
Multiracial Chat Group

Post-breakup, life takes an unexpected turn for our protagonist. He ends up in this quirky 'Multiracial Chat Group,' where folks from distant planets hang out. Amidst banter, muted talks, and some cosmic missions, the journey becomes this mix of figuring himself out and dealing with the unexpected. Picture reality getting a bit blurry, things getting whimsically absurd, and the story unfolding with a good dose of humour, cosmic mysteries, and the kind of camaraderie that turns ordinary days into something quite extraordinary.

Im_jealous · 都市
25 Chs

Zhang Ziyi


Name: Li Xian

Race: Human

Lifespan: 80 years.

Stat Points: 0

Cultivation: None (0/100) (+) [ Exp required for next level]

Martial Skills: None.

Items: Orion martial techniques.

Missions: Not activated.

Strength Rating: Can lift a chicken and Can move like a Snail (Weak as twig)

Looking at his stats, Li Xian feels a bit confused about how it all works. What exactly are these stat points, the experience bar, and the missions section? And what does it take to activate it?

And what exactly is this rating? Why is it so brutal with it's remarks?

He considers asking Travis, their squad leader, or discussing it with others in the group. However, after hesitating for a moment, he decides to deal with it later.

"Let's practice for now and see how it goes. If I still can't figure things out by evening, I'll just ask. It might be awkward to throw out too many questions when everyone else is in the same boat."

Immediately after standing up, he promptly sat back down, feeling his stomach weigh heavily, accompanied by a wry smile.

'Hm! I think I should hold off for at least an hour. If I attempt these strange poses now, everything I've eaten will probably end up everywhere.'

"Well, since I can't practice for now, let's go ahead and book tickets to New Zealand."

Li Xian thought for a moment, then quickly opened his phone and searched on Baidu for places where Lilly flowers grow. After some checking, he found a mountain called Kohukohunui, about 40 kilometers from a city called Auckland.

He looked up Auckland and learned it's the biggest city in New Zealand. Surprisingly, he'd never heard of it before, making him feel a bit embarrassed.

Li Xian then went on various flight booking sites, finally grinning at himself for being so thorough. But seeing that the cheapest ticket was around 4500 yuan stung a bit—it's almost a tenth of his savings.

After a short pause, he decided to go for it, thinking about the points he'd earn from the experience, and booked a ticket to Auckland for the day after tomorrow.

Choosing not to fly out tomorrow, he wanted an extra day to get ready since he didn't know much about New Zealand. Prepping himself, especially with his not-so-great English, seemed like a good idea.

After completing his booking, Li Xian left the room and took care of the dishes, while Chen Dong and Kang Li were immersed in their show. Li Xian casually approached them and settled down beside them.

"Hey, Old Chen, Old Kang, do any of our classmates, friends, or your relatives live in Auckland city?"

Li Xian asked in a nonchalant manner, pretending to be engrossed in the show.

"Auckland city? I've never heard of that place. Where is it?"

Kang Li responded, looking confused. Chen Dong, putting the remote aside, shot a glance at Li Xian with a hint of sarcastic curiosity.

'Poor Old Kang! He's like me, not well-versed in this area.'

Li Xian thought, feeling a bit sorry for Kang Li. Nervously, he turned to Chen Dong, sensing that this sharp individual might already be suspicious. Nevertheless, he knew he had to inform them.

He felt a twinge of embarrassment about sharing this news, especially after their morning conversation about focusing on their professions and lives. Now, in the evening, he was about to reveal his plans to take leave and explore New Zealand.

"Why ask about Auckland now? Did you hear that Zhang Ziyi is there? You just broke up with Ji Yan yesterday, Old Li. Are you in heat or something?"

Chen Dong questioned, his tone laced with a bit of sarcasm, surprising both Kang Li and Li Xian. Li Xian couldn't help but smile wryly, thinking about the graceful figure from their college days.

Li Xian's expression briefly contorted into an awkward look. However, it swiftly transformed into a more resolute demeanour.

"Well, I'll be frank with both of you guys. I genuinely have no clue about Zhang Ziyi being there. Even if she is, I don't think it matters much. The truth is, I'm planning a trip there. I need this break to sort out my emotions. I've already booked a flight ticket and will apply for leave tomorrow. My flight is scheduled for the day after tomorrow. I know we discussed concentrating on our careers, but..."

Before Li Xian could finish his explanation, Chen Dong cut him off.

"Alright! You just want to say you want some personal space for yourself. It's not like it's a bad thing... It's just going to such a far away place with the measly savings you have. It's like wasting all your savings... Why not choose to travel either in-country or to a country closer to us? What do you say, Kang?"

Chen Dong believed that Li Xian was heading to New Zealand to distance himself from the emotions of his recent breakup. What he couldn't understand is why Li Xian chose New Zealand, a more expensive destination than their current location.

"Ah? First, tell me where he is going, and also, I think it's good for Old Li. It doesn't matter even if it's a long journey."

Kang Li responded.

"Old Kang, I'm going to New Zealand."

Li Xian clarified.

"Alright, alright, it doesn't matter now. Since you've already booked the flight, canceling the ticket would just be a waste of cancellation charges. And as for your earlier question, only Zhang Yiyi is there now, and I think she'll come back in at most a week. If you want..."

Chen Dong cut off Kang Li, who was about to say something. Then, Li Xian interrupted him before he could finish his sentence.

"Never mind! You know how busy she will be, and I don't think we are close enough to ask her for this kind of help. I'll be able to manage myself somehow."

Li Xian said, imagining the exquisite beauty from his college days. Though they were all in the same class, she was the star of the entire college. Even though they shared a class, the amount of interaction these three had with her was less than their entire coursework.

After her graduation, she pursued a career in the film industry, and now she was already a rising star. Many predicted that she would become an A-list actress in at most two more years.

There was a WeChat group for their class, with Chen Dong and Kang Li, along with Li Xian. Kang Li wouldn't bother much with the group, but Chen Dong was quite active and usually chatted a lot there.

Li Xian, on the other hand, used to message a bit at the start. However, after some time, he felt irritated with their endless chatter and muted the chat notifications.

"Off to New Zealand to 'manage yourself somehow' with your English, Li Xian?"

Chen Dong remarked, his tone carrying a note of concern.

"Just a bit skeptical about the language barrier, mate. You know how important clear communication is."

Kang Li, picking up on the more serious tone, nodded in agreement while Li Xian met Chen Dong's gaze with a questioning look.

Chen Dong continued.

"Old Li, but New Zealand isn't exactly around the corner. Just hoping you won't find yourself in a communication challenge over there."

Li Xian listened to his friends concerns and felt warm. 

"It's alright! I'll manage it. Hm! You guys continue with your show; I'm going out for a short walk in the park."

After saying that, Li Xian left, under the watchful eyes of both Chen Dong and Kang Li, who only looked away after he was out of sight, returning their attention to the show.

"Hm! Should we message in the group and see if Ziyi might be able to help him somehow?" Kang Li suggested.

"No! Leave it, since he doesn't want. Let him experience it by himself; it will also be a kind of adventure that will help with his emotions."

Chen Dong said after thinking for a moment, before refocusing on the show. Kang Li also nodded in understanding and turned his attention back to the screen.