
Mushoku Tensei: Second Son

A young high school boy, Ren Nakamura, known for his empathy with the side of stubbornness, sacrifices himself to save a girl from assailants, which leads to his death. Suddenly, he awakens in a mysterious new world, reincarnated as the second son of the Greyrat family and the third younger sibling of Rudeus Greyrat.

TempestNotion · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

Trusting an Intimidating Person

In my past life, I encountered my fair share of intimidating individuals. From childhood bullies to entitled jocks in high school, I never shied away from standing up to them. And then there was the moment when I intervened to rescue someone from a group of thugs, a decision that led to my untimely demise and subsequent reincarnation.

Yet, in this new world, I discovered a whole new level of intimidation.

As I stood before the tall ominous figure with golden Sanpaku eyes, I couldn't help but feel a shiver run down my spine. This individual exuded an aura of raw power and authority that far surpassed anything I had ever encountered before. And as his gaze bore into mine, I couldn't shake the feeling that he saw right through me, piercing through the depths of my soul.

"You... Why aren't you averting your gaze from me?"

His deep voice resonated through the air, making my blood curdle as I struggled to find the right words to respond. But despite the tension gnawing at my insides, I knew I couldn't back down now. If I wanted to survive in this new life of mine, I needed to summon every ounce of courage within me.

Taking a deep breath to steady my nerves, I squared my small body and met his gaze head-on, refusing to cower in the face of his intimidating presence.

"I-I'm very sorry, sir," I stammered, my voice trembling slightly despite my efforts to sound confident. "I didn't mean to offend you by staring at your eyes. We... we're just lost travelers. My friend and I had been searching for help in this strange place."

As I spoke, I gestured towards Nanahoshi, who lay beside me, her breathing weakened from exhaustion. By appealing to his sense of empathy, I'm hoping I could convince him to offer us assistance instead of hostility. 

In response to my action, the man furrowed his brows, seemingly contemplating what I just said to him. He glanced between Nanahoshi and me before his stern expression softened ever so slightly, a hint of curiosity flickering in his eyes.

"Lost travelers, you say?" he echoed, his voice low and rough. "I haven't seen a single person in this land ever since the massive mana disruption that occurred lately. That is... until now."

Hearing his vague statement, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. The notion of magical disturbance ensuing and the people disappearing gave me the chills.

"B-but will you help us find a place to stay, right? After all, it is getting a bit late and my friend can barely walk," I asked tentatively, hoping he would be willing to lend us a hand.

The man narrowed his eyes at my request, his perpetually serious expression making it hard to discern his intentions. After a moment of silence, he turned to observe the setting sun and then glanced back at us, his expression unreadable.

"Very well," he asserted while approaching Nanahoshi. Then without any warning, he picked her up and carried her on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

{"H-hey, put me down! What's going on?! Dante, help me!"} the high school girl protested as she flailed her tired limbs uncontrollably.

Seeing this side of Nanahoshi is kind of entertaining but I should calm her down or else the man will change his mind about helping us. 

{"Nanahoshi, please settle down. the man will find us a place to stay for the night, so hang on tight, okay?"} I reasoned with her, but all she could only do was pout at me.

Reluctantly, she relented and I gestured for the man to guide us to the shelter. He nodded at me and headed to who knows where.


As dusk arrived, the man led us to an ancient-looking stone structure that loomed ominously against the fading light. Its weathered facade and imposing architecture reminded me of the entrance to a dungeon in the video games I used to play.

The gate, adorned with an intricate pattern etched into its surface, stood before us, serving as some seal that hinted at the secrets concealed within. The man placed his hand on the seal and recited some ancient chants before the gate slowly creaked open, revealing a dimly lit corridor beyond.

"Enter," the man commanded, his voice echoing through the space with an air of authority.

Though hesitant, I followed him while he kept carrying Nanahoshi, stepping cautiously into the dimmed passage. As we ventured further, our footsteps reverberated off the stone walls, creating an eerie ambiance that made our skin crawl.

Eventually, we arrived in a wide room with a campfire in the middle, its smoke ascending to a small opening in the ceiling. As we settled in for the night's uneasy rest, the crackling flames danced in the darkness, casting flickering shadows across the ancient stone walls.

{"This place looks creepy. I don't like it in here,"} Nanahoshi complained, her voice filled with unease as she glanced around the dimly lit chamber.

{"I know, it does look unsettling,"} I replied, my own apprehension mirroring hers as I scanned the room for any threat. {"But it's better than being out in the open with no roof. Let's just try to get some rest and figure out our next move in the morning."}

Nananhoshi nodded before she fell asleep near the campfire.

Eventually, the man sat on the other side, staring at us ominously. He seemed to exude an aura of silent watchfulness, his presence both intimidating and strangely comforting at the same time.

"You... Tell me, what language you two were using?" he suddenly interrupted our awkward silence, his deep voice echoing in the chamber.

I hesitated, wondering if it was a good idea to inform him about Japanese. Thus, I vaguely responded, "It is a foreign language from a faraway land."

"Don't lie to me, boy. I traveled the whole world and this is the first time hearing this certain language," the man explained, his eyebrows furrowing in annoyance.

Sweating profusely, I realized that lying wasn't a great idea at all. "I'm sorry, it won't happen again. As for the actual answer, the language is Japanese. It came from another world."

"Another world, huh? Tell me more about it," he pressed onward, demanding more answers.

Feeling a bit nervous, I decided to share a brief overview of the concept of Isekai, explaining to him the notion of being transported from one world to another.

"My companion over here was an example," I gestured to Nanahoshi. "She originated from a place called Japan and due to some odd circumstance, she ended up here."

The man scrutinized us with an intense gaze, his expression unreadable as he absorbed the information. After a moment of silence, he nodded slowly, satisfied with my explanation.

"I see, that information was deemed valuable," he acknowledged. "But what about you, what is your circumstance? How did you come to know the foreign language?"

"Because... I also came from Japan," I confessed to the man. "However, the difference is that I died and got reincarnated as a baby."

Hearing the explanation about my situation, the man furrowed his eyebrows again, seemingly immersed in my genuine narrative.

"If that's the case, who are you?" he interrogated, wanting to know my identity.

Feeling nervous, I hesitated for a moment, considering the implications of revealing my true identity to this enigmatic figure. However, I knew that withholding information wouldn't do us any good, especially if we were to gain his trust and assistance in this strange new world.

Gathering my courage, I took a deep breath and replied, "I am Dante Greyrat."

"Greyrat?" the man was slightly taken aback by my revelation, widening his Sanpaku eyes a bit. Yet, moments later, he regained his composure and continued questioning. "Tell me, who is your father?"

"Paul Greyrat," I responded straightforwardly, causing him to narrow his eyes.

The man then shook his head and asserted, "That's impossible. Paul couldn't possibly have a son. He only has two daughters."

A sense of suspicion arises upon mentioning his name, causing me to contemplate the man's true identity and his connection with my family. But before I could inquire further, he abruptly rose to his feet, his expression unreadable as he stared at me.

"I'll be keeping an eye on both of you. Now, sleep, " he declared ominously as he turned his back on us and began walking away.

However, before he could disappear, I called out to him and asked, "Hey, I told you my name, now tell me yours?"

The man paused in his tracks, his imposing figure silhouetted against the flickering firelight as he turned back to face us. His golden Sanpaku eyes gleamed in the darkness, hinting at depths of knowledge and experience far beyond my own.

He opened his mouth and uttered his name. "I am the Dragon God, Orsted."

After his introduction, he left us in the room, the shadows swallowing him as he vanished into the depths of the ancient structure. With him gone, exhaustion mulled heavily upon me and I succumbed to the call of sleep. 


As I stirred from my slumber, the gentle rays of the morning sun penetrated through the gap in the ceiling, casting a warm glow upon the chamber. Gradually, I opened my eyes only to be greeted by the sight of Nanahoshi nestled beside me, her peaceful feminine form illuminated by the soft light.

Slowly rising to a seated position, I felt the weight of a warm fabric draped over me and my companion, a gesture of unexpected kindness from our enigmatic host. Despite the dreadful circumstances surrounding our meeting with the Dragon God, his actions hinted at a level of consideration that contradicted his imposing demeanor.

"I guess he wasn't so bad after all..."

Carefully freeing myself from the blanket, I turned my attention to Nanahoshi, her youthful features stimulating the morning tranquility. With a gentle touch, I roused her from her sleep, whispering to avoid startling her awake.

{"Psst, Nanahoshi, time to wake up,"} 

Groggily, the high school girl stirred, blinking sleepily as she returned to her consciousness.

{"Hmm... Dante? What time is it?"} 

{"It's morning. We should start getting ready for the day ahead of us."} 

Hearing my response, Nanahoshi paused for a moment before quickly raising her body and darting her eyes in several directions. After frantically scrutinizing her surroundings, she lowered her head and whispered something.

{"Ah, I almost forgot... this was a different world..."}

I could see the realization dawning on her face, the weight of our new reality settling in once again. I offered her a pat on the back and a reassuring smile, trying to give her optimism into our daunting situation.

{"It's going to be okay, Nanahoshi. You're not alone in this dilemma."}

{"Really? I-"}

tap... tap... tap...

Just then, the sound of footsteps echoed from the corridor. Turning towards the entrance, we saw Orsted reappear, his imposing figure filling the doorway. His golden Sanpaku eyes scanned the room, finally resting on us.

"You both slept well, I assume," he stated more than asked, his voice as perpetually serious as before.

I nodded, acknowledging his presence. "Yes, we did. Also, thank you for the blanket."

"Good," Orsted gave a brief nod, his expression stern as he regarded us. "Ready yourselves, you two. We have much to discuss."

I hope my interpretation of the characters were correct

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