can't say he's an angel, so I used black magic !!!


Angels; Lord, did Theo tell Karina what he shouldn't say, what do you plan to do to her?

God: That's the only answer to bring Karina back to normal, Theo has done his mission again, I just told him not to tell others that he is an angel, because I want to make sure he is willing to sacrifice himself for others.

Angels: So,this just a test of not telling his true identity?

God: You're right *proud */


Theo: Karina, I hope you wake up, look at me I'm alone, I'm not with you, do you want to see me alone?

Theo's crying speech as he watches Karina.

[Unknown House]

?: what did you do there ?!

?: what is it, my wife, don't be too rude, so you look ugly, but if I ask you, do you want to have children again?

?: children?! again?! I don't want to. I'm done with one before!

?:You're so exaggerated

[Theo] Lord, I'm sorry because I didn't mean to tell Karina my true identity.

And accidentally a Teacher climbed on the rooftop and saw Theo.and it seemed like she was just peeking.

Theo: Next time, I'll just erase from her memory the fact that I said I was an angel.

Teacher: What ?! He is an angel ?! Everyone needs to know this. They need to know that angels really exist !!

While Theo is unaware that someone already knows what he is really hiding.
