
Multiverse: The True JUSTICE

What would happen if a battle between cosmic entities opened a rift in the sea of ​​souls, and what would happen if he is traveling while fragments of essences join him while he arrives in a world very different from his it is obvious, he will bring true justice and peace to those who deserve it. if you want what happens see the next chapter of Dragon ball Z is a joke but I don't speak English and although I've studied it I don't know so much and I use a lot on the translators and that’s is all, have a good day (please don't judge before reading chapter 11) The image is not my Warning: this story have bad words, and a typical stuff how can happend In a place like Gotham, I am not really sure about written this but I trie to write a good story, yea better I no written more because I fell crazy but the sanity is overrated Yeah is a omniverse story I already have several worlds planned but if you want to make a suggestion do not hesitate to do so First world[my hero academy AU] Second world [my hero academy but the original] Third World[Jujutsu Kaisen] fourth world[??????] fifth world[??????] sixth world[??????] seventh world[??????]

Sans_722 · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

Chapter two: plan in motion (edited)

Author notes:

Hello the people how se this chapter, please tell me about the mistakes in my writing an tell how I can fix it and with that the chapter start


~~~Izuku Midoriya POV~~~

I honestly don't know what to say about my father, the moment I saw him I knew instinctively that he was my father, however, I can hardly remember him.

But from what my mom told me and what I've seen I can say he is a good man who cares about his family and has shown me more love and concern than Batman in his entire life so I decided to trust in him for the moment…..

~~time skip 2 half years~~~~

Well many things have happened that I can say, I have finished my studies and surprised is not a word enough to describe my father, I finished school and got my first university degree, "engineering"

And I'm starting to go for the second title which is "quirk metaphysics"

I have also created quite popular support equipment in the countries that allow them (the countries that do not allow them would be Russia, Japan, China, North and South Korea, etc.)

Like the plasma hamster ball, which is an energy shield but does not cause damage since it occupies energy that goes to another frequency, which imitates a hero's quirk and, as its name says, protects you by being in a ball that can withstand even a blow from 1 and a half tons. There is no problem with the villains having it since the police have a device to turn off the support equipment (due to a certain incident there is a law that prohibits having no way to turn off a support equipment that you sell to the public unless you're selling a hero)

Also my strength has increased and due to my training I continue to improve, I can now load up to 1 ton with relative difficulty, and if I go to the limit up to 1 and a half tons. But the most important thing is that I was able to recreate my spider legs that I used to occupy as superior spider man and from the same material that the hamster ball creates I have created a spider web launcher, however this is more similar to that of Spiderman 2099 from the movie of miles

But aside from my ramblings and the fact that I still haven't managed to get all-blades back.

I am currently on a trip to I-Island with my dad now

"Izuku we are arriving, get ready for the landing" says my dad looking at me exhausted

I look at him with a smile and tell him "calm down dad nothing bad will happen"

"Izuku Midoriya, I have seen how the regenerative serum that you created is capable of regenerating an arm if yes that person is treated correctly for a day, which is much more than any quirk or technology in the world can do and I have seen how that serum does not perfected turned a rat into an animal capable of defeating heroes in one fell swoop" my dad says while looking at me as if I were a crazy scientist

'I'd rather not talk about that rat but I guess even people like me can make mistakes' Izuku reflects upon listening his dad.

"It's just a simple necessary step for humanity and a leap to prove for what I am superior" say Izuku without being affected by technically having 4 personalities

*sigh* "I don't know what to do to lower your ego anymore, first I was worried that you didn't have self-esteem because you didn't have a quirk and now I'm worried that you don't create a miniature sun in your arrogance" he says as if the fact that almost I create monsters to have a serum that only has a temporary regenerative effect (Izuku made sure that no one else who can occupy the permanent version)

While Izuku and hisashi were preparing to get off the plane, certain people were waiting for their arrival.

~~~in I-island~~~

A certain happy 12-year-old girl asks her father "why are you so nervous, dad?"

*sigh* "you may not understand it yet, melissa, but the boy we are going to see may hold the key to bring your uncle back to his prime, and not only that, but he can also cure endless diseases" He says with obvious concern, however, he knows that he must talk about this with his daughter after all, if something is going to happen, she must know what to do.

"Wow I knew it was important but so much, and he's just a kid even younger than me, how did he do that?" Melisa says with some curiosity as she lets her imagination fly towards the infinite things she thinks Izuku could be.

"No one knows but that is why it is feared although as we have seen it is a victim of "cosmic rays" and as you know some of the people who were exposed to this have disorders or are crazy and in the worst case they acquire an extra ability"

Melissa feels a little scared thinking about the guest and says "But it's not dangerous then to see him"

"That's why your uncle will accompany me when I see him. And based on what I know about him, the only thing I can say is that he is the most intelligent person I have ever heard of" says David as he thinks 'and the only person that not even the government wants to mess with'

~~~Izuku POV~~~

'You know it's crazy that on this island they allow quirks to occupy without problems and the guards are scared to death when they check my equipment' "hey be careful with that, you can activate it" said a guard who takes a ball with a futuristic design

The guard staggers deeply and looks at the ball and then looks at Izuku as he says "here sir no problem with your equipment " as he smiles nervously 'obviously David Shield told them something, hehe, it seems he has more wisdom than Reed, but your technology is not good enough to prevent me from doing whatever I want' Izuku thinks as he walks with his dad.

"Don't worry, it's not as if he had a nuclear bomb, I only create a defensive team" a clear lie considering that his spider legs on his back can impale or cut without problems

After taking all his equipment and continuing with his father, Izuku sees the person he wanted to meet "hello sir, I'm Izuku Midoriya and this is my father" say Izuku "and I've come to make a deal with you, as indicated. I would say in antiquity an exchange of knowledge " Izuku says but in this time he doesn't sound so friendly.

David shows no emotion and says "sure young Midoriya, however, I would prefer we see this in a more private place" David says as you walk out of the airport with Izuku and his dad

"Of course sir, lead the way" Izuku says as then he see a man similar to a zombie arrive "hi David sorry for the late, you know the duty calls me always" then the zombie looks to where is Izuku and his father and says "and you must be the young Midoriya and his father, I hope you had a good trip" says the blonde zombie "and where are my manners I introduce myself I am Toshinori Yagi, the secretary of all might" says the zombie while smiling

Izuku looks at him and in his mind he already realizes the situation 'What a fool he is to believe he can fool me when he doesn't even try to disguise himself' Izuku thinks before saying "Hello, Mr. Toshinori, I see that you are the one who needs to receive my treatment, but don't worry as long as they comply with the deal, you can continue being a hero" After saying that, Toshinori loses his composure for a moment, however, David manages to keep his composure.

* Cough ** Cough * "If I think we should get to my office first, don't you think," David says as he regains his composure

"Yes, I agree" says Izuku as we get into David Shield's car

While everyone is super serious on the trip, Izuku's mind goes with a thousand thoughts per second" 'the technology seen in this place is quite advanced, however I don't see revolutionary technology, it's more like they have a wide variety of technology in aesthetics but not so much on the practical issue, however, the fact that this island travels the world shows that it does have good technology and the car that David Shield used while working with All Might is still quite interesting' while I was thinking that they had already reached their destination and everyone got out of the car

Then David looks at everyone and says "my office is in this building" while they see a building bigger than the Eiffel Tower that is apparently the main building on I-Island

Meanwhile, they walk towards David's office. Toshinori asks Izuku a question "So young Midoriya I don't want to sound rude or anything but you don't have any skills that help you with your intelligence"

At that moment Izuku feels a great annoyance and I responded to him on the verge of yelling "I've dealt with more than 10 exams and I've had more than 10 different quirk suppressors and everything says that my intelligence is due to my natural talent and hard work, unlike people who need to be born with something because they are unable to make use of the potential that a human already possesses at his born"

As David gives Toshinori a look not to bring up the traumas Japan inflicts on children, he realizes that he may have touched a sore spot "I'm sorry I dreamed rude young it's just that your feats are pretty incredible"

Meanwhile Hisashi just rolls his eyes and laments for the first time the fact that Izuku is in his egotistical and pride mode

Luckily David steps in and says "please go ahead, this is my office" as everyone walks into a fairly spacious office with a meeting table with lots of chairs.

"Please take a seat sir and young Midoriya says David as he sits in front with Toshinori"

"Well young Midoriya, you mentioned to me that in exchange for having early access to the regeneration serum I was going to have to give you all the data from the gravity ray prototype and the data from the Eraser head quirk, Correct" David says, giving that the price for healing Toshinori will be high

Izuku looks at him with an expressionless face, showing absolutely no emotion and after two seconds he says "Of course, but from what I see you're going to need to cure something of your friend's severity, it's going to cost you more than one serum"

David looks at him in such a way that he can be confused with a robot programmed to just stay still thinking that this will not show weakness and will help in their exchange, however, all he does is make Izuku think in his mind 'ha haha ​​he looks like an npc for God I don't know How can this man be so still and serious at the same time, I don't even hear him breathe, he is right?, it's worrying me'

So it seems that David's programming tells him to continue what he was going to say "what would it take to have what it takes to cure him"

Izuku looks into his eyes as he says "normally I would charge more but because of who you are I'm just going to need the blueprints for the car you used while you were working with Toshinori of heroes and the blueprints for the all might mecha project" (Considering how the All Might suit works I can say that it is very likely that they had a prototype in the past but they probably personified it according to All Might's requests.)

David looks at him slightly terrified because he knows about the mecha project and feels that he is dealing with 3 nezus in one and says "I'll agree as long as you tell me how you got the information"

Izuku looks into his eyes as he allows himself a smile and says "actually it wasn't anyone you have to worry about, I'll just tell you that her name is Alice"

David is not sure whether to trust him but he has no choice in these cases deciding to end this as quickly as possible and takes out a flash drive that comes out directly from the table and tells Izuku "when you heal all might you will have a copy of everything what you asked for so you need a capsule or something" while Toshinori does not know what to do or understand what is happening

Izuko just answers "I don't need anything other than my equipment but Mr. Toshinori being on a stretcher and him not having anything obstructing the wound part would certainly help"

David just nods and tells them "so let's go to my laboratory, it's here next to my office" while everyone arrives and enters David's laboratory

As All Might lays down on the stretcher, Izuku finds himself taking 6 vials out of his suitcase as he says "I would appreciate it if you would give me more space, Mr. David."

David pulls away and says "sure."

Meanwhile, in Izuku's ear, a slightly robotic and somewhat androgyny female voice says "sir, there is a scanner ready to scan the entire body of all might, it is recommended to use a regulation serum so that they cannot obtain any to redo the regeneration serum"

Izuku decides to follow the advice of his AI and takes out one more serum from his suitcase, to which David looks suspiciously, for which Izuku only says "this is a regulation serum, just a precaution and it serves to Mr. Toshinori's body does not get uncomfortable ,get sick and adapt faster without any consequences"

Izuku after finishing his explanation proceeds to do the regeneration treatment.

~~~45 minutes later~~~

"Well how do you feel sir all might" Izuku says as he packs his things

All might doesn't know what to say when he sees his body completely healed and for the first time in more than a year he can be in top shape without getting tired

"I know I'm doing a very good job but I recommend that you try to get used to it little by little for at least a week, before you can become a hero again" Izuku says as he walks towards the exit

David looks at him and says "a deal is a deal" as he hands him the USB.

"Thank you Mr. David and I hope you have a good day but if you'll excuse me I have a flight to go with my father" Izuku says as he leaves with his father

~~~ end of the chapter~~~

Author notes and that's is all of this chapter, this chapter is ver difficult for me because I need write about 4 persons and try to explain who Izuku do in this time and for the case is don't really good explaining Alice is the name of the A.I of Izuku and the reason is because I never see an A.I whith that name, have a good day