
Mr Celebrity’s Hidden Wife

“I really want Diana to be my daughter_in_law,so am thinking of getting her engaged....”Leo cuts in “What to who?Liam,you know that guy is always busy and you’re arranging a fiancée for him”Leo chuckled. “Am not talking about Liam am talking about you,I want you and Diana to get married”. Making Leo’s face twist in anger and that was the beginning of an unwanted marriage. *************** DIANA, an orphan who knows nothing about her family suddenly became mr celebrity’s wife when she saved his grandma. LEONARD SMITHS,a famous rockstar and actor who love being a playboy but was suddenly tied in a loveless marriage. ******** Find out how they conquered all battles in the story.

Success_M_041 · ファンタジー
38 Chs

Chapter Seven.


I drove out of the presidential house in anger,how could Grandma set me up with that girl she brought home. We don't even know if she's telling the truth about not having a family or not,we don't even know if she have some secret motives;who knows if she's one of father's rival spy sent to get some information on us but I can't say no to grandma. I love her so much that I can do anything for her even if its cost my happiness but I can't marry that girl;she's a nobody and am popular,okay I know what to do!.


"Okay grandma I will do it" I said with a sign,after contemplating for three days I've made a decision.

"Do what?"she asked like she don't know what I was talking about.

"Grandma you know what am talking about,I will do it. I'll get married to her" I pinched the tip of my nose when I mentioned *her*.

"Really" She asked excitedly and I was happy she was smiling again even if it means sacrificing my own happiness.

"Yes but I have a condition" I said and her face returned to normal without the smile.

"What condition?" she asked and I opened my mouth to speak but she interrupted me.

"Oh I can't wait for your wedding;it will be the grandest wedding the world has ever seen,oh Diana will be treated as royalty with an imported custom gown,glittering heels and tiara" She gushes having that dreamy looks in her eyes while I rolled. *She would be more like a Cinderella*i thought and snickered.

"Grandma you haven't listen to my condition"

"Oh sorry go on"I breathe out loudly before saying "I don't want a wedding" Silence.one second,two seconds,three seconds and finally she lashes out.

"What do you mean you don't want a wedding,what is a wedding without a wedding"she yelled and I cleared my throat which has suddenly become sore.

"Grandma it's actually a marriage without a wedding"I corrected only to receive a spank on my back.

"Shut up nardy,why don't you want a wedding?"

"Grandma I can't explain,I have promised you that I will get married to and I will do it all am asking is that there should be no wedding,I will get married to her on papers.i don't want the world to know getting married and she won't be seen close to me in public,that's my condition grandma"after few minutes she spoke up

"Fine and you are signing that marriage certificate tomorrow"WTF!

"G..grandma I can't do it tomorrow I've a music video shoot tomorrow and besides isn't too early,we don't even know each other yet I think you should take it forward grandma"I wiped my sweaty hands on my trousers.

"A day after tomorrow and whatever you have to do that day should be on hold or sorted out"she stood and went to the garden while I left the room.


NICOLE (Liam and Leonard's Mum)

"Hey pretty,how are you?"I asked smiling.

"Good day Mrs smiths"Jenna greeted making my smile widen.

"Zoey your daughter is getting more pretty everyday"i said to my friend "zoey".

"Well what can I say she took that trait from me"Zoey boasted and I nodded,true Zoey is really beautiful,back in college she was the most beautiful girl who drew attention from the guys and to be frank I was pretty jealous even if I was still pretty. Zoey and I have come a long way,she is actually my best best best best friend and I would really love it if we become in-laws,winks,you know what I mean.

"Jenna dear do you have a boyfriend"I asked and was praying for a negative answer,she blushed and shook her head "no ma"

"That's Good,I have a very serious question and I want you to answer truthfully"I stared at her and she gave me the go ahead look. "Okay,do you like my son Leonard?"this time her face was a beet red from blushing and I know I've gotten my answer.

"Yes aunt,I do like Leo"awwwwn I love this baby voice of hers.

"Alright you can go back to whatever you were doing"she nodded and walked upstairs.

"What's was all that questions for Nicole"Zoey asked and i smiled.

"Because I would like Jenna for my Leo and I want us to be in-laws,you know Jenna is really close to Jeanne and they act like sisters but how about we make them sister-in-law instead"I raised my eyebrows in a suggestive manner.

"But Leo does not like Jenna"she said and I frowned thinking.

"Don't worry about Leo,he's my son and I know what's best for him. Oh! I can't wait for Jeanne to come back gosh I miss her craziness and Leo doesn't say no to her"I winked at her.

"Okay,but when are we setting them up on a date"Zoey asked.

"Next week will be perfect"I told her smiling.


I got home and was surprised to see everyone in the living room,What's going on.

"Honey come sit,we have been waiting for you"Louis said and I sat next to him giving him the *what happened*looks but he just shrugged.

"Since everyone is here I have an announcement"Mum paused then continued "Leonard and Diana are getting married a day after tomorrow"WTF,please tell me this woman isn't serious.

"What,that will never happen Mum,I can't let my Leo get married to this gold digging bitch"I yelled glaring at the bitch who was sitting at the far end of the living room.

"Nicole you will watch your mouth,I can't be here and you are screaming and insulting my grand daughter like this. I've said what I want and am saying it again Leonard and Diana are getting married and there's nothing anyone can do about that"Mum said with a final tone and have I said I hate it when she speaks with that hard tone that leaves no room for negotiation. Specks for coming from a family of armies. I'm never letting that girl be my daughter-in-law.

"Dad you are in support of this"I asked looking at him.

"Yes Nicole and Diana is not a gold digging bitch like you called her"he said and my mouth was wide open in shock. What was I expecting,he has been pussy whipped since he got married to her.

"Why can't anybody see that she's putting on that holy innocent face so you will all believe her. Why can't you see that she planned everything just to come into our family who knows if she's working with those thugs that attacked mum and now knowing she's from an affluent family like ours she is just in for the money. I'm not going to take her as my daughter-in-law she's nothing but a commoner and an orphan,she had no family dad. You don't want to tarnish this family reputation by getting this thing married to one of the heirs of the smiths family,she's nothing......."Leo interrupts me while the wh*re was crying.

"Mum that's enough,you have said enough. I've agreed to it already so can you please stop this drama"

"Leonard I know you don't know what you are saying,think about it son you can't get married to her she will ruin your social life,she is not educated,she is an illiterate, are you telling me you want to get married to her and remember you are the one getting married not your grandma,Leonard what about your childhood friend Jenna huh?"

"Mum I really like Jenna"he said making me smile I guess this will be easy after all.

"But as a friend,I don't have any emotional feelings for her;I love her the same way I love Jeanne so if you are doing all these because you thought i love Jenna then please stop because I don't love her"he said and walked out.

No,no,no,no,Leo must get married to Jenna not that sl*t,I threw a glare at her before going upstairs.