
Chapter 5: White Room (4)


As the sun rose in the morning sky, Kiyotaka Ayanokoji and I stood outside the gates of our new primary school, embarking on a significant day together. While I had experienced this before in my previous life, Kiyotaka, having never left the White Room, was stepping into an entirely new and unfamiliar environment.

Kiyotaka maintained his composed demeanor, scanning the surroundings with a reserved and analytical gaze. This new setting must have been a stark contrast to the controlled environment he was accustomed to. My calm demeanor couldn't hide the sense of responsibility I felt towards him, knowing he was bravely stepping into the unknown.

Unable to contain my excitement, I grinned at Kiyotaka, hoping to lighten the atmosphere. "Hey, Kiyotaka, this is going to be a new adventure for you! Don't worry; I'll be here to support you every step of the way."

He nodded, offering a small, appreciative smile. "Thank you, Satoru. I appreciate your support."

Together, we entered the schoolyard, where the sound of children playing and laughing filled the air. A glimmer of curiosity appeared in Kiyotaka's eyes as he observed the vibrant energy of the place.

The headmaster greeted us warmly, specifically acknowledging Kiyotaka. "Welcome, Satoru and Kiyotaka! We're delighted to have two geniuses like you join us today, and I hope you enjoy your time here."

"Thank you, sir," I replied, shaking the headmaster's hand confidently.

Kiyotaka followed suit, offering a polite bow. "Thank you for having us."

As we were led to our respective classrooms, a mix of nostalgia and excitement enveloped me. Although not my first time in primary school, memories of my previous life flooded back, reminding me of the friends I had made and the knowledge I had gained.

In my classroom, I found an empty seat and settled in comfortably, knowing what to expect. The atmosphere was lively, and I quickly engaged with my new classmates, sharing stories and making connections.

Kiyotaka, however, seemed more reserved in his classroom. The students were focused on their studies, and he took a seat near the window, embracing the calmness of the environment.

As the day progressed, my outgoing nature naturally drew the attention of my classmates, and I found myself easily making friends. Kiyotaka, while reserved, earned admiration through his intelligence and performance in class, even if unintentional, as he was still in the process of adjusting to the social norms. He stood out as different, yet his capabilities garnered respect and curiosity among his peers.

During lunchtime, I sought out Kiyotaka in the schoolyard. My calm demeanor aimed to provide comfort as I asked, "Kiyotaka, how are you feeling about your first day?"

"It's an intriguing experience," Kiyotaka replied, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and uncertainty. "Different from what I'm used to, but I think I can adapt."

I nodded, fully comprehending the significance of this change for him. The White Room had been his only reality until now, and stepping into an entirely different world must have been both exhilarating and daunting.

As his friend, I wanted to ensure he felt supported and encouraged. "You'll do great, Kiyotaka. Remember, I'm here for you every step of the way."

Throughout the day, I kept an eye on Kiyotaka, observing how he interacted with his new surroundings. His analytical mind allowed him to swiftly grasp the dynamics of the school, but I could sense that he was still holding back. Despite the challenges of this new environment, he remained composed, not showing any signs of nervousness.

As the school day drew to a close, Kiyotaka's father arrived in a sleek van to pick him up. The stern tone in his father's voice indicated that his time in the outside world had come to an end, at least for the moment.

"Kiyotaka, it's time to go back to the White Room," his father stated, his expression carrying authority.

Kiyotaka nodded, acknowledging the reality of his situation. With a lingering gaze, he turned to me, and in his eyes, I could see a blend of gratitude for our friendship and melancholy at the thought of parting ways.

"Satoru, thank you for everything. You've been an incredible friend," he said with sincerity, his words touching my heart.

A bittersweet smile graced my lips as I responded, "You're welcome, Kiyotaka. I'll see you tomorrow."

As Kiyotaka climbed into the van, a final wave was exchanged between us, and I watched, feeling a heavy tug in my heart, as it drove away, taking him back to the controlled environment of the White Room.

But at that moment, I knew I wasn't alone. My family approached me, their warm smiles reflecting the depth of our bond and understanding of how much Kiyotaka meant to me. They had witnessed our friendship blossoming in a short time, and they, too, felt a connection to him.

"Satoru, let's go home," my mother said, her hand gently resting on my shoulder, offering comfort and reassurance as we left the school behind.

In the days that followed, I watched with fascination as Kiyotaka adapted to the new environment. His analytical mind proved invaluable, swiftly grasping the dynamics of the school and its social intricacies.

As the weeks went by, I noticed a gradual change in him – his reserved nature began to soften, and he started interacting more with his classmates. Our bond grew stronger, and I found myself cherishing our friendship even more.