When the 20-year old traumatized, nerdy Seyoo Hazano met the uber handsome but arrogant Rhyu Umona, she really thinks that fate hates her to the core. He is loud, arrogant, too sexy for his own good and always ruin her somewhat peaceful albeit lonely day--- basically all the things that she hates about men is with this guy. Her vow to herself and her deceased mother to never speak again is threatened to be broken because of this infuriating guy whose ultimate joy in life is to make her maniacally angry to kill him. join us in their journey of struggles, sorrow and comedic love-hate relationship of Ms. Mute and Mr. Arrogant...
14-year old Seyoo Hazano is doing her final preparation for her speech inside the small room of their auditorium. She is composed and very neat looking in her black sleeveless dress, ponytailed hair, make-up free face and 2 -inches black wedge shoes. Though she is hushed, her eyes are shining while skimming the paper in her hand. She cannot contain her enthusiasm that at last, her mom Lucy can see how awesome her beloved daughter is. As she did a quick glance at her valedictory speech, she breathes deep, long and slow to calm her excited nerves.
Seyoo Hazano or as schoolmates called her, the charming encyclopedia, is considered as the most talented student of Geekin National High and one of the youngest graduating senior high school. Seyoo is believed to get into the pretigious Ishagahu Academy, the number one uni for the most talented individuals of their country. Not only is she musically inclined, she also excels in academics and sports and everybody in her school loves her. Everybody from the school guard up to the principal of their school knows her well. Being the talented school darling that she is, students and teachers alike think that Seyoo befits to be in the best university in college.
She has a lot of admirers but never did she show that she is above all. She is very cool and kind towards her classmates and teachers. Junior students consider her as their idol and her batchmates treat her with respect and admiration because she is the meaning of a total package: Looks, attitude and intelligence.
A knock on the door interrupted her from her speech's final revision and practice . Seyoo checks her wristwatch and notice that a good 10 minutes have passed already and it is almost time for the commencement exercise.
Another knock will be heard before someone peaked inside the room--- a cute bobby-haired girl in red cadet uniform talks to her in modulated voice.
"Ms. Seyoo, Principal Chiang asks me to call you"
"Thank you, yes i will head there right now" said the smiling Seyoo.
"Welcome everybody." one of the lively emcees loudly announce.
"To our beloved parents, guardians, guests and students here today, we welcome and congratulate you that at last another batch of GeekinHigh will be stepping in this stage as highschool graduates. This 2013 commencement exercise is one of THE proudest moment of our school because our batch valedictorian has successfully topped the entrance exam in the whole country and is offered a full scholarship grant in Ishagahu Academy. Please welcome her on stage, Ms. Seyoo Hazano!"
"Wooooooo"a heartwarming clap and whoop followed as Seyoo emerge behind the curtain of the stage.
"Seyoo, we love you!!!"
She had a big smile plaster on her lovely face as she walks towards the podium. Her excitement is palpable. Seyoo instantly affects the students' feelings at that moment. At last, this is the moment that they're all waiting for. They are all ready! Their claps and shouts came out lovelier and livelier than ever...