
Mushoku Tensei: Angy

Angy, a lazy guy transmigrated in Mushoku Tensei, and he just want to live peacefully. How does that work out?

ZennyWry · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

Chapter 2

It's been 6 months after my transmigration, and I'm loving it, every day is peaceful, though I found out there were monster in the woods nearby, there's a group that subjugates them so I wasn't too nervous

There was also a weird thunderstorm but only in one area and I can see what it borders, I shrugged it of as a normal thing in this world since no one in the village was scared or anything just surprised, I guess it's a rare thing but does happen sometimes

I also found out about magic, I can use magic quite easily, I don't know if this is the advantage or it's easy for everyone, but thanks to it I didn't have to work but for now

I woke up, washed my face, dried it up and went outside to my favorite spot, the tree near my house, as usual I sat down and leaned into it, closed my eyes and slept

But something woke me up in my sleep, Kids,

a brown haired boy and a girl with a short green hair

They were talking on the other side of the tree, don't know if they noticed me, but they're noisy so I made my presence known

"Hey tone it down I'm trying sleep" I said it so they might get surprised and just leave, they were surprised I guess they didn't know I was there

"Ah! where did you come from?" asked the boy

and I answered "I was here sleeping when your voices woke me" I looked at them intensely to try to make them leave, but that didn't work

"I'm sorry for disturbing I'll try to be as quiet as possible, I'm Rudeus by the way, Rudeus Greyrat and my friend here is Sylphy" said Rudeus still had his head down apologizing

I was surprised, well it didn't really looked like it, I still had my bored face and my eyes didn't widen, I showed no sign of being surprised, but I guess this is the most you can surprise me

"Angy" I said before leaning down on the tree and continuing my sleep

I slept for a while then i suddenly woke up wet a hot water hit me, A hot water ball to be exact I looked around me and saw Rudeus and Sylphy practicing magic and the water ball was their doing

My face was red some parts are burned, I looked at them and saw that they looked scared, terrified, I guess it was an accident but damn it hurts

I quickly put my hands close to my face and healed it they were surprised, they're face looking guilty

"We're sorry" they said bowing as low as they can standing

I walked on to them when I was closed enough i flicked their foreheads at the same time with both hands, they looked confused

I just returned to my place leaned on the tree and slept again not even looking back to see what they have to say

thinking of the world I'm in, I guess knowledge is my advantage the teleportation incident will happen and I will let it

I don't want to change anything, that and it's too much trouble, I'm just sad I will have to leave this tree

Ah well there's still 4 years, I think or is it 3, well anyway that's a long way I'll just continue my peaceful life till it happen

And just like that Angy slept without a care in the world