
My 777th Run

Mutsu Izumi, known as the formidable Champion of the Underground Arena, decides to retire from his legendary fighting career, leaving behind a trail of awe-inspiring victories. Surprising everyone, he steps away from the world of combat to immerse himself in the enchanting game called 'Heroes of The Crumbling World.' However, this takes an unexpected turn when he finds himself inexplicably transmigrated into the very game he sought solace in. Navigating through this unfamiliar digital landscape, Mutsu Izumi encounters a series of daunting challenges and gripping adventures, each testing his wit and courage in ways he never imagined. Will Mutsu Izumi discover the key to his newfound reality and emerge victorious against the daunting challenges of this virtual world? . . . Hello, I need to let you guys know. This is just somekind of practice for me. I want to practice on writing a fight scene while also improving my grammar. So, I hope you don't mind with the messy story. Of course! I will try my best to create a decent storyline! Please read this!

WanderEverywhere · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Main Event

On a serene morning at the academy, two figures could be seen gracefully weaving through the park, their dedication evident in every step. A boy with striking blue hair turned to his companion, Sena, and inquired, "Sena, I heard you had a match with someone of equal strength."

Sena took a sip of her drink before replying, "Indeed, in our base forms, we are evenly matched. But, if I were to unleash my true power, victory would be assured."

The boy raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "Oh, really? Why is that?"

Sena's eyes gleamed with confidence. "Rumors have it that he cannot awaken his release. So, victory is practically guaranteed."

The boy pondered for a moment. "What's his name?"

Sena furrowed her brow, trying to recall. "Hmm... Oh, Michele told me about him! Damn it, how did I forgot about it!" She said while expression her dissatifaction.

"Classic," the boy chuckled. "Well, if he's in our class, maybe I should befriend him. It's a shame I won't get to witness your battle with him."

Sena sighed. "It can't be helped, you're sick afterall. By the way, Michele was really worried about you. You should talk to her."

The boy grinned arrogantly. "Hah, isn't it tough being me? Tadashiya Ryusei is truly one of a kind."

Sena couldn't hide her disdain. "Honestly, what a narcissist."

The boy raised his hands defensively. "Hey, I'm just joking."

As Sena continued to run, she couldn't help but wonder how someone like him had earned the top spot. He was undoubtedly a genius among geniuses, blessed with luck due to his Divine Kin is Musashi Miyamoto. His growth and luck had even led him to attain Susanoo as his Celestial Link. Moreover, he held the prestigious title of Elite-Grade 3, the lowest of the Elite Grades, but impressive considering his age.

But Sena shook off her doubts. She was only one grade behind him, and with determination, she believed she could catch up. "Let's finish our morning routine; it's already 6 AM," she urged.

"Sure, see you in class," Ryusei replied, waving goodbye. However, before they could part ways, another figure approached.

"Oh, it's you. What's up?" he greeted Sena with a friendly wave. "Ah... yeah... Crap, what's your name again?" Sena said while scratching her head.

"Well, I haven't introduced myself yet. I am Minase Yamato, a self-proclaimed social inept. Nice to meet you two! It's my lucky day to encounter two rankers!" he exclaimed enthusiastically.

"Cut it out. What are you doing here? Just starting your training? It's already 6 AM," Sena chided.

Yamato shrugged. "No, not really. I was just on my way to the cafeteria."

Ryusei chimed in, astounded, "Wait, you're going to the cafeteria before cleaning up!?"

Yamato nodded. "Yeah, why?"

"That's just like me! Alright, let's head to the cafeteria together!" Ryusei exclaimed as he slung his arm around Yamato's shoulder. This was met with a bright smile and eager agreement from Yamato. Amidst their lively conversation, they seemed to forget about someone...

"Hey, are you two seriously leaving me behind?" Sena protested, tossing her bottle aside in frustration.




After savoring my breakfast, I swiftly changed into my crisp uniform and ventured into the classroom. The feeling of talking to friends is a sensation entirely foreign to me. I'd never really had friends before, so this change was both exhilarating and promising.

As I made my way, I couldn't help but be amazed by the sheer size of this academy. It took a good ten minutes of walking to reach my designated classroom.


[A precise 13 minutes and 27 seconds, to be exact.]

Intriguingly, a luminous blue interface materialized before me. It was Aria, a mysterious system designed to offer guidance and information. Aria's capabilities encompassed providing a timeline of the story, suggesting actions, and illuminating what needed to be done. Its presence was nothing short of a godsend, and I welcomed it with open arms.

Even though I only gained B+ rank, I still can receive the reward. Maybe this game isn't as cruel as I thought.

I have been enrolled at this academy for one week now, and today marked the start of the first event—a critical plot point.

The first event was no ordinary affair, it was an examination conducted by the school. One might wonder why things like exam held the status of a "main event." But let me clarify—it was no ordinary examination. Our task was to confront a hero masquerading as a villain, a unique challenge that set it apart. This wasn't your typical written exam; it was a real-life ordeal.

And this hero used to held the prestigious title of Special-Grade Hero—the highest echelon of the hero rankings. Even if he restrained his powers during our encounters, the fact remained that he's strong.

"Why are you standing in front of the classroom?" A voice wake me up from my thought. "Ah, Ryusei-San, I just remembered I didn't bring my pencil case." I said randomly.

"Aah, that's fine, I'll lend you my pen." He replied as he walk into the class. After a short conversation, he lend me his pen and I go back to my seat.

Now... I will need to wait again for the teacher to come. I'm glad I finally acquainted with the main cast but, I am just bad at starting a conversation. I don't want to embarass myself, so I would rather be alone.




After about 20 minutes, our teacher, Tsurugi Andou, finally arrived, accompanied by a brown-haired woman.

"Good morning, everyone. It's a bit sudden, but today, you will be examined by Dr. Honoka. Don't worry; it's just a physical test. Change into your sports uniforms and head to Building C. Dr. Honoka will be waiting for you there."

Without any suspicions, we followed the platinum-haired woman. Everything seemed normal, except for one peculiar detail: the doctor was actually a 'he.' Yes, the hero we were about to face had disguised himself as a doctor.

"I can't wait to compete with you!" a boy with blue hair patted my back. "Oh, yeah, I'm not that good, though," I replied with an awkward smile.

"You're too noisy," interjected a girl with purple hair.

"Ah, sorry," Ryusei quickly responded.

This purple-haired girl was also a main character, Shimizu Asuka, one of the most crucial figures in this story. In the game, she was the most sensitive character, easily hurt, and always targeted by enemy factions.

So, I needed to do everything in my power to prevent her from harming herself or getting harmed by other.

"Hello, nice to meet you! Shimizu Asuka, right? I'm Yamato," I said, attempting to strike up a conversation.

"Nice to meet you, and how did you know my name?" she asked.

"Well, there's no way I wouldn't recognize you. You're one of the seven geniuses in this school, and also the one who created the 'Dungeon Knowledge' book."

"Ah... yeah, you're right," she mumbled.

One crucial thing about her is, she's easy to flatter... So, it doesn't take a long time for her to realize that I am not a threat.

After a few minutes, we finally arrived at Building C. And this made me nervous because, this meam I will experience a fight with a Hero. A 'real life' experience.

And one thing about this game, the villains in this game was your typical villains. They has an incredibly long monologue and dialog. But, this game tried to make them more realistic without leaving the characteristic of a typical villain.


So, as soon we step inside the building, the door was locked with emergency feature. And one of us suddenly flew away. It begin... he already started the exam.

"Hahahaha! I don't expect it to be this easy!" He shouted while tearing his artificial body. A blue slicked back hair with glowing blue eyes. His smile is too intimidating for a third rate villain.

Bunch of us started to panic but, not little of them also prepared themselves for this. "Be prepared." He said while licking his lip.

"I don't really like this situation..." Sena said.

"Right, we don't have any weapon." Ryusei continued.

Yeah, at the game, this event was a bit hard to clear. I mean, it will be easier if the main cast has their weapon. But, they're not. Ryusei who's a sword genius can't even do anything without his sword. And Sena could only rely on her speed.

Meanwhile Michele and Asuka could barely do anything since combat isn't their focus. That mean, the player are the only hope for this event.

[Moral Grayness Activated]

[Emotional Grayness Activated]

Suddenly, the world become black and white. There's only slight color and it was their eye color. Everyone have a different eye color and I always wonder why. But, maybe it's because of this.

The world looks really cold and empty. It also add a dramatization effect. But, this feeling is troubling me. It's as if someone's life didn't matter for me. I think I will even kill a child for my objective.

"I've been waiting for this moment." He said. I forgot to mention it. His real identity is Alexander Heltale. A sucessor from Heltale family. A renowned family know for their talent in aura manifestation.

This will be a hard fight since the condition for this event was to land a few hits on his body. But, it's really hard since he's good at hiding his aura. As the result, he's good at being sneaky.

But, if I can prevent him from doing that, it's a bit easier, I think? Alright, let's stop the inner monologue and fight. I readied my stance and locked my eyes onto Alexander.

And he look back at me while feeling challenged.

Alexander raised his hand, and a pulsating aura enveloped his body, its blue glow casting eerie shadows on the cold, metal walls. Yamato tightened his fists, his muscles coiled like springs.

With a sudden burst of speed, Alexander lunged forward, his aura-infused fists aimed at Yamato's chest. In an instant, Yamato's instincts kicked in. His body moved like liquid lightning, dodging the attack with a hair's breadth to the left. The aura-empowered strike whizzed past him, cracking the glass that container some chemicals.

Yamato retaliated with a lightning-quick jab, aiming for Alexander's midsection. But Alexander's aura flared, forming a protective barrier that absorbed the blow. Sparks of energy crackled in response.

Their movements became a deadly dance, a clash of pure martial skill against aura manipulation. Alexander's attacks were fast and powerful, but Yamato's reflexes were unparalleled. He weaved through Alexander's attack, narrowly avoiding blasts of energy that launched by Alexander.

Yamato seized an opportunity when Alexander momentarily lowered his guard. With a swift, low sweep, he swept Alexander's legs out from under him. Alexander crashed to the ground, his aura momentarily flickering.

But Alexander wasn't finished. He channeled his aura into his palms, creating a blinding blue orb. He thrust it toward Yamato with a cry of determination. Yamato's instincts flared once more, and he somersaulted backward, narrowly avoiding the sphere of destructive energy.

The building around them was in shambles, with broken glass and smoldering machinery. Panting heavily, Yamato and Alexander circled each other, both battered and bruised.

Yamato's breaths were heavy, and his muscles ached. He tried to think the way to finish this. Initially, he didn't hope for a win but, after he fought, he wanted to win. It's his pride that don't allow him to lose.

Alexander's eyes blazed with raw power as he unleashed another wave of aura. The building trembled, and Yamato struggled to maintain his balance.


With a mere thought, Alexander sent a barrage of aura projectiles hurtling toward him, each one carrying enough power to destroy a building.

Yamato's reaction time kicked into overdrive.


He dodged and weaved through the onslaught, his movements a blur. The projectiles crashed into the walls, creating craters and sending debris flying. The very air crackled with unrestrained energy.

As Alexander closed in, Yamato knew he needed a desperate gambit. With an explosive burst of speed, he closed the distance between them and unleashed a flurry of precise strikes aimed at Alexander's aura-infused shield. The blows landed with superb power, disrupting the flow of energy for a brief moment.

Alexander staggered back, his aura flickering erratically. For that brief moment, Yamato had cracked Alexander's impenetrable defense.

But Alexander was not to be underestimated. With a roar of sheer willpower, he summoned a colossal wave of aura that enveloped him like an ethereal armor. The building shook violently as the energy surged, and a blinding light filled the room.


Yamato was thrown backward, his body battered and bruised. He struggled to rise, his vision blurred. After managed to regain his composure, his eyes was filled with surprise.

"...THAT! A RELEASE!" Yamato shouted in concern. This is bad, the butterfly effect started to take effect. It shouldn't be like this.

Alexander stood at the center of the maelstrom, his power radiating like a supernova. The building's walls crumbled, and there's a woman behind him.

And she is Alexander's Divine Spirit... Lampetia, The Goddess of Light.


