
Multiverse Exploration

Our mc is just flowing through life no hope of getting out of his mediocre life until one night he is walking home when he reached his door and goes to open it. As soon as he is through the door he gets a massive head ace splitting. He drops to his knees hoping it will be over soon. He had no idea how right he was. Join us on an adventure with him I dont have a editor, I would appreciate constructive criticism I OWN NOTHING Besides MC

resistingsea · その他
44 Chs

Fallen father

I chuckled at the letter in front of me It would seem that looking back at Millicent "So you want to go and meet his parents?" I asked her getting serious I dont want her to say what she thinks I want her to say, I want her honest opinion. Which is why I am asking so abruptly. She sits there fidgeting with her hands.

I can tell what she is thinking I have known her since she got back from training with the black sisters I can tell what most of my girls are thinking. I cant help but sigh at how sad she is right now. "Want some good news while you think it over?" She perked up at good news.

She reluctantly nodded her head not getting her hopes up. "Well it would see that you are the last Blustrode so now all of your fathers lands and titles fall to you it would seem your father got drunk. The old drunk fell down the stairs in his house.." before I can continue she jumps up and down in happiness. I give a slight smile and cough to bring her back to reality.

"As I was saying he fell down the stairs and was so drunk he climbed the stairs again and fell....again and again. From what I have gathered he fell and broke his body so much that it took unspeakables to do some tests on the body to figure out his identity. After this revelation I called in the goblins and I have been having all of your property's placed on lock down and had private experts go in and clean up the places. Restoring, putting up new wards, enchantments, and the last but not least they have found books on your family magics which I have not touched besides to bring here to you." As I explain to her that we have found books on her family magics she breaks down in tears.... hopefully happy tears.

I still cannot tell if a woman is crying because she is upset or not and like fuck if i am going to touch it with a ten foot pole. So I do the next best thing.... I call in other lady's to deal with it. I walk back into their section of the house. Knocking on the shared living room of theirs after a minute the door opens to reveal Sue I look her up and down. "Millicent is crying in the meeting room deal with it please." She gained a knowing look giving me a death glare..... not dealing with that for now.

Walking away while shrugging my shoulders I head into my office to reread the meeting Lord Krum asked for about a meeting between me my slaves and his family I can guess what the meeting is going to be about. One either Viktor is going to try and convince his family to try and 'free' Millicent from me which as long as they can pay off her houses debt she is in the clear.

Two he already convinced his family and is trying to gain my approval which he already unknowingly has after that first meeting I have had several background checks on him all have come back positive …. mostly all was fine except on thing about his mother being a ex-thrill seeker. One thing she did was kill a troll.... with only her hands. Not fucking with her at all, I could do that but I am a devil which she is only a human Imagine that.

Looking back into the file on my desk I see a picture of her and a description 4'1" 103 pounds soaking wet with a full bladder and she killed a troll.. fucking what? this has to be a mistake. Looking over his fathers file High up in the Ministry which is good has tight connections with a few key players in America which is nice. Interesting It turns out that he is a very distant relative to Hagrid's. Sixth cousins or something like that on his fathers side. The crazy fucker who had sex with a fifty foot giantess.

Just thinking on that I cant help but shudder even if you have a horse cock you could not even satisfy a giant woman unless you shoved his whole body inside of her... now that is a though. Fuck now I cant get the mental picture of a Hagrid look alike getting shoved inside of a giantesses pussy. While she yells for him to take a breath..... *shudder* Reaching over to my hidden compartment I take a giant *shudder* swig of Fire Whisky to drown out my previous thoughts... I need a adult.

I feel a lot better about that now. After I am done I hear a soft knock on the door. "Come in." I called out to the door after another quick swig hiding the bottle inside of the desk. Looking up as the door is opened and Sue walks in on her shoulder is a line of snot with wet spots on her robe and behind her her is a red eyed and snot covered Millicent.

"Well did you get it out of your system and can now talk to me?" I asked genuinely concerned that she would cry again and I would have to enact my extraction plan alpha... which is fuck off out of here while I can. She sniffles a few more time before she straightens her spine "I would like to agree to a meeting with the Krum family." I nodded along as she spoke gaining a ghost of a smile.

"Well you can contact him directly but dont tell them where we live I will write to his father and set up a meeting with the man myself. You can talk to Viktor or his mother what was her name?" I asked myself trying to think on it. After thinking on it and still drawing up a blank I shrug on it. "Alright off you two go we have school starting soon. I have gained access to Portkey into the school its self without dealing with the needless testes every year." They nodded bowed and walked out not before closing the door.

Thinking over a reply to Lord Krum....

A/N: Hope you liked the chapter thanks for reading