
Chapter 1: I regretted falling in love

Love that is the most foolish act at all, furthest removed from scholastic endeavors.

She curse herself falling in love after she do everything to take care of the relationship that she even sacrifices all after 5 years of lovey dovey of her life she lost all hope to love, and think she doesn't deserve love, Teruya Yuko waited to the ticketing booth broken heart she was holding her tears back to avoid center of attention of people around her if she starts crying by herself people might think she's crazy or something.

They were supposed to be spend their long holiday in the famous beach resort in the city after working like crazy to save money for this trip, but perhaps the word called 'fate' bring her here alone all by her luggage beside her, if she wasn't a fool believing to all sweet talks of her boyfriend to her she wouldn't hurt like this, did she do any bad things to suffer like this? She give it all even dedicate herself to work hard just to sustain the all needs of that man.

She work for him for 5 years like a fool and believe to his lovey dovey act when she is around, 5 years of her life was wasted in work only to find out that the man she dedicate her life thinking he is the prince charming that the fate brought to her, only to find out that bastard man was slept around behind her back and use all her money, he really did manage to fool her for so long, that she didn't even notice it.

Why she didn't sense it before? Because she was blinded of all the act of love or just she's being just naïve believing to that act all this time?

They didn't have much time together because she thought they both busy working saving money for the future that someday they will get married and have family that's her dream for so long with that man, but that life time dream shattered into pieces just like a glass crash into floor and shattered into million pieces. They stop meeting each other because he said he needs to over time to work to earn more money and get early promotion, she believe all of that, she even proud to him for being a hard working.

But NO! he don't over time on the job he didn't even want more money, why he has to work more and earn money more if he was being provided for?, only foolish man work hard even if they being provided in everything.

He only over time to the girl he is seeing, while she is working hard for him, he is busy taking her to dinner, while she is spending her night alone, he even came home late because he was over time sex to her.

Love is terrifying, it can make anyone fool and blind.

Teruya Yuko felt like crying and dying, they had known each other college, and spend most of her time with to only know that he was cheating to her and even worst with her one and only friend that she even treated her as her sister. She couldn't believe that those two betrayed her while she given all her trust to them. Sandy Hammond was the one ask her or rather than force her to date Brian Graham, she felt that she just being used like a child holding a toy after they have enough they just going to cast that toy out just like nothing happen.

She even specifically ask for a one week day off wanting to spend more time with him, but only to find out that she would be surprise when she comes home without notice.

When she enter their apartment that she was share with boyfriend it was quiet and there is a massive mess, clothes scattered around the apartment, canned bears and garbage's she even clean it before going up stairs to surprise her boyfriend that she miss so much, but she is the one who get surprise.

The moment she was standing in the door of their room she can a girls voice moaning in pleasure, she was in disbelief thinking maybe her boyfriend just watching some adult video she open the door and found out that there is a girl wrap to her boyfriend body.

She was stunned on what she is seeing and uncontrollable tears fall to her small face as she stares at the two still tangled in each other in shock, if Teruya Yuko was shock on what she just witness, they more even surprise for the sudden appearance of that girl in front of them just like a atomic bomb explode in the moment they her standing in the door, the pleasure they were feeling earlier turn into horror.

To save herself to more pain she slammed the door, grab her luggage she ran outside and called a taxi, she can hear two voice, yes voice of her beloved boyfriend and best friend calling her name, but she didn't listen to them. What she can get if she hear out there explanation, that she got the wrong idea? That her best friend just give pleasure to her boyfriend on her behalf? Bullshit! Her best friend is the most delicate and understanding in whole earth giving pleasure in someone boyfriend just for her behalf.

But all she see is enough to explain that he and her best friend has a relationship, she wasn't blind or just hallucinating it was clear as day light that they both feeling the pleasure while devouring each other.

She can her a man voice screaming "Yuko let me explain, you got the wrong idea!"

She ask the taxi to stop for a bit and the taxi stops she open the window of the taxi and shouted "What kind of explanation you want to tell? That you just testing your new box of condoms in my best friend? Why don't you go back there and continue what you do?" she shouted without caring on her surrounding and then she ask the driver to drive her to the port.

"Miss you ticket please" the woman in front of her made a gesture to broke Teruya Yuko in her thought, "I would like to refund this ticket" she ask the teller. "Is that alright? I accidentally brought two"

After Teruya Yuko refund her ticket and boarded the ship, the ship will bring the passenger to the famous beach resort in the city, after boarding the ship she immediately went straight to her room and lock herself, her cell phone keeps ringing for entire time after she left the apartment, she just ignore the call she out her cell phone in silent mode and rest herself on the bed feeling tired to the event she saw tears falling again in her small face thinking the betrayal of her best friend and her boyfriend to her 'I regretted falling in love to you' that's the last work come out to her mouth before falling asleep.

hey guys this is my first novel and I know I'm. bad at writings but bare with me Hehe leave a comment about my novel.. thank you

shalltearcreators' thoughts