
My 13th Reincarnation: The Gods Won't Let Me Die

After 1600 years and 12 reincarnations, Shawl is reincarnated and forced to save yet another world. When his new family is murdered by a horrifying beast, he's cast into the unfamiliar world as a fragile 14-year-old. Setting off with the expressionless Elizabeth, they aim to hunt down the world's most terrifying monsters. Wait, why are most of his memories missing? --- Since this story produces $0 in revenue, the promotional image is AI-generated. A human artist will be commissioned to illustrate a new cover, should the book ever produce income. The story itself was written without AI.

MadCreativity · ファンタジー
65 Chs


The only ones who know me as Shawl are Elizabeth and Vol. Seeing as neither of them are likely to have talked, the most likely option is...

"Since when does the council take advice from nuns?"

I guess Vol arrived at the same conclusion. The Cyrene must have sent some of their nuns to Rosewood to rat on me.

"You don't deny it, then!"

The council doesn't look too taken aback. I guess they weren't really trying to hide were they got their information.

"I don't. It's the truth," Vol replies, sternly.

Murmurs run through the crowd. Concern, fear, anger. I guess I can understand where they're coming from. Vol continues in a voice that covers the entire room.

"I promised to help Sebastian with the creation of an artificial mana store, to prevent his immense leaking mana from affecting the world around us. Not only have I done that, revolutionizing mana research forever, but I have also created one of the most powerful mana weapons in current existence," he says, holding up one of the newly created manacasters, strapped tightly to his arm.

More murmurs and hushed discussions.

"Your efforts may be valuable, but that is irrelevant to-"

"However!" Vol interrupts the councilman, "Sebastian and I have equal share in the effort to create it. The creation of both the AM-store and the manacaster would have been impossible without his assistance."


"And might. I. Remind you. Sebastian and Elizabeth are responsible for the permanent removal of two of the worst creatures in existence - the biggest threat to all life - the greater monsters. However much damage the greater monster caused here, it would have been a thousand times worse, had it not been for them."

Technically, Elizabeth is responsible for two and I'm responsible for, like, one and a half, depending on how you count. Vol is pretty damn good at this speech thing, though.

"That said," he says, calming his voice, "If you judge that we should leave Rosewood permanently, I see no reason to object further. If the council has truly fallen so far, I see no reason to stay, regardless."

Jesus, dude. Way to rile up a crowd. The chattering around us is so loud, I can't even make out what people are saying.

The older councilman who had stepped forward to speak is looking back at the rest of the council. I'm starting to get the sense that they were making an empty threat. Thinking about it, how stupid would they have to be to banish the greatest magic researcher who ever lived, let alone one who just invented a powerful new weapon.

I bet they thought he'd stay. I glance over at Vol. I see the corner of his mouth turn up slightly before falling back into a stern expression.

I might be good at manipulating individuals, but when it comes to crowds, Vol really is a master. From what I can tell, a lot of people here are on Vol's side. And even those that aren't seem to have realized that they're about to lose one of their most valuable assets.

"Very well," the councilman says, "You have... argued your case well. Considering your contributions and the eradication of the greater monsters, we have - *ahem* - come to the conclusion that you have sufficiently outweighed your - uh - less... acceptable actions," he finishes quickly.

I guess they've decided to make an attempt at reconciliation. Or maybe they're just trying not to lose face. Either way, it's pretty pathetic and half-hearted.

"Good. Now, if you'll excuse us," Vol says, turning back to the entrance.

The soldiers glance at one another, then slowly part. The council says nothing as we leave, and we don't look back.

"That was very dramatic," Elizabeth says, as we proceed down the main street toward the gate to Tayde.

"Ah-haha, I guess so, huh~" Vol chuckles, looking awkward. "Sorry about that."

"Nothing to be sorry about. That was pretty fun," I say, "I didn't realize you were on the council."

"Ah, it was only for a short time, when I was about 200 years old. I'm the youngest elf to have ever been on the council, so people keep going on about it, even though it was only for a few years."

It's difficult to get a measure of "youngest elf," but 200 does sound quite young, at least in comparison to the others.

"Why did you stop? From what I just saw, you seem like you'd be a pretty good politician."

"Haha~" he laughs, gesturing to a guard to activate the gate to Tayde.

"It was the speeches. They make my voice all hoarse," he jokes, mimicking the voice of the older councilman as he walks through the open gate.

I take a step through it, then nearly bump into Vol's back on the other side. Elizabeth steps up next to me. Together, we look out over the glittering ocean. Our view is obstructed, however.

There, just outside the port, is a ship around the size of a cruise liner. Gold decorations line the polished wooden hull. My eyes fall on the flag flying high from the masts.

The royal crest.
